/PRA/CHECK_INPUT - Message class for check input
The following messages are stored in message class /PRA/CHECK_INPUT: Message class for check input.
It is part of development package /PRA/CHECK_INPUT in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Main package for Check Input process".
It is part of development package /PRA/CHECK_INPUT in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Main package for Check Input process".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Record can be processed for system update |
001 | System number for remitter to DOI cross reference failed |
002 | System number is null for remitter to DOI cross reference |
003 | Remitter to DOI cross reference database failed (&1) |
004 | Enter "Effective From Date" |
005 | "Effective From Date" is not filled |
006 | Either "Remitter ID" or "Sequence Number" is not filled |
007 | Either "Remitter Property" or "Remitter Product" is not filled |
008 | "Product" is not filled |
009 | Either Property DOI/Meas point/Afflicated Account Number must be passed |
010 | Value for "Blanchard Cross Reference" must be "N" or "Y" |
011 | Property/DOI and DOI Number must be filled for Blanchard Cross Reference |
012 | Value for "Calculate Severance Tax" must be "Y" or "N" |
013 | Invalid &1 "Affilicated Account Number" filled |
014 | Enter valid "Effective From Date" |
015 | Enter valid "Effective To Date" |
016 | Remitter DOI cross reference already exists for the effective date range |
017 | Invalid &1 "PDX System Number" for "Special Distribution" copy |
018 | "PDX System Number" must be filled |
019 | Records saved successfully |
020 | No valid records to save |
021 | "Effective To Date" must be greater than the "Effective From Date" |
022 | No messages exists |
023 | "Affilicated Account Number" is not filled for "Company Code/Cost Center" |
024 | Invalid &1 "Company Code" filled |
025 | Enter numeric values for &1 &2. |
026 | Enter valid "Remitter ID" |
027 | Enter valid "Property/DOI Number" |
028 | DOI date range not within the remitter to DOI cross reference date range |
029 | Enter valid "Measurement Point ID" |
030 | Maintain "Layout Field" and the "Layout Field Value" |
031 | Duplicate record found for special distribution for system number &1. |
032 | "Effective To Date" must be the last day of the month |
033 | & & & & |
034 | Enter "Effective Date From" |
035 | "Effective Date To" must be greater than the "Effective Date From" |
036 | UOM not valid for product &1 &2 |
037 | Override Process Number &1 does not exist in Process Rules. |
038 | Property/DOI fields are required fields and must be entered |
039 | Measurement Point ID is a required field and must be entered |
040 | Affiliated account code is a required and must be entered |
041 | Select Special Distribution before choosing Distribution on Net |
042 | Duplicate record with the same key |
043 | Value for "Distribution on Net" must be "X" or blank |
044 | Percentage is &1 and that the owner net allocation is not correct |
045 | Record was not &1 |
046 | No data is changed |
047 | No record selected for & |
048 | Remitter Number is not filled |
049 | Enter numeric values for DOI Number/MP Number & |
050 | **** Remitter Layout Xref******* |
051 | Multiple Selections not allowed |
052 | Select a line to proceed |
053 | Redistribution WI Owner not valid within the Effective Date Range |
054 | Table not found to generate sequence number |
055 | Object not found to generate sequence number |
056 | Interval not found to generate sequence number |
057 | Number range is not intern to generate sequence number |
058 | Interval overflow while generating sequence number |
059 | Check valued sucessfully |
060 | Effective To Date must be the Last Day of the Month. |
061 | Redistribution WI Owner & not part of DOI & |
062 | No Blanchard Owners found in DOI within the Effective Date Range |
065 | *********DATABASE OPERATIONS************* |
066 | Insert Operation failed for table &1 |
067 | Update Operation failed for table &1 |
068 | Delete Operation failed for table &1 |
073 | |
074 | & UOM not valid for product & |
075 | **************Mass Upload For Remitter DOI Cross Reference********** |
