/PRA/DATA_MIGRATION - Message class for PRA Data Migration
The following messages are stored in message class /PRA/DATA_MIGRATION: Message class for PRA Data Migration.
It is part of development package /PRA/DATA_MIGRATION in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Data migration objects for PRA on 1S4HC".
It is part of development package /PRA/DATA_MIGRATION in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Data migration objects for PRA on 1S4HC".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | & & & & |
001 | Document can't be posted. Line Item data missing for Technical ID &. |
002 | Delivery network number & is not valid. |
003 | Well ID number & is not valid. |
004 | Well &, Well Completion Number & is not valid. |
005 | Measurement point number & is not valid. |
006 | Company Code & is not valid. |
007 | Joint Venture & is not valid. |
008 | Company Code &, Venture & and Division of interest(DOI) & is not valid. |
009 | Contract Number & is not valid. |
010 | Formula number & is not valid. |
011 | Measurement point type code & is not valid. |
012 | Transporter number & is not valid. |
013 | No items passed to process. |
014 | Provide Any Input(Formula/Formula Details) To Process |
015 | Transporter Contract Well Completion XRef & is already exists. |
016 | Transporter Contract Measurement Point XRef & is already exists. |
017 | Total & rows updated into table &. |
018 | & |
019 | Well &/Well Completion &, Measurement Point & can't exist together & &. |
020 | Both Measurement Point and Well/Well Completion are not present & &. |
021 | & is not a valid &. |
022 | Formula Details for Formula & can't be created without & |
023 | & & & is already processed with Sernder Technical ID & |
024 | DOI Number & is not valid |
025 | Secondary Geographical location is not permitted |
026 | Unit of Measurement & does not match the default UoM & in OIU_CM_SEVTGRP |
027 | Either Measurement point or Well Copletion should be filled |
028 | & doesn't have & items & & |
029 | & is not a valid & & & |
030 | & & can't be both & and & |
031 | Measurement Point & Transporter & already exist in Table & |
032 | Well & and Well Completion & Transporter & already exist in Table & |
033 | Major Product Code & can only have & & |
034 | Record already exists for venture/owner in table /PRA/ACCT_CNTRL |
035 | Remitter Code & is not valid. |
036 | Layout Number & is not valid. |
037 | Both Translated Code and Redefined Field Can't have values |
038 | Messages for Formula Sequence Number & |
039 | Record already exists with same key for & |
040 | Redefined Field should not have value |
041 | Translated Code should not have value |
042 | Remitter & already exist in Table & |
043 | Sys No not Found For & |
044 | Messages for Process Rules Sequence Number &. |
045 | Layout Field & is not valid |
046 | Redefined Field & is not valid |
047 | Enter chemical analysis point & & |
048 | Chemical analysis point description is a required field & & |
049 | & & already exists |
050 | & can't be blank in & & & |
051 | Enter 'Effective from Date' & &. |
052 | Effective to date can't be < Effective from date & &. |
053 | Delivery Network can't be 'BLANK' & & & & |
054 | Production Date has to be last day of the month & & |
055 | & & & & have errors |
056 | Settlement Diversity flag is not set for VCR &. |
057 | Settlement Flag is not set in Formula & |
058 | Overlapping & found for & & & |
059 | Owner & is not assigned to DOI &, Interest Type & and Sequence No. & |
060 | & is not assigned to Country/Region &, Geo Location & and Major Product & |
061 | Neither & nor & & selected for & |
062 | No & entries found for the given selection |
063 | No Oil Statement Header entries found for the given selection |
064 | No Oil Statement Details entries found for the given selection |
065 | No Run Header entries found for the given selection |
066 | No Tax Reporting Profile found for the given selection |
067 | No Data found for the given selection |
068 | & & is not available in PRA Master Data. |
069 | & can't be blank & & & |
070 | Well/Well Completn, Measurement Pt and Joint venture can't exist together |
071 | Well/Well Completn, Measurement Pt and Joint venture can't be blank |
072 | DOI can't be passed without Joint Venture & |
073 | PRA data for & & is already maintained. |