/PM0/ABP_DATECALC - Nachrichtenklasse Fehlermeldungen Datumsberechnung

The following messages are stored in message class /PM0/ABP_DATECALC: Nachrichtenklasse Fehlermeldungen Datumsberechnung.
It is part of development package /PM0/ABP_BTX_CROSS in software component FS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Basis: BTX-API: General Objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Error occurred in calculation &1 for date &2 and difference &3
001Calendar factory not found for calculation &1
002Date &2 is outside of calendar for calculation &1
003Date &2 invalid for calculation &1
004Incorrect calculation unit &2 for calculation &1
005Missing calculation unit for calculation &1
006Incorrect parameter for calculation &1
007System does not recognize factory calendar &1
008No standard premium exists, and consequently there is no main due date
010Day &1 is incorrect for calculation &2
011Period 0 for calculation of next periodic date
012&1 is an invalid date
013DateTo is before DateFrom &1 &2
014Overlapping of periods for calculation &1
016Entry is incomplete; Month-end is used for date calculation
017Multiple interest rate IDs are assigned to contract &1 and subcoverage &2
018Multiple interest rate IDs are assigned to contract &1
020Method &1 must not be used for basis calculation
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