/PRA/ADV - Ad Valorem Tax Recovery

The following messages are stored in message class /PRA/ADV: Ad Valorem Tax Recovery.
It is part of development package /PRA/AD_VALOREM in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Ad valorem".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& & & &
001Error occurred inserting into database: &
002Tax Recovery Group & Sales Month & & successfully.
003Error occurred deleting from database &.
004Field & is required for delete.
005Action Cancelled.
006Invalid Tax Type & for Ctry/Reg or Prim Geo Loc & of DOI. (see long text)
007Select a row.
008Select a column.
009Marketing Rep & is not valid.
010Enter required field: Tax Recovery Group Nbr.
011No records found.
012Required field "&" not filled.
013Required field "&" cannot be determined. &.
014Received Value field was blank and has been defaulted to "&".
015Net/Gross Flag was blank and was defaulted to "&".
016PPN Reason Code is required for all transactions in Groups flagged as PPN
017No errors found.
018Data saved succuessfully.
019Venture/DOI & & not valid for Company Code.
020Pd Code & not valid. Enter a valid 3-digit Full Product Code.
021Duplicate Record: CoCd & Venture & PDcd & Mkt Rep &
022Select a valid line.
023Record appended to transaction list.
024Error reading table.
025Record updated.
026No data changed.
027No records to download.
028Select a valid filename and press "Replace" to continue.
029File must be of type: Unicode Text (*.txt) or Comma Delimited (*.csv).
030AdV Group in Upload file does not match AdV Group & currently on screen.
031Sales Month in Upload file does not match Sales Mo & of current Group.
032Count of & records & uploaded to screen. &
033Error: AdV Group & SalesMo & does not exist (see long text)
038UPLOAD & at time &.
039PPN Reason Code is filled, but Group is not a PPN Group
040Processing line: Company & Venture/DOI (or UnitV) & Pd Cd & Mkt Rep &
041Not a valid & & & &
042AdV Group & Sales Mo & has been posted in VL Doc & and cannot be &.
043AdV Group & Sales Mo & is linked to open VL Doc &. See long text.
044Non-numeric Tax Amount. Upload Aborted. Co & Venture & Mkt Rep &.
045Number of lines & exceeded Maximum No. of hits. See long text.
046Access denied. Check if file is open or being edited by another program.
047Upload completed &
048AdV Grp & is linked to open VL Doc & and can be displayed but not changed
049AdV Grp & has been posted (VL Doc &) and can be displayed but not changed
050"List AdV Transaction Detail" is selected, must enter selection critia
051When & is entered, & is required.
052No & authorization.
053Group & not found.
054More than one record found for Group &. Enter a Sales Month for the Grp.
055Errors found. Data not saved.
056AdV Groups do not match. Groups must have same Sales Month and PPN Flag.
057PPN Flags in Upload file must match PPN Flag of existing AdV Group.
058AdV Group & already linked to VL Doc &. New VL Doc not created.
059No transactions found for AdV Group &.
060No & found in DB &.
061Unit Venture & not valid for Company Code.
062Full Pd Code & is not valid for Combined Pd Cd & associated with DOI &-&
063Full Pd Code & is not valid for Combined Pd Cd & associated w/ Unit Ven &
064No DOI Accounting information for Venture/DOI &/&, Majpd &.
065Venture-DOI &-& is not approved.
066Mkt Rep & is not in Mkt Group Assignment for Venture &-& Majpd Cd &.
067Errors found.
068& cannot be filled if & is blank.
069New Group created: &
070No owners found for & & for Marketing Group & Major Pd &.
071Mkt Rep & not found. All MktReps in Venture & Majpd & must be represented
072No valid VCR found for DOI.
073Warnings found.
074More than one Sales Month exists for AdV Group Nbr. Enter a Sales Month.
075Required field Cost Center not filled. DOI Accounting may be missing.
076AdV Group not found or AdV Group already posted.
077DOI previously posted for Sales Mo &. Posted AdV Group &.
078DOI already in open AdV Group & for Sales Month &.
079Previous booking at diff lvl; booking this Mk Rep will reverse entire DOI
080Previously booked Mk Rep is not in current group, but will be reversed.
081Enter an AdV group.
082Duplicate transactions cannot exist in 2 open groups with same sales mo.
083Cannot display same group on both sides of the screen
084Transaction errors found. Transactions not copied.
085Company code & locked for post simulate for doc type & system source &.
086Place cursor on cell that is open for input.
087Company code & locked for post for doc type & system source &.
088Acct doc nbr & created for company code & acct period &.
089Paste not supported by GUI.
090Error with clipboard import.
100Tax Recovery Group not found for VL Document &. Not a valid Doc for AdV.
101VL Document & not found in OIURV_DOC_HDR. Not a valid Document.
102Error occured updating database & for AdV Group No &, Sales Month &.
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