/PM0/ABP_PRMPAYR_MSG - Nachrichtenklasse f�r Fachkomponente Pr�mienzahler

The following messages are stored in message class /PM0/ABP_PRMPAYR_MSG: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Fachkomponente Pr�mienzahler.
It is part of development package /PM0/ABP_BC in software component FS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Basis Ctr.Admin.: Bus.Func. Background BusTrans.".
Message Nr
Message Text
001The key of the premium payer is not completely filled for &1 (&2)
002The key of the contract is not completely filled
003Enter a premium payer
004Field modification structure of premium payer missing for template ID &1
005Update indicator for premium payer missing in line &1
006Total of premium shares not equal to total premium for &1 (&2)
007Enter valid BP no. and valid collection no. for &1 (&2)
008Check the premium deposit for any credit for &1 (&2)
009Effective date must be before premium payment end for &1 (&2)
010Enter a business partner for premium payer for &1 (&2)
011Enter a premium payer &1 (&2)
012Enter an address for &1 (&2)
013Enter bank details for &1 (&2)
014Enter an address for &1 (&2)
015Set split of remaining amount for premium payer for &1 (&2)
016No valid collection account or valid insured object for &1 (&2)
017Enter a valid BP number and a valid insured object in &1 (&2)
018Enter a valid bank address for premium payer in &1 (&2)
019Enter valid incoming payment method for premium payer for &1 (&2)
020Premium payer must not be changed for &1 (&2)
021Total of premium shares in &1 (&2) must always amount to 100%
022Rel. premium share must be between 0 and 100 for premium payer on &1 (&2)
023Enter share(%), share amount or allocation of remaining amount for &1(&2)
024You can only enter "Share in %" or "Share Amount" for &1 (&2)
025Premium payer must be alive for related contract for &1 (&2)
026No valid entry for insured object &1 for related contract to &1 (&2)
027No valid entry for collection account &1 with related contract on &1(&2)
028No valid entry for settlement contract &1, with related contrct on &1(&2)
029For the collections account, do not specify the bank details in &1 (&2)
030For the collections account, do not specify the payment card no.in &1(&2)
031For sales products, only one premium payer permitted per contract, &1(&2)
032Specify the check number in related contract to &1 (&2)
033No valid entry found for settlement contract &1 to &2 (&3)
034Some fields do not match those in the settlement contract to &1 (&2)
035Alternative premium payers exist in other contracts
036Alternative values for partner assignment exist in other contracts
037For premium payers, shares must all be relative or absolute
038Enter 'Allocation of Remaining Amount' for only one premium payer
039Address of premium payer &1 not identical to policyholder
040Business partner &1 entered as premium payer more than once
041Premium payers have different payment methods; no check for discount
042IBAN for bank details is required for &1 (&2)
043SWIFT code / BIC for bank details is required for &1 (&2)
044SEPA mandate for bank details required for &1 (&2)
045Select a SEPA mandate with company code &1
046SEPA mandate required for bank details
047Specify a valid incoming payment method
048Enter bank details with IBAN
049Enter bank details with SWIFT code / BIC
050Premium payer must not be changed before start of other contracts
051Invalid collection type for premium payer for &1 (&2)
052Bank details for premium payer &1 are not valid
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