076 | CDEX process number &1 does not exist in process rules. |
077 | Record can be saved |
078 | Enter PDX system number in the record |
079 | Cost center & is invalid |
080 | Enter company code |
081 | Enter venture or DOI |
082 | Enter valid venture/DOI |
083 | System number with special distribution entered for MP/affiliated account |
084 | Error reading data from the file |
085 | Could not insert duplicate record in special distribution |
086 | Save the file in csv format;System supports only csv format during upload |
087 | Template Generated Sucessfully . |
088 | Error while generating template |
089 | Select only one record |
090 | No record found for mass upload |
091 | Field catalog generation failed |
092 | Error reading data from the file |
093 | & |
094 | Overflow exception while converting to number |
095 | Existing record in the system will be overwritten |
096 | File should be of .csv extension |
097 | Enter a valid unit of measurement |
098 | Enter unit of measurement & in the record |
099 | Enter resell contract & in the record |
100 | No Layout Present for Company Code &1 and Layout Id &2 |
101 | Field description for Check layout for language &1 not maintained |
102 | Enter a valid Check Layout ID |
103 | Layout detail for ID &1 not present |
104 | Layout &1 already exists |
105 | &1 Invalid Layout ID - numeric values only allowed |
106 | No cross references present for Remitter &1 and Layout ID &2 |
107 | Layout &1 is in use, no update is possible |
108 | No record found |
109 | Mandatory fields must be selected to approve a check layout & |
110 | No updates are possible once the layout has been approved |
111 | Record already exists |
112 | Sequence Number must be unique |
113 | Layout field must be a valid component of Net Amount |
114 | Update Failed |
115 | Field Number is required and may be alphanumeric |
116 | Sequence Number is required and must be numeric |
117 | Record is updated successfully |
118 | Default of Y in the producer |
120 | Record deleted |
121 | Screen display failed Rc: & |
124 | & cancelled |
125 | Record cannot be updated in Display Mode |
126 | No changes were made |
127 | Sequence Number must be between 01 and 99 |
128 | Layout & cannot be deleted as Remitter Layout Xref exists. |
129 | Records Deleted. |
130 | Check layout &1 is not approved |
131 | Field &1 cannot be used in Check Layout |
132 | Record changed & |
133 | Record added & |
134 | Associated field &1 for field &2 is missing in the check layout |
136 | Enter Translate code |
137 | Enter Redefine code |
139 | It is used in the translation and can not be deleted |
140 | Enter Remitter code |
141 | Could not lock it |
142 | Check Layout Field Number & is not valid |
143 | Check Redefined Field Number & is not valid |
144 | Check Layout Number & is not valid / not approved |
150 | ***Process Rules ***** |
151 | Enter the Sequence Number for the Process Rule |
152 | Enter the Resultant Field for the Process Rule |
153 | Enter the Calculation Method for the Process Rule |
154 | Remitter number &1 is not valid. |
155 | Check Layout &1 not valid to process rules |
156 | The override process number &1 should be numeric and 4 digits (eg. 0014) |
157 | Invalid default flag indicator. Should be marked Y (yes) or N (no) |
158 | If the rule is default, The check layout no should be same as override no |
159 | Remitter ID is not filled. |
160 | Enter layout ID |
161 | If the rule is not default check layout no can not be same as override no |
162 | Invalid product code |
163 | Product Code needed when the Rule is not default |
164 | Duplicate record. Remitter=&1, Layout=&2, Override No=&3 and Product=&4 |
165 | Record not found |
166 | Rules for the Remitter &1 and product code &2 not available |
167 | Save falied for process rules with layout &1 and Remitter &2 |
168 | Product codes for the language &1 not maintained |
169 | Remitter &1 and Layout &2 Cross reference not maintained |
170 | Rule sequence number should be numeric and unique |
171 | Resultant field is Mandatory. Maintain for sequence number &1 |
172 | Field constant must be numeric and between &1 and &2 |
