The following messages are stored in message class /PRA/CA_SPF_VOLUMES: .
It is part of development package /PRA/CA_SPF in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Simple Plant Gas Analysis".
Message Nr
Message Text
000First select a line
001Choose only a single line
002Audit Trail Records not found
003No Records found for the selection criteria
004No Authorization for Change
005No Changes Made
006Data Successfully Saved
007Changes could not be saved to database
008Select rows for deletion
009Download template.
010Template generated.
011Error while generating template.
012Error reading data from file &1 - RC: &2.
013Invalid entry found, data will not be saved.
014Error generating field catalog for &1 &2.
015Error reading file content into internal table.
016&1 duplicate records found.
017Upload Sucessfull, data commited to database.
018Valid Data, Can be Successfully Uploaded.
019Delete Successful.
020Valid Data, Can be Successfully Deleted.
021Component is invalid or does not exist in the system.
022Data & does not exist in the database.
023Invalid file type! Only '.csv' files are allowed for upload.
024Chemical Point is invalid or does not exist in the system.
025Effective from date is not the 1st day of the month.
026Total Mol % does not add up to 100.
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