/PM0/ABP_BTX - Nachrichtenklasse f�r Gesch�ftsvorf�lle
The following messages are stored in message class /PM0/ABP_BTX: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Gesch�ftsvorf�lle.
It is part of development package /PM0/ABP_BTX_CROSS in software component FS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Basis: BTX-API: General Objects".
It is part of development package /PM0/ABP_BTX_CROSS in software component FS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Basis: BTX-API: General Objects".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Premium account already available |
002 | No premium account available |
003 | &1 was deleted |
004 | Select one line in the table |
005 | Only select one line in the table |
006 | Select at least one line in the table |
007 | &1 deleted |
008 | Not possible to read policy data |
009 | Not possible to initialize business transaction |
010 | Select just one clause |
011 | Not possible to add commission participant |
012 | Not possible to delete commission participant |
013 | Enter a business partner |
014 | No partner created |
015 | Funtion not possible, as no clause available |
016 | Select a business partner |
017 | Not possible to create partner address |
018 | Enter a business partner or bank details |
019 | Not possible to create partner bank details |
020 | No partner or payment card available |
021 | Not possible to create partner payment card |
022 | Not possible to create role object |
023 | Not possible to delete role object |
024 | Data in navigation tree had incorrect category |
025 | Object must not be deleted |
026 | Not possible to cancel business transaction |
027 | Not possible to conclude business transaction |
028 | Function only possible for agreements with long text |
029 | No premium account available |
030 | Object deleted |
031 | &1 objects deleted |
032 | Premium account already available |
033 | Do you really want to cancel business transaction? |
034 | Cancel data entry? |
035 | Not possible to delete object with PM_ID &1 |
036 | No entry found in Customizing table &1 with &2 &3 &4 |
037 | Error while determining interface for business partner |
038 | Patner ID is not filled |
040 | No partner or address exists |
041 | Tech. error: iv_param = &1 could not be evaluated |
042 | &1 object was deleted |
043 | Policy product was concluded |
044 | Coverage was added |
045 | &1 &2 must not be deleted |
046 | Utility class &1 not available for line of business &2 |
047 | Technical error: Missing parameters for closing business transaction |
048 | Technical error: Missing parameters from utility class |
049 | &1 &2 were included |
050 | &1 &2 deleted |
051 | The product knows type &1, but &1 has not been customized |
052 | The insured object has not been entered on this level |
053 | Select only one address for synchronization |
054 | The effective date and the contract end date must be identical |
055 | Enter another effective date |
056 | Business transaction already executed |
057 | No further insured object is possible |
058 | Business transaction can only be performed for the first of the month |
059 | No contract settlement exists with key &1 |
060 | No new contract can be included |
061 | Deletion of contract in universal change only in policy processing |
062 | Not possible to change charge, according to Customizing setting |
063 | No further premium payer is possible for this sales product |
064 | Error while processing contract |
065 | Error while changing contract; no contract with key &1 exists |
066 | No field modifier exists for contract with key &1 |
067 | No field modifiers exists for contract settlement with key &1 |
068 | Technical error while processing 'contract settlement' entity |
069 | Date(s) reversed successfully |
070 | No related dates available |
071 | No dates to be reversed selected |
072 | Errors occurred when reversing related dates |
073 | No postdatings exist |
074 | Cannot levy charge because fund prices are missing |
075 | Could not determine charge payer |
076 | Not possible to determine number of coverages |
077 | BTrans "Execute Premium Waiver" has excluded coverages |
078 | BTrans constraint class &1 f.BTrans &2 bus. process &3 does not exist |
079 | Data cannot be determined before waiver of premium |
080 | An error occurred during derivation before calculation |
081 | An error occurred during calculation |
082 | Choose at least 1 contract for the duplicate policy |
083 | Company does not match own share in distribution plan |
084 | Optional parameter &2 was expected for call &1 |
085 | No process-dependent condition exists with key &1 |
086 | Technical error while processing process-dependent condition |
087 | No field modifiers exist for process-dependent condition with key &1 |
