/PM0/ABG_PR_MESSAGES - Nachrichtenklasse f�r Rahmenvertrag - BO Schicht

The following messages are stored in message class /PM0/ABG_PR_MESSAGES: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Rahmenvertrag - BO Schicht.
It is part of development package /PM0/ABG_PROCESS in software component FS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Basis Master Policy Management: Processes".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Choose exactly one line
001Master policy &1 was saved
002Partner not specified
003Partner Does not Exist
004Change Reason Not Specified
005Effective date not specified
006Sample application removed
007Removal not possible due to existing usages
008Master policy number is not specified
009Master Policy Does not Exist on Effective Date
010Master Policy Does not Exist
011Technical error during saving
012Master policy number &1 is already assigned
013Master policy &1 copied successfully to &2
014Master policy number &1 does not exist
015Master policy &1 has been reversed and cannot be copied
016Template &1 does not exist
017Template &1 already assigned
018Master policy &1 was successfully reversed
019Master policy &1 cannot be loaded due to a technical error
020Error while reading from master policy to be copied
021Error while copying master policy &1
022Appended documents were not copied
023No name was specified for master policy copy
024Search help only active in the amendment and disclosure bus. processes
025Error when calling in-force business configurator
026Cannot remove template &1 due to existing usages
027Template &1 has been removed
028Assigned templates are empty; choose a valid template
029No template assigned to master policy
030Assignment of templates and sample applications is not permitted
031You cannot save data because an assignment is missing
032Template &1 of sample application &2 has not been assigned
033Sales period of template &1 must include effective date &2
034Error during call of transaction &1
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