/PM0/ABR_PM_ERRORS - Fehlermeldungen des msg.PM

The following messages are stored in message class /PM0/ABR_PM_ERRORS: Fehlermeldungen des msg.PM.
It is part of development package /PM0/AB_UTILITY_IMPL in software component FS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Basis: Impl.for Product Engine (msg.PM) (Other Serv.)".
Message Nr
Message Text
003No suitable entry in cost table for &1
006More than one matching entry in cost table for &1
008Duplicate yearly entries in subsidy table
025Life ins. status incorrect: &1
028Final age is greater than table end, &1, age at entry &2
046Unit costs - withdrawal type incorrect for &1
047Unit costs distribution is incorrect for &1
062Incorrect cause of event for: &1 cause: &2
076Unknown value type in cost table: &1 (tariff for &2)
079Error in cost table: key &1 not found (tariff for &2)
080Error in cost table: incorrect status &1 (tariff for &2)
087Error filling dividend clearing: dividend category not defined
095Dividend parameters not found
096Profit parameter (dividend rate) not unique
097Fund assets (&1) are not sufficient for cost withdrawal (&2)
100No formula available for age at entry calculation method
101Benefit value type (&1) is unknown
102No premium of type "Recurring" or "Single" in contract/coverage &1
103Exactly one primary insured person must exist for coverage &1
104Exactly one secondary insured person must exist for coverage &1
114Fund &1 has negative balance
125Fund price module for fund &1 is incomplete
126No unique fund price exists for fund &1
135Premium exemption is not currently possible; reserve missing
136Transfer life ins. status not permitted from &1 to &2
148Main iteration falied (&2 steps reached)
149Calculation of payment premium failed (&2 steps reached)
150Calculation of tariff additional payment failed (&2 steps reached)
151Reserve premium cannot be reconstructed; contract cannot be updated
152Calculation of sum insured not possible with specified values.
155Calculation tariff premium: Denominator is zero
156Minimum insurance total not reached for premium waiver
157Conversion can not take place; new calculated tariff premium is negative
158Unknown duration change flag (&2)
159Additional payment principal (&2) for BT (&3) is not permitted
160No dividend system can be assigned to contract status
161Addnl payment amount &1 is too high for a shortening of policy duration
170No. of withdrawal prob. tables &1 for tar. &2 and ins. obj. &3 not perm.
171Prod. data error: instlmt surch. Co.(&1),SIT(&2),LISt(&3),PF(&4) missing
172Product data error: No reversal factor defined for special rights type &1
173Product data error: unit costs for Co.(&1),SIT(&2),St(&3),PF(&4) missing
174Product data error: total discount for Co. (&1), SIT (&2) missing
175Product data error: premium discount for Co. (&1), SIT(&2) missing
178Alpha costs for Co. (&1), SIT (&2), LISt( &3), module type (&4) missing
179Beta costs for Co. (&1), SIT (&2), St (&3), module type (&4) missing
181Gamma 2 CC costs for Co.(&1), SIT(&2), LISt(&3), module type (&4) missing
182Unit costs for Co. (&1), SIT (&2), St (&3), module type (&4) missing
183Product data error: issuing fee for Co. (&1), SIT(&2), LISt(&3) missing
184Product data error: reversal factor for Co. (&1), SIT(&2), St(&3) missing
185Additional payment for shortening of duration for date &1 not possible
186Additional payment amount &1 too small.
187Product data error: Cost record (&1) not permitted in (&2)
188No index value was found for year (&1)
189Product error: entry for &1 for Co.(&1), SIT(&2), St(&3), MT(&4) missing
193No surplus rate entered for year &1
194Sup. Ins. category &1 is not defined
196Age and new value not the same
197Product data error: final profit basis cat (&1) is not permitted
198Change date &1 for payment frequency &2 is not a premium due date
199System unable to assign sort sequence to suppl.insurance category &1
200Tax deduction type &1 is not defined
201Payment premium &2 for calc. mod. with module number &1 not possible
202Target date is sooner than start date
203Impermissible method call &1 in inquiry or model calculation
204Charac. KnzErzeugungZuwFondsBeiFUmst does not exist for premium type &1
205Premium &1 of contract causes impermissible premium for main insurance
206Transaction charge records violate condition: &4 greater than &1+&2+&3
207Transaction charge records violate condition: &2+&3 greater than &4
208Current investment &1 is less than minimum investment &2
209Current fund value &1 is less than permissible minimum &2
210Unknown value in interest periodicity characteristic for elementary prod.
211Switch case statement contains no case for current case
212You must delete method for &1
213Value &1 is not permitted for allocation rule characteristic
214Value &1 is not permitted for withholding type characteristic
215Investment amount &1 is too small
216Remaining Value for Partial Surrender &1 is less than 0
217The system calculated a negative share value &2 for fund &1
218No fund allocation found for fund &1
219Condition for expense rates violated: recurr. expense &1 less than MC &2
220Account for fund &1 invalid on change date &3; Account valid on &2
221No SingleAccount found with Account Category &1
222Entry in subsidy table for year &1 does not exist
223Could not determine maximum subsidy premium
224Too many benefit determination objects exist (number = &1)
225Collection premium &1 is less than the premium for taxation &2
226The system cannot determine a unique premium for processing
227Calculation module &1 module number & 2 has invalid module type &3
228Charge &2 is greater than the fund assets &1
229The withholding types of charges are different
230Benefit end &1 is after the end of premium payment per. &2 for main ins.
