/PRA/CHECK_INPUT - Message class for check input

The following messages are stored in message class /PRA/CHECK_INPUT: Message class for check input.
It is part of development package /PRA/CHECK_INPUT in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Main package for Check Input process".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Record can be processed for system update
001System number for remitter to DOI cross reference failed
002System number is null for remitter to DOI cross reference
003Remitter to DOI cross reference database failed (&1)
004Enter "Effective From Date"
005"Effective From Date" is not filled
006Either "Remitter ID" or "Sequence Number" is not filled
007Either "Remitter Property" or "Remitter Product" is not filled
008"Product" is not filled
009Either Property DOI/Meas point/Afflicated Account Number must be passed
010Value for "Blanchard Cross Reference" must be "N" or "Y"
011Property/DOI and DOI Number must be filled for Blanchard Cross Reference
012Value for "Calculate Severance Tax" must be "Y" or "N"
013Invalid &1 "Affilicated Account Number" filled
014Enter valid "Effective From Date"
015Enter valid "Effective To Date"
016Remitter DOI cross reference already exists for the effective date range
017Invalid &1 "PDX System Number" for "Special Distribution" copy
018"PDX System Number" must be filled
019Records saved successfully
020No valid records to save
021"Effective To Date" must be greater than the "Effective From Date"
022No messages exists
023"Affilicated Account Number" is not filled for "Company Code/Cost Center"
024Invalid &1 "Company Code" filled
025Enter numeric values for &1 &2.
026Enter valid "Remitter ID"
027Enter valid "Property/DOI Number"
028DOI date range not within the remitter to DOI cross reference date range
029Enter valid "Measurement Point ID"
030Maintain "Layout Field" and the "Layout Field Value"
031Duplicate record found for special distribution for system number &1.
032"Effective To Date" must be the last day of the month
033& & & &
034Enter "Effective Date From"
035"Effective Date To" must be greater than the "Effective Date From"
036UOM not valid for product &1 &2
037Override Process Number &1 does not exist in Process Rules.
038Property/DOI fields are required fields and must be entered
039Measurement Point ID is a required field and must be entered
040Affiliated account code is a required and must be entered
041Select Special Distribution before choosing Distribution on Net
042Duplicate record with the same key
043Value for "Distribution on Net" must be "X" or blank
044Percentage is &1 and that the owner net allocation is not correct
045Record was not &1
046No data is changed
047No record selected for &
048Remitter Number is not filled
049Enter numeric values for DOI Number/MP Number &
050**** Remitter Layout Xref*******
051Multiple Selections not allowed
052Select a line to proceed
053Redistribution WI Owner not valid within the Effective Date Range
054Table not found to generate sequence number
055Object not found to generate sequence number
056Interval not found to generate sequence number
057Number range is not intern to generate sequence number
058Interval overflow while generating sequence number
059Check valued sucessfully
060Effective To Date must be the Last Day of the Month.
061Redistribution WI Owner & not part of DOI &
062No Blanchard Owners found in DOI within the Effective Date Range
065*********DATABASE OPERATIONS*************
066Insert Operation failed for table &1
067Update Operation failed for table &1
068Delete Operation failed for table &1
074& UOM not valid for product &
075**************Mass Upload For Remitter DOI Cross Reference**********
076CDEX process number &1 does not exist in process rules.
077Record can be saved
078Enter PDX system number in the record
079Cost center & is invalid
080Enter company code
081Enter venture or DOI
082Enter valid venture/DOI
083System number with special distribution entered for MP/affiliated account
084Error reading data from the file
085Could not insert duplicate record in special distribution
086Save the file in csv format;System supports only csv format during upload
087Template Generated Sucessfully .
088Error while generating template
089Select only one record
090No record found for mass upload
091Field catalog generation failed
092Error reading data from the file
094Overflow exception while converting to number
095Existing record in the system will be overwritten
096File should be of .csv extension
097Enter a valid unit of measurement
098Enter unit of measurement & in the record
099Enter resell contract & in the record
100No Layout Present for Company Code &1 and Layout Id &2
101Field description for Check layout for language &1 not maintained
102Enter a valid Check Layout ID
103Layout detail for ID &1 not present
104Layout &1 already exists
105&1 Invalid Layout ID - numeric values only allowed
106No cross references present for Remitter &1 and Layout ID &2
107Layout &1 is in use, no update is possible
108No record found
109Mandatory fields must be selected to approve a check layout &
110No updates are possible once the layout has been approved
111Record already exists
112Sequence Number must be unique
113Layout field must be a valid component of Net Amount
114Update Failed
115Field Number is required and may be alphanumeric
116Sequence Number is required and must be numeric
117Record is updated successfully
118Default of Y in the producer
120Record deleted
121Screen display failed Rc: &
124& cancelled
125Record cannot be updated in Display Mode
126No changes were made
127Sequence Number must be between 01 and 99
128Layout & cannot be deleted as Remitter Layout Xref exists.
129Records Deleted.