088 | No field modifiers exist for 'subsidy agency' entity with key &1 |
089 | Technical error while processing 'subsidy agency' entity |
090 | No change made. Cancel BTrans |
091 | Contract start date &1 must be after policy start date &2 |
092 | It is not possible to postdate business transaction |
093 | Contract start date &1 must be after effective date &2 |
094 | No subsidy agency exists with key &1 |
095 | No field modifiers for value date exist with key &1 |
096 | Technical error during processing of 'value date' entity |
097 | No value data exists with key &1 |
098 | Cash-Before-Cover is not allowed for multi-currency contracts |
099 | &1: Subprocess &2 cannot process data for entity &3 |
100 | Cannot determine process API for business transaction &1 |
101 | Program error: commitment &1 not fulfilled |
102 | Select one process-dependent condition category |
103 | No reported value component is connected to policy management system |
104 | Reversal of coverage (package) failed (&1) |
105 | Error (check claims) initializing "Execute Reversal" business transaction |
106 | Coverage (package) &1 was successfully reversed |
107 | Error while writing coverage data (Basis) |
108 | Error while writing premium data (Basis) |
109 | Error while writing coverage data (Life) |
110 | Executing BTrans &1 is not permitted on main axis level &3 |
111 | Error while writing coverage data (P&C) |
112 | Error while writing subcoverage data (P&C) |
113 | Error while writing premium data (Life) |
114 | Error while writing BNF data (Life) |
115 | Error while writing value dates (Life) |
116 | No field modifier found for entity &1 (PM_ID: &2) in coverage &3 |
117 | Correspondence scheduling error in "Execute Reversal" BTrans |
118 | Coverage package &1 was successfully reversed (&2) |
119 | Coverage &1 was successfully reversed (&2) |
120 | Incorrect/incomplete UBUO key for entity &1 (&2) |
121 | Error while writing data for individ. maximum subsidized premium (Life) |
122 | Cannot initialize the selected business transaction |
123 | Cannot uniquely read premium Customizing |
124 | Business transaction cannot create data container |
125 | Several templates exist for entity &1 in In-Force Business Configurator |
126 | Error while saving accumulation number &1 for insured object &2 |
127 | Enter an accumulation number or assignment reason |
128 | Enter either a risk group number or an assignment reason |
129 | Error when updating the long text |
130 | BTrans &1 / level &2 / constraint &3 |
131 | BTrans &1 cannot be executed due to product assignment |
132 | Cannot execute business transaction &1 in current context |
133 | No coverage package ID transferred for object to be reversed (&1) |
134 | Coverage package &1 cannot be reversed; reverse contract |
135 | Error while writing premium data in "Change Main Due Date" BTrans |
136 | Coverage package &1 to be reversed does not exist |
137 | BTrans is not possible; Contracts have different lapse start dates |
138 | Contract package &1 cannot be excluded; Reverse the contract |
140 | Insured object can only be created for LIFE LoB |
141 | System tried to close a transaction that was not open |
142 | Error while creating premium; key and PM ID must be filled |
143 | Technical error while creating premium |
144 | Error while changing premium; key &1 is not permitted |
145 | Technical error while changing premium |
146 | Premium cannot be deleted |
147 | Technical error while deleting premium |
148 | Parameter is_dlg_prem_key must be filled in dialog case |
149 | Changing regular premiums in dialog is not possible with 'premium' subpr. |
150 | No unique premium was specified for change/deletion |
151 | No suitable Customizing for premiums was found |
152 | Cannot create premium because no PM ID was determined |
153 | Field modifier for background processing (premium) is incorrect |
154 | Error while changing policy; no policy exists with key &1 |
155 | No field modifiers for policy exist with key &1 |
156 | Technical error while processing policy |
157 | No field modifiers exist for contract package with key &1 |
158 | Completion of reversal BTrans is not possible; error in product engine |
159 | Select an adjustment type |
160 | No adjustments are anticipated for the selected insured object |
161 | No coverage exists with key &1 |
162 | Technical error during processing of 'Coverage' entity |
163 | No shift/switch exists with key &1 |
164 | Technical error during processing of 'Shift/Switch' entity |
165 | Technical error while creating 'Shift/Switch' entity |
166 | Technical error while creating 'Fund Assignment' entity |
167 | Technical error while processing 'Fund Assignment' entity |
168 | Business transaction is only possible for postdating |
169 | No fund assignment exists with key &1 |
