/PRA/ADV - Ad Valorem Tax Recovery
The following messages are stored in message class /PRA/ADV: Ad Valorem Tax Recovery.
It is part of development package /PRA/AD_VALOREM in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Ad valorem".
It is part of development package /PRA/AD_VALOREM in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Ad valorem".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | & & & & |
001 | Error occurred inserting into database: & |
002 | Tax Recovery Group & Sales Month & & successfully. |
003 | Error occurred deleting from database &. |
004 | Field & is required for delete. |
005 | Action Cancelled. |
006 | Invalid Tax Type & for Ctry/Reg or Prim Geo Loc & of DOI. (see long text) |
007 | Select a row. |
008 | Select a column. |
009 | Marketing Rep & is not valid. |
010 | Enter required field: Tax Recovery Group Nbr. |
011 | No records found. |
012 | Required field "&" not filled. |
013 | Required field "&" cannot be determined. &. |
014 | Received Value field was blank and has been defaulted to "&". |
015 | Net/Gross Flag was blank and was defaulted to "&". |
016 | PPN Reason Code is required for all transactions in Groups flagged as PPN |
017 | No errors found. |
018 | Data saved succuessfully. |
019 | Venture/DOI & & not valid for Company Code. |
020 | Pd Code & not valid. Enter a valid 3-digit Full Product Code. |
021 | Duplicate Record: CoCd & Venture & PDcd & Mkt Rep & |
022 | Select a valid line. |
023 | Record appended to transaction list. |
024 | Error reading table. |
025 | Record updated. |
026 | No data changed. |
027 | No records to download. |
028 | Select a valid filename and press "Replace" to continue. |
029 | File must be of type: Unicode Text (*.txt) or Comma Delimited (*.csv). |
030 | AdV Group in Upload file does not match AdV Group & currently on screen. |
031 | Sales Month in Upload file does not match Sales Mo & of current Group. |
032 | Count of & records & uploaded to screen. & |
033 | Error: AdV Group & SalesMo & does not exist (see long text) |
036 | END OF PROCESSING SUCCESSFULLY. Lines inserted: &. |
038 | UPLOAD & at time &. |
039 | PPN Reason Code is filled, but Group is not a PPN Group |
040 | Processing line: Company & Venture/DOI (or UnitV) & Pd Cd & Mkt Rep & |
041 | Not a valid & & & & |
042 | AdV Group & Sales Mo & has been posted in VL Doc & and cannot be &. |
043 | AdV Group & Sales Mo & is linked to open VL Doc &. See long text. |
044 | Non-numeric Tax Amount. Upload Aborted. Co & Venture & Mkt Rep &. |
045 | Number of lines & exceeded Maximum No. of hits. See long text. |
046 | Access denied. Check if file is open or being edited by another program. |
047 | Upload completed & |
048 | AdV Grp & is linked to open VL Doc & and can be displayed but not changed |
049 | AdV Grp & has been posted (VL Doc &) and can be displayed but not changed |
050 | "List AdV Transaction Detail" is selected, must enter selection critia |
051 | When & is entered, & is required. |
052 | No & authorization. |
053 | Group & not found. |
054 | More than one record found for Group &. Enter a Sales Month for the Grp. |
055 | Errors found. Data not saved. |
056 | AdV Groups do not match. Groups must have same Sales Month and PPN Flag. |
057 | PPN Flags in Upload file must match PPN Flag of existing AdV Group. |
058 | AdV Group & already linked to VL Doc &. New VL Doc not created. |
059 | No transactions found for AdV Group &. |
060 | No & found in DB &. |
061 | Unit Venture & not valid for Company Code. |
062 | Full Pd Code & is not valid for Combined Pd Cd & associated with DOI &-& |
063 | Full Pd Code & is not valid for Combined Pd Cd & associated w/ Unit Ven & |
064 | No DOI Accounting information for Venture/DOI &/&, Majpd &. |
065 | Venture-DOI &-& is not approved. |
066 | Mkt Rep & is not in Mkt Group Assignment for Venture &-& Majpd Cd &. |
067 | Errors found. |
068 | & cannot be filled if & is blank. |
069 | New Group created: & |
070 | No owners found for & & for Marketing Group & Major Pd &. |
071 | Mkt Rep & not found. All MktReps in Venture & Majpd & must be represented |
072 | No valid VCR found for DOI. |
073 | Warnings found. |
074 | More than one Sales Month exists for AdV Group Nbr. Enter a Sales Month. |
075 | Required field Cost Center not filled. DOI Accounting may be missing. |
076 | AdV Group not found or AdV Group already posted. |
077 | DOI previously posted for Sales Mo &. Posted AdV Group &. |
078 | DOI already in open AdV Group & for Sales Month &. |
079 | Previous booking at diff lvl; booking this Mk Rep will reverse entire DOI |
080 | Previously booked Mk Rep is not in current group, but will be reversed. |
081 | Enter an AdV group. |
082 | Duplicate transactions cannot exist in 2 open groups with same sales mo. |
083 | Cannot display same group on both sides of the screen |
084 | Transaction errors found. Transactions not copied. |
085 | Company code & locked for post simulate for doc type & system source &. |
086 | Place cursor on cell that is open for input. |
087 | Company code & locked for post for doc type & system source &. |
088 | Acct doc nbr & created for company code & acct period &. |
089 | Paste not supported by GUI. |
090 | Error with clipboard import. |
100 | Tax Recovery Group not found for VL Document &. Not a valid Doc for AdV. |
101 | VL Document & not found in OIURV_DOC_HDR. Not a valid Document. |
102 | Error occured updating database & for AdV Group No &, Sales Month &. |