/PRA/EF - Excess Fee Rules
The following messages are stored in message class /PRA/EF: Excess Fee Rules.
It is part of development package /PRA/REVENUE_DISTRIBUTION in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Revenue distribution".
It is part of development package /PRA/REVENUE_DISTRIBUTION in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Revenue distribution".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Rule Scope is Mandatory |
001 | Major Product Code is Mandatory |
002 | Company Code & is Invalid |
003 | DN & is not Effective from Date & |
004 | Unit Venture & is Invalid |
005 | V/DOI - &/& is not Effective from Date & |
006 | Well/WC - &/& is Effective from Date & |
007 | Scope & Exists with the same key between the Date Range & to & |
008 | Effective from Date Must be the First Day of the Month |
009 | DN can't be Initial |
010 | Company Code can't be Initial |
011 | Unit Venture can't be Initial |
012 | Venture Can't be Initial |
013 | Venture/DOI Can't be Initial |
014 | Well Can't be Initial |
015 | Well/Well Completion can't be Initial |
016 | Effective from Date Can't be Initial |
017 | Rank must be Added if "Exclude from Process" is not Checked |
018 | Insertion Failed |
019 | Inconsistent Data Found |
020 | Record Created Successfully |
021 | Updation Failed |
022 | Record Updated Successfully |
023 | & Record(s) Deleted Successfully |
024 | Action Canceled by User & |
025 | No Record Displayed yet to Delete |
026 | Select a Single Line to Copy |
027 | No Record Displayed yet to Copy |
028 | Select a Single Line to Change |
029 | No Record Displayed yet to Change |
030 | No Data Found for Selection Criteria |
031 | Deletion Failed |
032 | No Marketing Types Maintained for Major Product Code & |
033 | Rule Scope & is Invalid |
034 | Object is Locked by User & |
035 | Select a Single Line to Display |
036 | No Lines Selected from the List to Display |
037 | No Changes have been Made |
038 | Effective from Date Can't be Initial |
039 | Select a Single Line to Navigate to Change Log |
040 | Select or Display a Record First to Navigate to Change Log |
041 | Please Select Line(s) form the ALV List to Delete |
042 | Please Select a Line form the ALV List to Copy |
043 | Please Select a Line form the ALV List to Display |
044 | Please Select a Line form the ALV List to Change |
045 | Effective from Date must be the First Day of the Month |
046 | Unsaved Data will be Lost. Do you want to continue? |