/PM0/AB_AT - SAP Intern: Nachrichtenklasse Analyse Tools

The following messages are stored in message class /PM0/AB_AT: SAP Intern: Nachrichtenklasse Analyse Tools.
It is part of development package /PM0/ABX_CONSISTENCY_CHK in software component FS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Consistency Checks".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Data source &1 is not a secondary data source (SDS)
002Cannot call check class &1; check this class
003Call of class &1 method &2: Not found / error
004Call of class &1 method &2: Exception &3
005No check methods found for check variant &1
006No methods in /PM0/ABATCHKLIB => Stop check
007Check method &1 is not maintained in Customizing
008Cannot call data source class &1 for data source &2
009Data source Customizing for data source &1 is inconsistent
010Error in class &1 method &2
011Secondary data source (SDS) &1 has no child PDS (Customizing)
012No check variant specified => No further action
013Check variant &1 found no Customizing
014Check variant &1 was not assigned to a data source
015Error while generating the data provider
016Error when calling data provider
017Error in the check (/PM0/CL_ABAT_CE->CHECK)
018Check tool was terminated due to a serious error
019Data source &1 found no data to be checked
020No data to be checked was determined for entity &1
021No selection options specified
022Missing authorization in check tool
023Missing authorization to create data provider
024TEST : Variable &1 has value &2
025Mail sent to user &1
046Error during update
047Error while creating &1 transport entries
048Save Successful
100Customizing: You must specify data source name
101Customizing: Data source &1 already exists
102Data source &1 is a primary data source
103Document table &1: Entry &2 was not found
104Data source &1 is still used in check variant &2 => No deletion
105Customizing: You must specify data source and sequence
106Customizing: Data source/sequence &1/&2 already exists
107Object &1 &2 &3 &4 already exists
108Data source &1 is still used in SDS &2 => No deletion
109PDS &2 is not defined in SDS &1
110SDS &1: PDS &2 has a higher sequence than PDS &3 => Error
111PDS target &1 is same as PDS source => Error
112You must enter the field name for the source PDS
113You must enter the field name for the target PDS
114PDS source &1 <> 'IMPORT' => You must specify source table name
115Enter a class for data source &1
116Class &1 must implement interface &2
117Enter a class for check method &1
118Enter a table for target PDS &1 (export structure of PDS)
119Field &2 does not exist in structure &1
120Structure &1 was not found
121Source PDS &1 has no previous mapping to table &2; check Customizing
122Initial option is not allowed; check Customizing
123Combination SDS = &1 / PDS = &2 already exists in this sequence
124Check method &1 has no entity for checking
125Specify a method ID for class &1
126A check method already exists for class &1 method &2
127Adjust class &1 in the new check method to method &2
128Check variant &1: Enter a data source
129Import field &1 was not found in any possible data source variant
130Import field &2 was not found in data source variant &1
131No errors found or no messages determined
132Error in ALV display
133Object &1 &2 &3 already exists
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