173 | Function must be one of the following-"ADD", "SUB", "MUL", "DIV",OR "MOV" |
174 | Duplicate record for sequence number &1 |
175 | Resultant field is invalid at sequence number &1 |
176 | Duplicate resultant field for sequence number &1 |
177 | Field no &1 not configured to be a valid resultant field. |
178 | Factor field code &1 and value &2 cannot be maintained simultaniously |
179 | Factor field number &1 is not valid |
180 | Factor field number &1 should be numeric |
181 | The factor field &1 must be a work area defined before at sequence &2 |
182 | Field no &1 not configured to be a valid factor field. |
183 | Factor field &1 not defined in the check layout table |
184 | Field factor 2 cannot be used with MOV calculation method at sequence &1 |
185 | Work field &1 at sequence &2 used in further lines, update to &3 falied |
186 | Override Process Number &1 does not exist in Process Rules. |
187 | CDEX Override Process Number &1 does not exist in Process Rules. |
188 | No records found for Remitter no &1 and Check Layout &2 |
189 | Check &1 for Remitter &2 cannot be reset since Locked by user &3 |
190 | No records found for Remitter no &1 and Check Number &2 |
191 | Duplicate keys for Remitter no and Check Number &2 |
192 | Editing Process Rule canceled since Resetting of Checks stopped by user |
193 | No effective changes. Save not required. |
194 | Cannot save record. Atleast one detailed formula line needs to be defined |
195 | Check Layout &1 not maintained |
196 | Check Layout &1 is not numeric |
197 | Save failed. Duplicates for Remitter=&1, Override no=&2 and Product=&3 |
198 | A valid line should be selected. |
199 | Select a valid field. |
200 | No multiple selection for action "Create" - First selected record used |
201 | Record was successfully &. |
202 | Please Select a Line, Place Cursor on a line... |
203 | Duplicate entry for process rules with layout &1 and Remitter &2 |
204 | Record not saved |
205 | Item not marked for Write-Off |
206 | AR amount mismatch between VL and Cash Batch for VL document number &. |
207 | The affiliated account must be of type MS or EX or IN or AP. |
208 | Contract required:Federal/Indian/Taxable Indians owner(s) in V/DOI |
209 | Contract is not valid within the PDX date range |
210 | Multiple Revenue Process Code exists in DOI accounting setup |
214 | ***PPD ***** |
215 | Remitter & Check & not marked for processing due DB update failure |
216 | Valuing started for Remitter &, Check Number & |
217 | Posting started for Remitter &, Check Number & |
218 | Processing Complete for Remitter &, Check Number & |
219 | Processing Canceled for Remitter &, Check Number & |
220 | Selection has Check which cannot be processed. & & &. Reselect please |
221 | Check & for Remitter & omitted from selection. Locked by user & |
222 | Locking failure in Check & for Remitter &. In use by & |
223 | Error in Posting Document &. Remitter & Check & |
224 | No Document found for posting. Remitter & Check & |
225 | No Lineitems found for Remitter & Check & |
226 | Deletion failed. Remitter & Check & not deleted. |
227 | Document & failed due to posting errors. Reasons in Exception Report |
228 | No logs found for document & |
229 | Account not maintained for company & deduct type & in /PRA/CI_MISC_ACC |
230 | Check posted successfully |
231 | Check posted with suspense |
232 | Translation not maintained for Deduct/Income Type |
233 | The total layout entries entered & exceeds the maximum limit of 32 |
236 | Select checks belonging to same layout |
237 | Select checks belonging to CDEX entry |
300 | *************PDX******************************************************* |
301 | Value for "Blanchard Cross Reference" must be "X" or " " or Blank |
302 | Value for "Calculate Severance Tax" must be "X" or " " or blank |
303 | No log is displayed when check is fully posted. |
304 | Blanchard owner not defined for Venture & DOI & |
310 | Missing detail: WI redistribution owner, interest type or sequence no |
311 | Redistribution WI owner entry not allowed if Blanchard xref flag not set |
312 | Remitter & Layout & with Sequence & have errors. |