/PRA/ONRR_2014 - ONRR-2014

The following messages are stored in message class /PRA/ONRR_2014: ONRR-2014.
It is part of development package /PRA/ONRR_2014 in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ONRR-2014".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Lease information is missing
001Total Tract Participation factor cannot Exceed 1
002Total Allocation Percent must be equal to 1
003Invalid ONRR-2014 Owner
004Last character of Lease not blank: &1
005Invalid ONRR-2014 Agreement Number
006Master data is missing for Venture/DOI &1/&2 Well/WC &3/&4
007Master data is missing; May impact this report run
008Lease master is missing for Lease &1
009Master data for Agreement is missing; Agreement/Lease &1/&2
010Contract/Sales Type Xref is missing; Contract &1
011Product Code XRef is missing; Product/Vol Type &1/&2
012First migration sales month is missing in configuration
013Finalized Old MMS-2014 report not found in range
014Begin Sales Date updated to &1 based on configuration
015Migrated report cannot be deleted
016Enter Sales Date
017Enter Period
018Only one Payment/Recoup record can exist for this key
019Enter Sales Date criteria for High Level Suspension
020From Sales Date & must be before To Sales Date &
021Enter From/To for Sales Date range
022Enter Sales Date criteria for Entity Level Suspension
023From/To Dates are not required
024Enter at least one Entity
025Only use Venture/DOI, or Well/WC
026Enter Sales Date criteria
027Entities not found or missing Master Data
028PRA Level ASU applicable only to current reports
029Use only From/To for Sales Date range criteria
030Enter only From Sales Date
031Invalid API Well Number: Well/Wc &1/&2
032Txn cannot be fully reported: Venture/DOI &1/&2 Well/WC &3/&4
033Change only one new Estimate field at a time
034End Sales Date updated to &1 based on old finalized 2014 reports
035Owner &1 already belongs to Group &2
036Owner information is missing
037Owner Group is missing; Owner &1
038Owner Group is missing; May impact this report run
039Report line was previously reported as non manual 2014; cannot proceed
040Rejects exist; cannot finalize
041File Generated; &1
042Recoupments already exists; cannot delete
043Rental credit cannot be less than recouped amount
044Effective From must be &1
045Oil/Gas indicator XRef is missing; Product Code &1
046Cannot operate on reversal entries
047Cannot operate on related reject entries
048Invalid ONRR-2014 run &1
049OOS write off account is missing for company &1
050Second analysis month must be after first
051Variance must be greater than or equal to 0
052Variance percent must be greater than 0
053Invalid Override Transaction Code &
054Error allocating complete adjustment
055Enter only From Sales Date
056Invalid owner based on run type
057Not every migrated report confirm reject step has been completed
058Not all reversal sources have been assigned and approved: &1 &2 &3
059Manual PRA details maintained, please revalidate
060Calculated royalty rate is &1
061Cannot operate on a mix of bookings and reversals
062Invalid lease info
063Estimates must be positive
064Invalid Payor
065Recoupable Balance must be positive
066Report step execution scheduled/running
067Report step execution scheduled/running. Data cannot be saved.
068Invalid Company Code
069Invalid Owner Group
070The date & must be the last day of the month
071Sales Volume should not be zero for calculating Royalty Rate
072PRA level ASU only applicable to non-reported data
073PRA level ASUE only applicable to non-reported data
074Cannot operate on lines with finalized migrated reports
075All lines must correspond to migrated sales dates
076Cannot take estimate adjustment: &1 &2
077Account: &1, Record Count: &2, Total Amount Posted: &3
078No PPNs are generated
079Report &1 is &2 by user &3
080Adjustments must be persistent when sales figures are not recalculated
081The entered alternate group key already exists in report &1
082Finalization has started for run id &1
083All records must be saved prior to finalization
084A minimum of lease number or agreement number is required
085A minimum of override adjustment code or override pad number is required
086Invalid ONRR product UOM: Product: &1 / Volume: &2 / Energy: &3
087Maximum de-aggregated history records reached
088PRA level ASU applicable only to first-time reporting
089Timeout occured in migration report due to possible deadlock with queue
090Process lock failed. Old 2014 FINAL step is running.
091JE lock failed. JE entries relevant to migration report are processing.
092Alternate history key missing from ONRR 2.0 history: &1 &2
093Enter Sales Month
094BRIO upload requires exactly one Payor
095Validation rejects exist on amended records
096Payment Method Code required
097Credit adjustments must be negative values
098Reference document numbers are required
099Invalid line.
100Valid PAD required for credit adjustment
101Credits can only be applied to Federal leases
102Entity code & cannot have tax amount
103Enter reporting month
104Provide a space before and after the && symbol in the lease name
105Enter the price limit
106'Price_To' must be greater than 'Price_From'.
107Select either quantity or percentage
108Enter lessor code
109Enter product code
110Enter distributee code
111Enter complete effective dates
112Invalid distributee code &1
113Lease &1 is not selected for Section 6
114Select at least 1 override
115Enter sev. tax assessment rate
116Enter additional roy. Rate
117Select record with booking line type (line type 8).
