/PM0/ABP_COV_MSG - Nachrichtenklasse f�r Fachfunktionen zu Vertragsteil

The following messages are stored in message class /PM0/ABP_COV_MSG: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Fachfunktionen zu Vertragsteil.
It is part of development package /PM0/ABP_BC in software component FS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Basis Ctr.Admin.: Bus.Func. Background BusTrans.".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Coverage is not active
002No complete UBOI key was transferred &1 &2
003You must enter a reversal reason for coverage
004You must enter accounting variant for coverage
005Check the modification indicator for coverage
006Field modification structure of coverage missing for template ID &1
007You cannot add more than one coverage at the same time
008Enter a valid end date for coverage &1
009Incomplete TCN must be rated manually or must be premium-exempt
010End of additional insurance &1 must be earlier than main insurance end
011Contract element cannot be reversed
012Coverage end date is mandatory (coverage &1, elementary product &2)
013Coverage end is not after coverage start (coverage &1)
014The coverage end date must be after the effective date (coverage &1)
015Coverage end &1 is after contract end &2
016TCN indicator for coverage and contract must match
017Enter base total or set "Calculate Base Total" indicator
018Enter the sum insured (coverage &1)
019Error while entering option duration and/or option end
020Duration, end or final age for option phase must be entered
021Age of insured person for option end must be greater than final age
022End date of option phase must be after end date of coverage
023End day must match contract coverage end day
024Duration, start or start age for option phase must be entered
025Age of insured person at option start must be less than final age
026Start of option must be before end of coverage
027The start date of the option must match the coverage end day
028Enter a valid option phase in months remaining (1-11)
029Update indicator missing in coverage
030Inclusion is only permissible for the first of the month
031Status of coverage is not "required for premium"
032Programming error: IS_EXECUTION_KEY not from data container
033Programming error: Cannot find entity just created
034Cannot find coverage (COV) to be changed in BO (ID: &1)
035Coverage start date &1 is before contract start date &3 (elem.prod. &2)
036Coverage start date &1 is after contract end date &3 (elem. prod. &2)
037Generation determination date &1 is before sales period &2 of &3
038Generation determination date &1 is after sales period &2 of &3
039Generation determination date &1 is after coverage start date &2
040Generation determ. date in coverage (&1) and contract (&2) not identical
041Cannot find reported value to be changed (REPVAL) in BO (ID:&1)
042Cannot find benefit (BNF) to be changed in BO (ID:&1)
043Cannot find adjustment to be changed (INFRD) in BO (ID:&1)
044Coverage end date must not be after contract end date
045Enter a date for coverage start that is after the contract start date &1
046Coverage start must not be before the effective date &1
047Currency of fund assignment does not match policy currency
048Tax exemption (prem.tax) incompatible with sttlmnt type tax of dist.plan
049"Tax-exempt by particip." (premium tax) only possible with distrib.plan
050Sum insured in coverage &1 has been recalculated
051No coverage &4 was found (&1 &2 &3)
052Extension option is not allowed for coverage
053Fields entered are not relevant for payout option
054New renewal/payout option not allowed for coverage
055Start of option must be after coverage start
056Selected option was not created
059Fire-building structure: processing of coverage &1(&2) is not possible
061Coverage &1 is not assigned to a risk
062Risk &1 assigned to coverage &2 does not exist
063Coverage &1: Risk assignment is different from coverage package &2
064Coverage end date has been overwritten
065The coverage still has a reserve; Exclusion is not possible
066Coverage end date must be after effective date; Coverage has a reserve
068Enter a valid reversal reason in coverage
069Enter a valid accounting variant in coverage
071Create a premium under coverage &1
072Coverage &1 must contain a regular premium
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