170 | No additional payment premium exists for coverage &1 |
171 | No additional payment premium exists for contract &1 |
172 | Additional payment premium &1 is not at contract level |
173 | Postdating cannot be triggered in retention mode |
174 | Error while accessing Customizing of BTrans Control Parameters |
175 | Determining availability of BTrans &1 at level &2 failed |
176 | Charge determined with BTrans &1; not permitted acc.to BTrans Customizing |
177 | Business transaction &1 may only be executed once in an application |
178 | Business transaction &1 cannot be executed |
179 | Details in &1 prevent execution of subsequent business transaction &2 |
180 | Postdating is not possible in the change option |
181 | Input data was not transferred to background processing |
182 | No postdating possible for this business transaction at policy level |
183 | Background processing of entity &1/&3 canceled in &2 |
184 | Background processing of entity &1/&3 canceled in &2 |
185 | Could not find field modifier structure for entity &1 |
186 | Could not find entity &1 in current application |
187 | Subprocess with interface &1 could not be reached |
188 | BAdI to determine input data for seq. &1, BTrans &2 is not implemented |
189 | Execution in dialog mode due to incorrect background execution |
190 | An exception (&1) was raised without a message text |
191 | Input data of claim/benefit case is not unique |
192 | Currency data cannot be changed; Data container is incorrectly filled |
193 | Field '&4' - '&2' of entity '&1' must not be changed |
194 | An error occurred while determining the field modifiers for entity '&1' |
195 | Field '&4' - '&2' of entity '&1' already has the value to be changed |
196 | Category '&2' of field modifier for entity '&1' does not exist |
200 | TEST: BTrans will be executed in "old world" due to user parameters |
201 | TEST: BTrans (&1) will be executed in "old world" due to user parameters |
202 | TEST: Subprocess will be executed in "old world" due to user parameters |
203 | TEST: BTrans will be executed in NEW world, on basis of user parameters |
204 | TEST: BTrans (&1) will be executed in NEW world, on basis of user paras |
205 | TEST: Subprocess will be executed in NEW world, on basis sof user paras |
206 | TEST: Subprocess is being executed using new subprocesses |
207 | Customizing error: BTX: &1 entity: &2/&3 field: &4; inform D052765!!!! |
208 | Customizing error: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
209 | Execution of BTrans with postdating is not allowed for reversed contracts |
210 | Processing category of &1 must be ACTION |
211 | Logger is unclean; clean up logger before executing RFC |
212 | No corresponding implementation of /pm0/if_abp_svc_btx_errctxt for &1 |
213 | Entity to be processed '&1' does not exist in the current application |
214 | Field '&2' from other LoB of entity '&1' must not be changed |
215 | Data for the wrong lines of business was transferred |
216 | BTrans "&1" cannot be reimplemented on effective date &2 |
217 | Business process or business transaction ID is unkown |
218 | Template ID (PM_ID) was not selected during creation of entity &1 |
219 | Key mapping can always only process a single mapping for each call |
220 | Could not find name of business transaction &1 in language &2 |
221 | Error while determining the release date |
280 | Function is obsolete |
300 | Insured object does not exist at level &1 |
301 | Operation &1 is not allowed for entity &2 |
302 | Field &1 in entity &2 cannot be changed |
303 | Select a single contract for the change |
304 | Execution level &1 does not exist for effective date &2 |
305 | BTrans cannot be executed on level &1, incorrect key |
306 | BTS date &1 was deleted since level &2 was deleted by BTrans &3 |
307 | No premium payer found for transferred key (&1, &3) |
308 | No field modifier found for transferred key (&1, &2) |
309 | No adjustment found for transferred key (&1, &3) |
310 | No beneficiary found for transferred key (&1, &3) |
311 | Business transaction for entity (&1&2&3) was not executed |
312 | Determination of a valid execution level from parameter '&1' has failed |
313 | Fund allocation key for additional payment payer cannot be changed |
314 | Contract &1 does not exist |
315 | Coverage &1 does not exist |
316 | Invalid data container; no valid field modifier found |
318 | Subcoverage &1 does not exist |
319 | Parameters &1, &2, and &3 are obsolete |
320 | Premium &1 does not exist |
321 | Change Fund Allocation Key cannot be executed for &1 |
323 | Assign ID must not be the same as in the ASFUND allocation |
324 | Base value date cannot be determined for contract &1 |
325 | No change for entity &1 &2 |
326 | Coinsurance: Specify either DISTREL or COINHS/COINSS/COINCO |