231No premium object 'additional payment' exists for module &1
232Value &1 not permitted for reference values characteristic
233Costs have been calculated twice for premium splitting
234No tax rate has been defined
235Character value &1 is not permitted for product module of class 2
236Management costs &1 exceed fund assets &2
237System could not find interface definition for method &1
238ELSE branch is being processed impermissibly
239Main insurance (&1) must not have a relative sum insured
240An invalid entry exists in root coverage number
241Not permitted to generate transaction object &2 for method &1 at level &3
242Payment amount (&2) is now allowed at level (&1)
243Structure belonging to coverage option (&1) does not exist
244Missing or invalid entry in &1
245Fund credit &1 in calc.module &2 not sufficient for withdrawal of &3
246Perform.scenarios for main ins. and interest scen. for supp.ins.incompat.
247Fund assets (&1) insufficent for cost withdrawal (&2); prop. reduced
248Addtl pymt or exchange for calc.bsd on sum ins.and one-tme prem.not poss.
249Premium for 'Savings' coverage must be greater than &1
300Entries not unique in table &1 for key = &2
301String &1 cannot be converted to numeric value
302External object &1 missing or is not valid
303Value for &2 missing for object &1
304No rating characteristics defined for product &1
305Object category &1 is not valid
306Premium rate cannot be determined uniquely
307Premium factor unit has the invalid value: &1
308Premium cannot be determined uniquely
309No entry in table &1 for &2
310Wrong date: &1
311Specification for payment frequency missing
312Entry for insurance tax missing for: Country=&1, LoB=&2, Fire Rule=&3
313Characteristic &1 has incorrect contents &2
314Index value in index table must not be 0
315No current entry available in the index table
316Postal code (Obj. &1 for &2) is missing or incorrect(DEProd. w/non-DEObj)
317Children or teenagers cannot be insured agains allowance
318No rating identifier exists for deductible &1
319Postal code &1 is not valid for the date &2 (determin. of tariff zone)
320No rating abbreviation for residential space of &1 m2
321No rating abbreviation exists for age &1
322No rating abbreviation exists for measurement of &1 cm
323No rating abbreviation exists for construction type class &1
324No rating abbreviation exists for risk class &1
325No rating abbreviation exists for age group &1
326No rating abbreviation exists for occupational group &1
327No rating abbreviation exists for occupational status &1
328No rating abbreviation exists for gender &1
329No rating abbreviation exists for building age &1
330No rating abbreviation exists for share &1 for commercial use
331Postal code &1 is not valid for the date &2 (determin. of storm zone)
332Accident allowance for employee not possible from 43rd day
333Maximum of 99.99 percent possible for object &1; currently: &2 percent
334Maximum 999.99 per mille possible for object &1; currently: &2 per mille
335The total for discounts cannot be greater than the tariff premium
336Choose "Children and Adolescents" as the occupation
337Choose "Children and Adolescents" as the occupation
339Simultaneous execution and inclusion of adjustment not possible
340Control parameter set incorrectly. Valid: 1=Contract, 2=Coverage
341Entry fire protection tax missing for: country=&1, LOB=&2, fire rule=&3
342Adjustment cannot be executed, upper limit for elem.prod. &1 reached
343No adjustment objects created
344Reporting object to be processed is not unique
345No source reporting object exists to transfer reporting value amount
346Total adjustment index could not be determined
347Set coverage &1 to premium-exempt or rate manually
348Effective date is not set
349System could not find rule for premium calculation of &1
350No index value found for year (&1)
351No unique entry exists in table &2 for occupational group &1
352Occupation for insured person is not maintained for contract &1
353Enter index table for adjustment module &1
354Final reported value for coverage &1 exceeds sum insured
502Start date &1 does not come before end date &2
503Duration is negative from &1 to &2
504Surcharge type incorrect in &1 surcharge type &2
505Insurance duration partial mayment to large on &1, maximum/actual &2
506Object number incorrect from &1 to &2. Number target/actual: &3
507Method not overwritten to &1
508Payment frequency &1 is not permitted
509Unable to generate instance of object &1, type &2
510Unable to delete object &1 of type &2
511New business: Amendment date &2 must agree with PP start date &3
512User group &1 is unknown in Product Engine (msg.PM)
513System could not find contract with contract number &1
514Premium tax object missing at elementary product level
515No unique premium tax rate found
516No capital-forming characteristic found for country, region, elem. prod.
517Value 0 is not permitted for the tax deduction exemption
518Characteristic function not overwritten to &1
519In method &1 objects for class &2 cannot exist on level &3
520No entry for method &1, class &2, level &3 in table &4
521No interface definition for method &1 exists
522Class &1 is not an element of the main axis
523In method &1: objects for class &2 cannot be created/deleted on level &3
524Premium module missing for object &1
525Unexpected number of lines (&2) selected from table &1
700No rating abbreviation exists for regional class &1
701No rating abbreviation exists for strength characteristic &1
702No rating abbreviation exists for tariff group &1
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