/PM0/3FW_MESSAGES - Fehlermeldungen f�r den Workplace

The following messages are stored in message class /PM0/3FW_MESSAGES: Fehlermeldungen f�r den Workplace.
It is part of development package /PM0/3FW_MESSAGES in software component FS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Message Classes for Workplace".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Key field &1 is not filled
001Active object cannot be generated
002Process context &1 not found
003Save action canceled. Select object first
004Generation canceled (there are no objects to be generated)
005Save performed successfully
006No object is assigned to the node in the navigation tree
007Generation of &1 not possible as the template has not been entered
008Generation of &1 is not possible as the package has not been entered
009Generation of &1 is not possible as the target class has not been entered
010Object "Application" not found
011Add the object to enable entry of translatable attributes
012The mode cannot be changed as BO cannot be loaded (model unknown)
013Object cannot be created (&1)
014Saving action canceled. You have not selected a customizing request
015Object "Application" does not implement interface &1
016Request &1 not set. Field &2 could not be assigned
017Request &1 not set. Changeable request &2 already exists
018Request &1 set
019Saving action canceled &1
020Deletion is not possible. The object is locked
021Saving action canceled. BO context does not have request interface
022Invalid key structure &1 defined for entity &2
023It is not possible to set a break point
024Active object cannot be checked
025No checkable models exist
026Violation of cardinalities for object &1
027Object locked by user &1
028Active object cannot be saved
029Could not assign request &1 for &2 (error: &3)
030Request &1 for &2 is already assigned
031Main entity &1 allows &2 subentities
032Error saving models
033Data record already exists
034Enhancements missing in &1. Adjustment is only possible in change mode
035The application has not been selected
036Framework copied to &1
037Request &1 successfully created
038All affected requests must be released
039Customizing has been imported successfully
040Customizing has been imported again successfully
041Object &1 is not compatible with the selected request
042Model has been checked successfully
043No model selected
044No transport applications added in tree
045Filter criterion (&1 &2) is incorrect. Filter not applied
046Entity &1 cannot be generated completely (&2)
047Loading &1 is not possible
048No differences found
049Nothing selected
050Comparison not possible. Subcontroller model &1 does not exist
051Reassignment of node only possible within a model
052Reassignment of node not possible as the object cannot be changed
053New element &1 must have a different name from old element &2
054New name not possible. Same name node ("&1") already exists
055Search help integration contains errors (&1)
056Not possible to create plug-in object; class &1 not available
057Not possible to create plug-in object
058Error in XML document for plug-in &1 of user &2
059&1 (line &3, column &2)
060Reassignment of node &1 is not possible. Node must be saved first
061No row selected
062Only select one line
063Source and target namespace must not be identical
064An error occurred during update. Data not saved
065Object deleted
066Framework in name space &1 updated successfully
067Could not open object in change mode (already locked)
068Select only one application for loading
069Latest request could not be entered
070Enter an application or a model
071The source and target of the copy must be different
072The application and model must not contain any blanks or hyphens
073The application and model must not contain any special German characters
074Target model already exists in the target component
075Application to which you want to copy the model does not exist
076Error during migration: &1, line &2, for &3
077Control &1 not found
078Subscreen &1 is too large for area &2
079Error during navigation
080You do not have authorization to maintain name areas of &1
081Function group could not be modified: &1 line &2 for &3
082Error in SQL statement (table: &1 where condition: &2)
083Empty variants cannot be added
084Authorization has not been provided for changing the name space &1
085Screen &1 in program &2 updated
086Screen &1 in program &2 included in navigation tree
087Variant for screen &1 in program &2 entered in order
088Screen &1 in program &2 entered in order &3
089Not possible to create customer variant &1 again for application &2
090No active custmer variant available - customer variant &1 set to active
091Customer variant &1 must start with 'Y', 'Z', or '/'
092No customer variant maintained
093You are not permitted to create variant ID &1 in namespace &2
094All fields must be filled to allow a model to be loaded
095SAP customer variant &1 must not start with "Y", "Z", or "/"
096Restore is not possible; object is locked or cannot be changed
097Restore is not possible; you must first select an object
098Deletion is not possible; you must first select an object
100Emod: &1; internal error: (entity references)
101Emod: &2; entity &1 does not have a strategy
102Emod: &1; internal error: (strategies)
103EMod: &1; child entity &2 has > 1 parent (DB)
104EMod. &1; internal error: (tree structure)
105EMod: &1; model tree does not correspond to BD tree parent &2 child &3
106Emod: &1; entity &2 is not attainable from root
107Emod: &1; child entity &2 hast > 1 parent (model)
108Emod: &2; BOELNK references a non-existant entity: &1
109Emod: &1; root entity &2 is not in the BOELEM table
110Emod: &1; entity &2 is not a root. It is a BOC in the model
111EMod: &1; root entity &2 is not a BOC - or no root -> path missing
112EMod: &1; no subentity available
120BMod: &1; does not exist in DB
125Cannot determine field groups of entity &1
126Value of field group must be between 0 and 999
127In namespace &1 the field group must be between &2 and &3
128Invalid field modifier for presettings in In-Force Business Configurator
130Text table: &1&2&3&4
131CHECK: Card. for &1 to &2 is &3. Can be a max. of &4
132CHECK: &1 object &2 is used more than once. By &3 and &4
133Class does not exist. &1:&2, field:&3, content:&4
134Package does not exist. &1:&2, field:&3, content:&4
135Program does not exist. &1:&2, field:&3, content:&4
136&1:&2 (screen assignment) screen: &4 does not exist (field:&3)
137Structure does not exist. &1:&2, Field:&3, content:&4
138DTEL does not exist. &1:&2, field:&3, content:&4
140Value &1 for key field &2 is not permitted in this system
141At least one key must be available for customer name space
143&1: &2 (BSP assignment) view: &4 does not exist (field: &3)
144&1: &2 (XML assignment) class: &4 does not exist (field: &3)
150Ref_U: &1&2&3&4
151Ref_L: &1&2&3&4
158The changes are not recorded in a task
159Not possible to change Customizing
160Errors in Customizing. for CHECKER. field: &1 does not exist in table &2
170No language enhancement exists
180Reference ID of referenced node &1 is not filled
181No higher level node was selected for references
182Parent node &1 for references does not exist in model &2
190Define at least one customer variant as root
191More than one customer variant was defined for this application as root
192No parent customer variant &1 exists in application &2
193Only select one customer variant as active
194Selection of namespace &1 is not allowed
195&1 was defined multiple times as predecessor for this application
200Field &1: Values for &2 exist but indicator &3 is not set
201Field &1: Indicator &2 is set but other values are missing
202Field &1: Data of value range category &2 is incomplete
203Field &1: Data of value range category &2 is invalid
204Field &1: Data of value range category is missing
205Field &1: Incorrect data
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