/PM0/3FW_CHK_MESS - Meldungen des Modell-Checkers

The following messages are stored in message class /PM0/3FW_CHK_MESS: Meldungen des Modell-Checkers.
It is part of development package /PM0/3FW_MESSAGES in software component FS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Message Classes for Workplace".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Channel model &1 for entity &2 does not exist
002Channel model &1 does not exist for persistence service &2
003Channel model &3 of subcontroller &1 (channel ID &2) does not exist
004Entity model for subcontroller node &1 &2 does not exist
005Process model &1 for application-wide command &2 does not exist
006Assgnd subcontrol. model &3 for proc. node &2 (P-Mod: &1) does not exist
007F4 help node &1 &2 does not have a subcontroller node as parent
008BOC link P: &1 C: &2 in model &3 does not have a predecessor link
009Persistent service for strategy &1 does not exist
010Process node for model-wide command &1 does not exist
011Successor process node &2 for node &1 in model &3 does not exist
012Process context of subcontroller node &1 does not exist
013Subcontroller node &1 &2 does not have a predecessor node
014Predecessor process node &1 of node &2 in model &3 does not exist
015Assigned subprocess for process node &1 &2 does not exist
016Assigned system dialog for process node &1 &2 does not exist
017Extension group &1 &2 does not exist
018Strategy &1 does not have a predecessor link
019Channel model node &1 does not exists (subchannel)
020Texts not maintained. Run cleanup function
021No subcontroller node exists for dialog variant &1 &2
022No subcontroller model exists for GUI status variant &1 &2
023Appropriate subcontroller model does not exist for BSP model node &1
024No BSP model node exists for BSP view node &1 &2
025Appr. subcont. node does not exist for BSP view node &1 (channel ID: &2)
026No application-wide command exists for batch command &1
027No channel modle node exists for data exclude &1 &2
028No channel model node exists for data include &1 &2
029Appropriate subcontroller model does not exist for screen model &1
030No channel model node exists fro include attribute &1 &2
031No process context exists for controller command &1 &2
032No BO model exists fro link &1 &2
033No entity model exists for entity link P:&1 C:&2
034No entity model &4 exists for BOC link BO mod:&1 P:&2 C:&3
035No persistence model exists for mapping &1
036No process model exists for process node &1 &2
037Start command &1 of TA &2 is not an application-wide command
038No channel model node exists for subchannel &1 &2
039No model node exists for subcontroller node &1 &2
040No process context exists for system dialog &1
041No screen model node exists for view node &1 &2
042Appropriate Subcontroller node does not exist for view node &1 &2
043No process model exists for model-wide command &1
044No channel model node exists for transient attribute &1 &2
045No channel model node exists for attribute property &1 &2
046No application exists for extension group &1
047No process node exists for process node variant &1 &2
048No preceding link for strategy &1
049No application exists for transaction &1
050No persistence model exists for enhanced relationship &1
100Model(s) checked successfully
101Errors in Customizing DDIC rule &1 cannot be found
200Class does not exist. &1:&2, field:&3, content:&4
201Package does not exist. &1:&2, field:&3, content:&4
202Program does not exist. &1:&2, field:&3, content:&4
203&1:&2 (screen assignment) screen: &4 does not exist (field:&3)
204Structure does not exist. &1:&2, Field:&3, content:&4
205DTEL does not exist. &1:&2, field:&3, content:&4
206Impermissible value &1; &1:&2, field &3
230Errors in Customizing. for CHECKER. field: &1 does not exist in table &2
300In model &1, event command does not exist as a model-wide command
301No node &3 exists in model &1 for CMD &2
302Node &1 in model &2 is not attainable
303Init. access command &2 does not exist as model-wide command in model &1
304Initial access command is empty in model &1
320CHECK: &1 object &2 is used more than once. By &3 and &4
501BO exception manager class &1 for application &2 does not exist
502BO factory class &1 for application &2 does not exist
503BO manager class &1 of application &2 does not exist
504BO manager class &1 of application &2 does not exist
505Process exception manager class &1 of application &2 does not exist
506BP hook class &1 for application &2 does not exist
507Process manager class &1 for application &2 does not exist
508Process manager class &1 for application &2 does not exist
509Process model manager class &1 for application &2 does not exist
510Subcontroller fact class &1 for application &2 does not exist
511DBC class &1 for application &2 does not exist
512DB acc. exc. manager class &1 for application &2 does not exist
513Data access manager class &1 for application &2 does not exist
514DMADB service class &1 for application &2 does not exist
515Metamodel exec. manager class &1 for application &2 does not exist
516Redefined DB service class &1 for application &2 does not exist
517Tools exec. manager class &1 for application &2 does not exist
518Logger class &1 for application &2 does not exist
519Toolkit class &1 for application &2 does not exist
520Condition class &1 of business object &2 (entity:&3) does not exist
521Package &1 for strategy &2 of BO &3 (entity:&4) does not exist
522Executable class &1 for strategy &2 of BO &3 (entity:&4) does not exist
523Key object &1 for strategy &2 of BO &3 (entity: &4) does not exist
524Target class &1 of strat. &2 of BO &3 (entity: &4) does not exist
525Template name &1 for strategy &2 of BO &3 (entity: &4) does not exist
526Key object &1 for strategy &2 of BO &3 (entity: &4) does not exist
527Condition class &1 of entity model &2 does not exist
528Condition class &1 of entity model &2 (subentity: &3) does not exist
529Package &1 for entity model &2 (subentity: &3) does not exist
530Executable class &1 of entity model &2 (subentity: &3) does not exist
531Target class &1 of entity model &2 (subentity: &3) does not exist
