/PRA/CA - Contractual Allocation Messages

The following messages are stored in message class /PRA/CA: Contractual Allocation Messages.
It is part of development package /PRA/CONTRACTUAL_ALLOCATION in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Main package for Contractual Allocation".
Message Nr
Message Text
001UOM & - CA owner rounding factor must be >= CA rounding factor
002Rounding Customization at UoM level not maintained
003New Customization Not maintained
004Entitlement at DOI level selected but ROA not found
005Determination of highest owner failed
006No Internal Company Owner exists
007Adjustement volumes are given to Highest GRI owner.
008No default venture/DOI found in network.
009No WC-Transporter Cross-Reference data found for WL_NO & WC_NO &
010ACR contract & do not have a corresponding MPTRND contract
011MPTRND contract & do not have a corresponding ACR contract
012No valid contract reference to MREP & & for Sales Point & TP &
013Unable to calculate MP Contribution to Termination Point Marketing Group
014Unable to calculate Contract Values
015Owner & & exists in Revised Owner Availability but not in DOI & &
016Owner & & exists in DOI & & but not in Revised Owner Availability
017Allocation Cross Reference will be ignored for DN & for DOS Sales Point
018No Marketing Representative is Internal Company Owner
019Country/Region is mandatory
020CA version ID update failed
021CA version ID could not be created
022Valuation document cannot be updated against CA and PR version ID
023PR and CA data cannot be found
024CA run failed
025PR version ID cannot be generated
026Please maintain valid Product Code for the Major Product Code.
027Entitled volume does not exist for well completion & & marketing rep & &.
028Actuals volume does not exist for well completion & & marketing rep & &.
029NGL/Residue volume does not exist for material & WC_NO & MREP & &
030NGL/Residue entitled volume does not exist for well & owner & material &
031NGL/Residue sales volume does not exist for WC_NO & owner & material &
032No Contract information found for Delivery Network & .
033Entitled volume does not exist for MP & marketing representative & &
034Actuals volume does not exist for MP & marketing representative & &
035NGL/Residue volume does not exist for material & MP & MREP & &
036NGL/Residue sales volume does not exist for MP & owner & material &
037NGL/Residue Ent Volume does not exist for MP & owner & material &
038No valid DOI cross-reference exists for NGL for the WC_NO & &
039No valid DOI cross-reference exists for NGL for the measurement point &
040Contract details not found in for Natural Gas Liquids .
041Please Select a Valid Allocation Method .
042CA Allocation Method DOS for Well not valid for this DN use DOS for MP .
043CA Allocation Method DOS for MP not valid for this DN use DOS for Well .
044Multiple transporter for contract & MP & material & .
045Mkt Rep on contract &1 does not match the mktg assigment on a DOI .
046Mkt Rep &1 &2 does not have a corresponding contract for TP &3 &4
047Mkt Rep &1 &2 on CT does not match the mktg assig. on DOI for TP &3 &4
048Owner &1 found in MREP assig. but nt in owner detail for Bukrs &2 VNAME&3
049NGL mkt rep &-& does not have an associated wet gas contract for & &
050No wetgas "processing" contracts exist for NGL mktrep &-&, & &.
051"Chemical Analysis Method" is only valid with CA Enh (edit 102) activated
052"Chemical Analysis Method" is only valid for Sales Point Orig alloc methd
053"No Wet Gas" flag is only valid with CA Rounding Enh (edit 102) activated
054"No Wet Gas" flag is only valid for CA Manual Entry allocation method
055Gas Alloc Basis "Energy" should be used with "Chemical Analysis Method"
056CA Static Takes can only be run for DN/PrdDt previously closed in CA.
057DN Dated "Entitlement on WetGas" must be selected for Static Takes alloc.
058WC & Owner & has been deleted from DN. Cannot run Static Takes allocation
059MP & Owner & has been deleted from DN. Cannot run Static Takes allocation
060"CA Static Takes" is only valid with alloc method "Sales Point Origin".
061"CA Static Takes" is only valid with simple plant "Entitlement on WetGas"
062Residue Energy(&1) exceeds Wet Gas energy(&2) of &3 at &4
063No contracts tied to sales point & and transporter & cross reference.
064CA Keep Whole exists for the WC dated record
065CA Keep Whole exists for the Venture/DOI record
066Mk Rep & on the CT tied to term pt &(in SPF) doesn't exist in a Mk Group
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