The following messages are stored in message class /PRA/CA_SPF: .
It is part of development package /PRA/CA_SPF in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Simple Plant Gas Analysis".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Template generated
001Error While generating template
002Save the file in csv format;System supports only csv format during upload
003No file has been selected; load again
004Error reading data from the file
005Data successfully saved
006Data could not be saved to database
007Data sucessfully changed
008Changes could not be saved to database
009Data sucessfully deleted
010Data could not be deleted
011Deletion of chemical analysis point not possible
012No changes made,nothing to save
013Chemical analysis point id &1 already exist,please create a different one
014First select a line
015Choose only a single line
016No records found for the selection criteria
017Record already exist for this date range ,go to change mode to change
018Volume type code is a required field
019Select a theortical allocation method for the volume type code
020Volume Type Code &1 already declared
021Effective from date has to be the first day of the month
022Measurement point &1 not found in delivery network &2 eff from &3
023Enter chemical analysis point
024Chemical analysis point description is a required field
025Chemical analysis point &1 is being already edited by &2
026Delivery Network is a required field
027&1 is a required field
028Enter the header first
029Unit of measurement group is not valid.
030Chemical analysis point already exist .
031Enter the year for which you want to view the records
032Hydracarbon component cannot be empty.
033Combined Component cannot be empty.
034Special characters are not allowed.
035Enter 'Effective from Date' and 'To Date'
036No values found for the given filter criteria
037Production date is a required field
038Enter the data first
039Production Date has to be last day of the month
040Record already exist for this Delivery network &1 and Prod. date &2
041WC/MP XREF for Chemical analysis point &1 is being edited by &2
042Plant Fuel Allocation rules not defined for Delivery Network &1 dated &2
043Effective to date cannot be lesser than Effective from date
044Either Well/WC or MP need to be maintained and not both.
045WC/MP XREF data already exists for Chemical Analysis point &1.
046Maintain atleast one selection criteria
047Maintain atleast one detail level item
048WC/MP XREF data does not exist for Chemical Analysis point &1.
049Prod Alloc Rule already defined for material &1 .
050Material is a required field on this screen
051Component is a required field on this screen
052Theoritical Basis is a required field on this screen
053Measurement Group Id is a required field on this screen
054Measurement Group Id &1 not defined in OIU_PR_DN_MGID database table
055Conversion volume already declared for material &1
056Material is a required field for this screen
057Enter the conversion volume for material &1
058Enter the conversion energy for material &1
059Entered Chemical Analysis point already exists, specify a different name.
060Chemical Analysis point and Effective from date are required field.
061Gas Analysis data already exists for & and &.
062Gas Analysis data not found for & and &.
063Total Molecular Percentage should sum to 100.
064Material & and shrinkage volumes can be defined only for NGLs.
065Record already exist for the delivery network &1, MP &3 and Prod. date &2
066Delivery Network field need to maintained.
067The entered Well & WC & does not belong to the DN &.
068The entered MP & does not belong to the DN &.
069Define volume or energy only for rows which has volume type code defined
070The entered Well/WC or MP is already cross referenced.
071Gas Analysis data for the component code &1 already created
072WL_No and WC_No should be entered together
073No DN associated with the MP
074Either Mol. % or GPM needs to be entered.
075Component Code cannot be empty with Mol. % or GPM entry is entered.
076Maintain atleast Component Code and Mol. % or GPM entries.
077Record already exists for this date.
078Invalid component code &
079MP number & is not a gas sales meter.
080No files selected; select a '.csv' file for upload
081Select a '.csv' file for upload
082Data not saved; enter valid data
083Error generating field catalog for &1 &2
084Error during reading file content into internal table
085&1 duplicate records found
086Invalid chemical analysis point &
087Cannot insert the record & in the table; duplicate entry exists
088Invalid hydracarbon component code & for Chemical Analysis Point & &.
089Cannot modify record & & &; total mol % does not sum to 100
090Valid data; upload is possible
091Entries do not exist for Mol_Weight or GPM for & & &
092Enter Mol. % or GPM for & & &.
093Deletion of record & & & not possible; total mol % will not sum to 100
094Cannot insert record & & &; total mol % will not sum to 100
095Plant fuel volume not available for residue in DN &1 and prd dt & 2
096Chemical analysis pt. not available for the WC in the DN &1 and prd dt &2
097Gas analysis data not available for chemical analysis pt in DN&1,prd dt&2
098Product allocation rule details not available for DN &1,prd dt &2
099Product allocation rule details not available for DN &1,prd dt &2,mat. &3
100Conversion factor data not found for DN &1,Prd Dt&2.
101Conversion factor data not found for DN &1,Prd Dt&2,Material &3.
102Duplicate records found for &.
103Measurement Group not maintained on DN dated window for DN & 1 ,prd Dt &2
104Unit of measurement group not defined for Meas Grp Id &1 ,Major Prod &2
105Default Pressure value could not be fetched for DN &1 ,prd dt &2
106Observed Pressure value could not be fetched for DN &1 ,prd dt &2
107Plant Fuel Allocation Rules not found for DN &1 ,prd Dt &2
108Plant Fuel Allocation not found for Volume type &1 DN &2 ,prd Dt &3
109Component Code &1 is neither a combined component nor a hydrocarbon comp
110Error Updating the records in the database table /pra/ga_theon_wc
111Error Updating the records in the database table /pra/ga_shrin_wc
112Error Updating the records in the database table /pra/ga_pf_wc
113Error Updating the records in the database table /pra/ga_theor_wc
114Error Updating the records in the database table /pra/ga_actl_wc
115The gas analysis record & does not exist in the database
116Unable to read wet gas contract results in gas analysis processing
117No changes made to the record & in the table;entry already exists
118Invalid date; effective from date must be 1st day of the month
119Invalid mark indicator &; mark indicator must either be I, X, or blank.
120Maintain actual volumes and energy for volume type &1
121Enter measurement point
122You are not authorized to perform the desired operation
123Key fields are initial data not saved
124Residue Allocation Method is a mandatory field on this screen
125Either of Well or Measurement Point must be maintained
126No records found for saving
127Pressure Value is a mandatory field on this screen
128Pressue Value should be between 0 and 15
129Effective from date is mandatory on this screen
130Error in PPN generation
131Chemical Analysis Pt. &1 Effec &2 is a new record use the Insert Mark(I)
132Pressure Value and Pressure Unit are required.
133Pressure Unit of Measure is a mandatory field on this screen.
134Pressure base Unit of Measure must match between DN and Gas Analysis.
135Enter 'Delivery Network' and '&1' to view Master Date Setup
136Enter 'Delivery Network' and 'Sales Date' to view Results
137Overlapping cross-references found for termination point &1
138WC/MP to Chemical Analysis Point Xref not maintained for WL/WC &1/&2
139No GPM Data for Chemical Analysis Point &1 for sales month
140Non-numeric &. Upload aborted. Check number formats do not contain commas
141Invalid deletion indicator &1. Maintain 'X' for deletion
142Invalid Production Date &1
143Record does not exist for deletion
144Plant fuel volumes for this header already locked by &1. Upload aborted
145Valid data; Upload is possible.
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