The following messages are stored in message class /PM0/ABXB_MESSAGES: .
It is part of development package /PM0/ABX_BO in software component FS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Basis Cross: Business Objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
001The business rule expects BOE "&1". "&2" was transferred
002Assert error: Persistent changes &1
003No Business Rule maintained for execution event &1
004Entity "&1" changed for "&2" despite individual contract processing
005Business object changed despite lock
006Serious error while creating a GUID
007Call of GET_BO with IV_BO_ID = 0
008Call of GET_BO: No BO was found for BO_ID &1
009Call of GET_BO: A released BO was found for BO_ID &1
010Call of GET_BO_ID: No BO_ID has been assigned
011Call of GET_BO_ID: Input parameter ir_boec is not filled
012Division by 0
013No further processing is possible after an exception in FINISH
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