/PM0/ABP_POLPR_MSG - Vertrag
The following messages are stored in message class /PM0/ABP_POLPR_MSG: Vertrag.
It is part of development package /PM0/ABP_BC in software component FS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Basis Ctr.Admin.: Bus.Func. Background BusTrans.".
It is part of development package /PM0/ABP_BC in software component FS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Basis Ctr.Admin.: Bus.Func. Background BusTrans.".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Effective date is outside suspension period |
001 | Contract is flagged without temporary coverage note |
002 | Input parameters are incorrect |
003 | Enter a posting text for the pending commission case |
004 | Contract end &1 must match at least one coverage end |
005 | Update indicator missing for contract |
006 | Contract start date &1 must match at least one coverage start date |
007 | Recurring premium not permitted for current contract |
008 | No premium information found in Customizing (PM-ID &1, LOB &2) |
009 | Enter a tariff variant |
010 | Only one-time amount is permitted as a payment freqeuncy for short tariff |
011 | Adjustment tariff variant deviates from tariff variant |
012 | A premium caclulation rule must exist for PPs subject to premiums |
013 | Contract is not subject to premiums |
014 | Enter a payment frequency |
015 | Contract end date was not derived for contract number &1 |
016 | The insured provider must be the same as the IP of main insurance policy |
017 | The insured persons of all coverages must match |
018 | Select an item |
019 | Only one premium payer is permitted per contract for this sales product |
020 | Enter one single insured object for contract number &2 (&1) |
021 | Specify an insured object for contract number &2 (&1) |
022 | Only one premium payer is permitted policy-wide for this sales product |
023 | Enter the same values in the partner assignment for the premium payer |
024 | Obligatory coverage (&1) cannot have a fixed duration |
025 | All mandatory coverages of package &1 must have same end date |
026 | Premium payer and insured person may not be different |
027 | Extension variant and coverage end are incompatible |
028 | For short tariff, duration must be less than one year |
029 | Adjust dependencies to a contract that was added at a later date |
030 | Tax exemption (contract) incompatible with sttlmnt type tax of dist.plan |
031 | "Tax-exempt by participation" (contract) only possible with distrib.plan |
032 | Error occurred while reading field modifier |
033 | Cannot determine entity to be changed |
034 | End date of contract &1 is not possible |
035 | Enter the reimplementation calculation rule |
036 | Contract &1 must have at least one coverage without a defined end date |
037 | Contract &1 has an incorrect quotation variant |
039 | BTrans cannot be completed; effective date and reversal date different |
040 | Select a reversal reason for contract &1 |
041 | Appl. date &2 of policy &4, contract &1 is different to reversal date &3 |
042 | Policy &1, contract &2: Enter a valid accounting variant |
043 | Policy &1, contract &2: Refusal reason &3 is invalid |
044 | Policy &1, contract &2: Effective date is after the contract end date |