/PM0/ABP_BTSPROC_MSG - Nachrichtenklasse f�r BTS Prozess Paket
The following messages are stored in message class /PM0/ABP_BTSPROC_MSG: Nachrichtenklasse f�r BTS Prozess Paket.
It is part of development package /PM0/AB_BTS_PROCESS in software component FS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Basis Business Transaction Scheduler: Processes".
It is part of development package /PM0/AB_BTS_PROCESS in software component FS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Basis Business Transaction Scheduler: Processes".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | No entries exist for selected criteria |
002 | Policy &1: Release date (&2) for date &3 has not been reached yet |
003 | Policy &1: No data container is available for date &2 |
010 | Predating of new business for policy &1 as of &2 has been removed |
011 | Predating of universal change for policy &1 as of &2 has been removed |
012 | Automatic product change for policy &1 on &2 performed successfully |
013 | Business transaction "&1" for &2 &3 was performed successfully on &4 |
014 | Reversal for policy &1 on &2 was performed successfully |
015 | Automatic product change policy &1: Contract mode not possible |
020 | Loading of source application for policy &1 was not successful |
021 | Data transfer for policy &1 was not successful (BP Universal Change) |
022 | Start of Univ.Change for policy &1 failed; invalid data container &2 |
023 | Positioning of UC for policy &1 unsuccessful; invalid data container &2 |
024 | Positioning of policy &1 unsuccessful due to release date &2 |
025 | Positioning of policy &1 at the start of the business process failed |
026 | Data container &2 for policy &1 cannot be loaded |
027 | Tech.error occurred with policy &1 when loading data container &2 (pos.) |
028 | Tech. error when checking policy &1 at start of Univ.Change bus.process |
029 | Tech. error when creating application for policy &1 at start of UC BP |
030 | Tech. error when checking application for policy &1 at start of UC BP |
031 | Tech. error when calculating application discrepancy with policy &1 |
032 | Error in calcul. of new business with policy &1 due to new rel.date &2 |
033 | Technical error in calculation of new business with policy &1 |
034 | Error checking new business with policy &1 due to new release date &2 |
035 | Technical error when checking new business with policy &1 |
036 | Tech.error in resumption of new bus. with policy &1 (loading container) |
037 | Tech.error in resumption of new bus. with policy &1 (loading application) |
038 | Resumption of processing of new business policy &1: Invalid data containr |
039 | Resumption of processing new business with policy &1: Application locked |
040 | Error in calculation of Univ.Change policy &1 due to new release date &2 |
041 | Tech. error in calculation of universal change for policy &1 |
042 | Error when checking universal change policy &1 due to new release date &2 |
043 | Technical error when checking universal change in policy &1 |
044 | Resumption of universal change in policy &1: Invalid data container |
045 | Tech.error in resumption of Univ.Change for policy &1 (loading container) |
046 | Tech.error in resumption of Univ.Change for policy &1 (loading applicatn) |
047 | Resumption of universal change for policy &1: Application locked |
048 | Error transferring man.application discrepancy for policy &1 (data cont.) |
049 | Error transferring man.applicatn discrepancy f. policy &1 (data transfer) |
050 | Tech.error in transfer of man.application discrepancy for policy &1 |
051 | Error when setting CD locks for policy &1 |
052 | Technical error with prima nota for policy &1 (before calculation) |
053 | Error with prima nota for policy &1 before calculatn (loading data cntnr) |
054 | Error with prima nota for policy &1 before calculatn (loading data cntnr) |
055 | Tech. error with prima nota for policy &1 (after calculation) |
056 | Error with prima nota for policy &1 after calculation (loading data cntr) |
057 | Error with prima nota for policy &1 after calculation (loading data cntr) |
058 | Error when calling tax component before check on policy &1 |
059 | Error when calling tax component before calculation of policy &1 |
060 | Error when calling tax component before release of policy &1 |
061 | Error calling risk check for policy &1 |
062 | Policy &1 will be examined for origin &2 and date &3 |
063 | Error while calling reversal: Policy &1 |
064 | BTrans &1 for contract &2 of coverage package &3 cannot be executed |
065 | Business transaction &1 for &2 cannot be executed |
066 | BTrans &1 for coverage &3 of contract &2 cannot be executed |
067 | Policy &1: Cannot perform reversal due to open benefit case |
068 | Date &1 on &2 must not be scheduled with &3 = &4 |
069 | Incorrect postdating date &1 on &2 in processing, status = temporary |
070 | Check process model for BTrans &1, semi-automatic REDO is not possible |
071 | Date &1 on &2 is being executed on the wrong level -> check the key |
072 | Rescheduling is only possible for specific statuses |
073 | Date/s rescheduled |
074 | Date/s deleted |
075 | Only dates with the status "Scheduled" can be deleted |
076 | Technical error; processing is not possible |
077 | Select a line |
078 | BTS date &1 of category &2 must not be scheduled for this bus.transaction |
079 | You cannot delete the BTS date category |
080 | Business transaction &1 cannot be executed in the background |
081 | Parameter IV_BTSAPPL_ID was not filled with data; check calling point &1 |
082 | Business transaction &1 for &2 cannot be executed |
083 | Business transaction &1 for contract &2, coverage &3 cannot be executed |
084 | BTS date of category &1 must not be deleted |
085 | BTrans &1 for contract &2, coverage package &3 cannot be executed |
086 | BTrans &1 for &2 cannot be executed on effective date &3 |
087 | BTrans &1 for contract &2 of coverage package &3 cannot be executed on &4 |
088 | BTrans &1 for contract &2, coverage &3 cannot be executed on &4 |
089 | Business transaction &1 cannot be executed for &2 |
090 | Check process model of BTrans &1; Shift with interaction is not possible |
092 | Policy &1: Date &2 cannot be executed because postprocessing is required |
095 | BTrans &1 cannot be executed; &2 does not exist |
096 | BTrans &1 for &2 of contract &3 is not executable: &2 does not exist |
097 | &1 cannot be reimplemented after &2 |
098 | Business transaction &1 cannot be reimplemented after &2 |