532Template name &1 of entity model &2 (subentity: &3) does not exist
533Package &1 for entity model &2 (subentity: &3) does not exist
534Executable class &1 of entity model &2 (subentity: &3) does not exist
535Target class &1 of entity model &2 (subentity: &3) does not exist
536Template name &1 of entity model &2 (subentity: &3) does not exist
537User include &1 of entity model &2 (subentity: &3) does not exist
538Package &1 of strat. &2 for ent. model &3 (subentity: &4) does not exist
539Execut. class &1 of strat. &2 for ent. mod. &3 (subent:&4) does not exist
540Key object &1 of strategy &2 for ent. mod. &3 (subent: &4) does not exist
541Target class &1 of strat. &2 for ent. mod. &3 (subent: &4) does not exist
542Templ. name &1 of strat. &2 for ent. mod. &3 (subent.: &4) does not exist
543User inclue &1 of strat. &2 for ent. mod. &3 (subent.: &4) does not exist
544Batch hook &1 of business-object model &2 does not exist
545Hook &1 of business-object model &2 does not exist
546PM adapter &1 of business-object model &2 does not exist
547Object cat. name &1 for BSP assignment &2 (channel ID &3) does not exist
548Status &1 of screen assignment &2 does not exist
549Status &2 of screen assignment redef. &2 (variant &3) does not exist
550Class name &1 of screen assignment &2 (channel ID &3) does not exist
551Package &1 of screen assignment &2 (channel ID &3) does not exist
552Sub-program &1 of screen assignment &2 (channel ID &3) does not exist
553Variants report &1 of screen assignment &2 (channel ID &3) does not exist
554View ID &1 of screen assignment &2 (channel ID &3) does not exist
555Channel structure package &1 for channel model &2 does not exist
556Channel structure &1 of channel model &2 does not exist
557Application-specification struct. &1 of channel model &2 does not exist
558Field modifier &1 of channel model &2 does not exist
559Field modifier package &1 of channel model &2 does not exist
560Transient package &1 of channel model &2 does not exist
561Transient structure &1 of channel model &2 does not exist
562Class name &1 of XML assignment &2 (channel ID &3) does not exist
563Table name &1 of persistence model &2 does not exist
564Package &1 of persistence model &2 does not exist
565Executable class &1 of persistence model &2 does not exist
566Target class &1 of persistence model &2 does not exist
567Template name &1 of persistence model &2 does not exist
568Package &1 of persistence model &2 does not exist
569Executable class &1 of persistence model &2 does not exist
570Table name &1 of persistence model &2 does not exist
571Target class &1 of persistence model &2 does not exist
572Template name &1 of persistence model &2 does not exist
573User include &1 of persistence model &2 does not exist
574Key struct. pack. &1 of data incl. &2 of channel model &3 does not exist
575Opt. key struct. &1 of data incl. &2 for channel model &3 does not exist
576Table/structure &1 of data incl. &2 for channel struct. &3 does not exist
577Opt. key struct. &1 of data incl. &2 for channel model &3 does not exist
578Opt. key struct. &1 of data excl. &2 for channel model &3 does not exist
579Opt. key struct. &1 of data excl. &2 for channel model &3 does not exist
580Table name &1 of field name list does not exist
581Channel structure &1 of variant &2 does not exist
582Model hook &1 of application &2 does not exist
583Table/structure &1 of data incl. &2 for channel struct. &3 does not exist
584Subprogram name &1 of migration program does not exist
585Class name &1 of process context &2 does not exist
586Class name &1 of process context &2 command ID &3 does not exist
587Constraint class &1 of subcont. model &2 for channel ID &3 does not exist
588Package &1 of subcontroller model &2 for channel ID &3 does not exist
589Target class &1 of subcont. model &2 for channel ID &3 does not exist
590Template name &1 of subcont. model &2 for channel ID &3 does not exist
591Line cat. for table &1 of dialog mod. &2 for channel ID &3 does not exist
592Context class &1 of process model &2 does not exist
593Process node context &1 of process model &2 does not exist
594Imp. object &1 of process node &2 for process model &3 does not exist
595Imp. object &1 of process node &2 for process model &3 does not exist
596Condition class &1 of process node &2 for process mod. &3 does not exist
597Business object except. manager &1 of transaction &2 does not exist
598BO factory class &1 of transaction &2 does not exist
599Business object manager class &1 of transaction &2 does not exist
600Business object manager class &1 of transaction &2 does not exist
601Process except. manager &1 of transaction &2 does not exist
602BP hook &1 of transaction &2 does not exist
603Process manager &1 of transaction &2 does not exist
604Process manager &1 of transaction &2 does not exist
605Process model manager &1 of transaction &2 does not exist
606Subcontroller fact class &1 of transaction &2 does not exist
607Channel manager &1 of transaction &2 does not exist
608Channel except. manager class &1 of transaction &2 does not exist
609DBC &1 of transaction &2 does not exist
610DB access exception manager class &1 of transaction &2 does not exist
611Data access manager &1 of transaction &2 does not exist
612DMADB service &1 of transaction &2 does not exist
613Metamodel exc. manager &1 of transaction &2 does not exist
614Redef. DB service &1 of transaction &2 does not exist
615Tools exc. manager class &1 of transaction &2 does not exist
616Logger class name &1 of transaction &2 does not exist
617Toolkit class &1 of transaction &2 does not exist
618Condition class &1 of application-wide command &2 does not exist
619Condition class &1 of model-wide command &2 for model &3 does not exist
620Cond.class &1 of command &2 for proc.node &3 of model &4 does not exist
621Data element &1 in transient attribute for channel ID &2 does not exist
622Ref. table &1 in transient attribute for channel ID &2 does not exist
623Check table &1 in transient attributes for channel ID &2 does not exist
624Enhancement category &1 for channel ID &2 is not permissible
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