/PM0/AOAL_APLF - Nachrichten zur Proze�komponente APLF

The following messages are stored in message class /PM0/AOAL_APLF: Nachrichten zur Proze�komponente APLF.
It is part of development package /PM0/AOAL_APLF in software component FS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM: Orchestration - Automatic Premium Loan Financing".
Message Nr
Message Text
100General error in call of services to create loan
101General error in call of services to read loan
102General error in call of services to change loan
103General error during call of service for the payout of a loan
104Number of loan contract is missing
105Company code is missing
106General error in processing an automatic premium loan
107User &1 has no authorization for "&2" (&3) - loan &4
108Process control: Error while inserting in table /PM0/AODPNXTPRC0
109Process control: Error while refreshing table /PM0/AODPNXTPRC0
110Error in clearing premium request with loan credit
111General error in creating or processing info container
112Loan contract &1 not found in company code &2
113Subsequent increase on same day with invalid currency &2; Previously &1
114Clearing document &1 could not be read
115No info container entries determined
116Cleared document line items without info container entries exist
117Process control: error when reading from table /PM0/AODPNXTPRC0
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