118Select line with transaction cd 01(royalty due) or 10(compens roy paymnt)
119Confirm Rejects step has not been completed or finalized
120ASCII file has not been generated
121Run ID & not found
122Credit amount: & exceeds royalty: & for PAD &
123History source does not exist
124ERROR: DB & into table /PRA/FP_FIN_RCON errored for Comp Cd &
125Company Code & successfully updated for Acct Pd &
126Financial Reconciliation Populate ended &. &
127Company Code & already updated w/ latest Acct Pd &. Not updated
128ERROR reading accounting period for Company Code &. Not updated
129At least one company code is reporting with outdated data.
130The reported data comes from different accounting periods.
131Trial migration reports exist
132Cannot override Indian index pricing rejects
133Please select only one option
134Alt. Dual Acc flags exist on ONNR Lease &1
135Alt. Dual Acc flags exist on ONNR Contract &1
136Contract & not enabled for ADA�
137Invalid Length of Reporting month &
138Invalid Length of Payor Code &
139Invalid Length of Lease no. &
140Invalid Length of Agreement no. &
141Invalid Length of Product Code &
142Invalid Length of Transaction code &
143Invalid Length of From Sales Date &
144Lease & is not tied to agreement & in agreement master
145Invalid Length of To Sales Date &
146Invalid Length of Reporting month &
147Invalid Length of override Adjustment code &
148Invalid Length of override Assignment Doc No. &
149Reporting Month & must be in numeric format
150Invalid Override Adjustment code &
151From Sales Date is a mandatory field
152To Sales Date is a mandatory field
157Ovr. Adjustment code & must be in numeric format
200Invalid value for report parameters
201Only owner tax, reimbursement, and marketing is allowed
202Entry does not foot
203Record &1 : &2
204Missing interest rates &1 &2 &3 &4
205Gaps in interest rates &1 &2 &3 &4
206Interest calculations complete
207Interest override payment date maintained, please reprocess
208Please select a line that is related to interest calculations
209Both well and well completion must be populated if one is populated
210Master record with Lease & already maintained with Section 6 Flag 'ON'
211Lease & already maintained with Section 6 Flag 'ON' for this period
250ONRR-2014 - Lease Number is blank
251Entered Lease Number &1 length should be 6
252Entered Lease Number &1 should be Numeric
253Effective from month is blank
254Effective to month is blank
255Lessor Code is blank
256Entered Lessor Code &1 length should be 1
257Entered Lessor Code &1 should be Numeric
258&1 Invalid Lessor Code
259Tribal/Allottee Indicator should not be blank when Indian
260Entered Tribal/Allottee Indicator &1 length should be 1
261Tribal/Allottee Indicator should be blank when Federal
262Invalid &1 Tribal/Allottee Indicator
263Distributee Code should not be blank when Indian
264Entered Distributee Code &1 length should be 3
265Distributee Code should be blank when Federal
266&1 Invalid Distributee Code
267Entered Distributee Code &1 should be Numeric
268On-Shore/Off-Shore Indicator should not be blank when Federal
269On-Shore/Off-Shore Indicator should be blank when Indian
270Entered On-Shore/Off-Shore Indicator &1 should be Numeric
271Invalid &1 On-Shore/Off-Shore Indicator
272Lease Term Should be blank when On-Shore
273Lease Term Should be blank when Indian
274Entered Lease Term &1 length should be 1
275&1 Invalid Lease Term
276Sliding Scale Flag should be blank when Off-Shore
277Entered Sliding Scale Flag &1 length should be 1
278&1 Invalid flag. It should be marked as 'X'.
279Lease Royalty Rate is inital
280Lease Royalty Rate should be inital when sliding scale is indicated
281Entered Royalty Rate &1 should be Numeric/Decimal
282&1 Invalid Royalty Rate. It cannot be greater than 1
283Oil Royalty Rate is initial
284Gas Royalty Rate is initial
285Entered CIRI Lease Number &1 lenght cannot be greater than 11
286Entered CIRI Lease Number &1 should be Numeric
287Index Zone should be blank when Federal
288Entered Index Zone &1 lenght should be 3
289&1 Invalid Index Zone
290Entered Lease Name &1 length should be 20
291Entered Section 6 &1 length should 1
292Entered Transaction 37 &1 length should 1
293Entered Transaction 38 &1 length should 1
294Sliding Scale flag should not be blank
295Oil or Gas Royalty should be inital when Off-Shore
296Oil or Gas Royalty Rate cannot maintained along with Lease Royalty Rate
297Invalid combination of Product code override fields.
298Invalid combination of Sales type override fields.
299Prod. code(Major and Detail Products) is not valid.
300Volume Type Code is not valid.
301Invalid product code &.
302Invalid Sales type code.
303Invalid Contract no.
304Index Zone in use, cannot be removed.
305Either one can be selected in these flag- &1,&2,&3,&4.
306Sliding Scale Flag already maintained for lease & for this period
307Oil or Gas Royalty Rate can be maintained when sliding scale is indicated
308Sliding Scale Flag cannot be maintained as lease & is Off-Shore
309Sliding Scale data is already maintained for agreement &
310Payor code is mandatory
311Invalid To Sales Date &
312Invalid From Sales Date &
313Lease no & is invalid
314Agreement no & is invalid
315Re-execution of Journalize step is required
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