130Check layout &1 is not approved
131Field &1 cannot be used in Check Layout
132Record changed &
133Record added &
134Associated field &1 for field &2 is missing in the check layout
136Enter Translate code
137Enter Redefine code
139It is used in the translation and can not be deleted
140Enter Remitter code
141Could not lock it
142Check Layout Field Number & is not valid
143Check Redefined Field Number & is not valid
144Check Layout Number & is not valid / not approved
150***Process Rules *****
151Enter the Sequence Number for the Process Rule
152Enter the Resultant Field for the Process Rule
153Enter the Calculation Method for the Process Rule
154Remitter number &1 is not valid.
155Check Layout &1 not valid to process rules
156The override process number &1 should be numeric and 4 digits (eg. 0014)
157Invalid default flag indicator. Should be marked Y (yes) or N (no)
158If the rule is default, The check layout no should be same as override no
159Remitter ID is not filled.
160Enter layout ID
161If the rule is not default check layout no can not be same as override no
162Invalid product code
163Product Code needed when the Rule is not default
164Duplicate record. Remitter=&1, Layout=&2, Override No=&3 and Product=&4
165Record not found
166Rules for the Remitter &1 and product code &2 not available
167Save falied for process rules with layout &1 and Remitter &2
168Product codes for the language &1 not maintained
169Remitter &1 and Layout &2 Cross reference not maintained
170Rule sequence number should be numeric and unique
171Resultant field is Mandatory. Maintain for sequence number &1
172Field constant must be numeric and between &1 and &2
173Function must be one of the following-"ADD", "SUB", "MUL", "DIV",OR "MOV"
174Duplicate record for sequence number &1
175Resultant field is invalid at sequence number &1
176Duplicate resultant field for sequence number &1
177Field no &1 not configured to be a valid resultant field.
178Factor field code &1 and value &2 cannot be maintained simultaniously
179Factor field number &1 is not valid
180Factor field number &1 should be numeric
181The factor field &1 must be a work area defined before at sequence &2
182Field no &1 not configured to be a valid factor field.
183Factor field &1 not defined in the check layout table
184Field factor 2 cannot be used with MOV calculation method at sequence &1
185Work field &1 at sequence &2 used in further lines, update to &3 falied
186Override Process Number &1 does not exist in Process Rules.
187CDEX Override Process Number &1 does not exist in Process Rules.
188No records found for Remitter no &1 and Check Layout &2
189Check &1 for Remitter &2 cannot be reset since Locked by user &3
190No records found for Remitter no &1 and Check Number &2
191Duplicate keys for Remitter no and Check Number &2
192Editing Process Rule canceled since Resetting of Checks stopped by user
193No effective changes. Save not required.
194Cannot save record. Atleast one detailed formula line needs to be defined
195Check Layout &1 not maintained
196Check Layout &1 is not numeric
197Save failed. Duplicates for Remitter=&1, Override no=&2 and Product=&3
198A valid line should be selected.
199Select a valid field.
200No multiple selection for action "Create" - First selected record used
201Record was successfully &.
202Please Select a Line, Place Cursor on a line...
203Duplicate entry for process rules with layout &1 and Remitter &2
204Record not saved
205Item not marked for Write-Off
206AR amount mismatch between VL and Cash Batch for VL document number &.
207The affiliated account must be of type MS or EX or IN or AP.
208Contract required:Federal/Indian/Taxable Indians owner(s) in V/DOI
209Contract is not valid within the PDX date range
210Multiple Revenue Process Code exists in DOI accounting setup
214***PPD *****
215Remitter & Check & not marked for processing due DB update failure
216Valuing started for Remitter &, Check Number &
217Posting started for Remitter &, Check Number &
218Processing Complete for Remitter &, Check Number &
219Processing Canceled for Remitter &, Check Number &
220Selection has Check which cannot be processed. & & &. Reselect please
221Check & for Remitter & omitted from selection. Locked by user &
222Locking failure in Check & for Remitter &. In use by &
223Error in Posting Document &. Remitter & Check &
224No Document found for posting. Remitter & Check &
225No Lineitems found for Remitter & Check &
226Deletion failed. Remitter & Check & not deleted.
227Document & failed due to posting errors. Reasons in Exception Report
228No logs found for document &
229Account not maintained for company & deduct type & in /PRA/CI_MISC_ACC
230Check posted successfully
231Check posted with suspense
232Translation not maintained for Deduct/Income Type
233The total layout entries entered & exceeds the maximum limit of 32
236Select checks belonging to same layout
237Select checks belonging to CDEX entry
301Value for "Blanchard Cross Reference" must be "X" or " " or Blank
302Value for "Calculate Severance Tax" must be "X" or " " or blank
303No log is displayed when check is fully posted.
304Blanchard owner not defined for Venture & DOI &
310Missing detail: WI redistribution owner, interest type or sequence no
311Redistribution WI owner entry not allowed if Blanchard xref flag not set
312Remitter & Layout & with Sequence & have errors.
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