/PRA/WH_PROC - Withholding Process: Message Class

The following messages are stored in message class /PRA/WH_PROC: Withholding Process: Message Class.
It is part of development package /PRA/WH_PROCESSING in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Withholding Processing".
Message Nr
Message Text
004File uploaded
005Withholding run ID &1 created by & at &
010Form group cannot be initial
011Create form group &1
012Form group description cannot be initial
013Create form group &1
014Form group &1 already exists
015Enter the required data
016Data saved
017Record created
018Screen data limit exceeded; download data to a spreadsheet
019Active pocess selection not found
020Federal backup withholding flag is set, no withheld amount
021Owner has a foreign address but no foreign withholding amount
022Owner has both Federal Withheld and Non-Resident Alien Withheld amount
023Owner not marked for Federal withholding and Tax ID is missing
024Owner is marked for Federal withholding and Tax ID is set
025W8 form is set for the owner who is not set as a Non-Resident Alien
026Owner TIN is not set and Federal withholding is missing
027Owner has foreign address and is not marked as a non-resident alien
028Footing error: gross value does not match with other value &1
029Enter a selection criteria
030Key Fields: &1 &2 &3 &4 is/are not filled
031For state of Colorado enter the production year &1
032Select a record to delete
033Enter the reporting company
034Enter the cash company
035Enter the owner interest type
036Enter the production state code
037Enter the production year
038Other deduct value do not match the summed value of legend code net value
039Enter the check date
040Invalid process selection; only company type process selection is allowed
041No data exists for owner group: &1
042Unique identification number generation failed
043Other deduct values do not match with sum of legend code net value
044Percentage should sum to 1
045Remove adjustment; select record type 'A'
046Select only a single record
047Select a record
048Owner record missing in selection
049Data update failed
050Run ID does not exist or has been finalized
051Owner group &1 already exists
052No entries found for given selection
053CSV file read error
054Manual data cannot be adjusted from workplace
055Run ID not finalized
056Sum of gross value is 0; cannot calculate based on 'Gross Volume Basis'
057Fixed values missing for domain 'OIU_ENTITY_CD'
058Invalid interest type
059Data saved
060JE link details were not saved
061Pacakage size is not defined
062Withholding account for company code & is not maintained
063Withholding type accounts are not maintained
064Populate could not be completed; required data was not found
065Cannot submit the background job
066Balance enquiry report generated
067Summarizing failed as queue was not found
068No Balance Enquiry run found
069No data to save; select at least one owner data
070Enter a valid owner number
071Enter a valid company code
072Enter a valid US region code &1
073Data saved
074Run &1 is submitted for execution
075JE post failed
076JE post success
077Data exceeds permitted ALV limit; use filter to select limited records
078Enter a valid venture/DOI combination
079Enter a valid withholding type
080New PP data is available; run data may not be correct
081Enter at least one of the fields
082Selected records contain invalidated data; exclude invalid records
083Negative value cannot be finalized
084Run &1 deleted
085Enter a venture
086Enter a DOI
087Enter a valid owner interest type
088Enter a valid date &1
089Enter the process group
090Enter the process ID
091No record found in the uploaded file
092Comments can only be set for an adjusted record of record type 'A'
093Manual 1099 Mass Upload template downloaded as &1
094Enter the mapped interest type
095Enter the interest type
096Enter values in all fields.
097Enter process ID, process step, and package size
098Package size cannot be zero
099Max process cannot be zero
100Cannot display more detailed level; complete manual data is displayed
101Cannot display adjusted data at a more detailed level
102No comments maintained
103Owner group &1 deleted
104Enter values in all the fields.
105Deletion is not possible for owner group &1
106&1 action cancelled by user
107Owner group &1 data copied
108Comment number range not maintained
109Manual data record for the key already exists
110Manual data key does not exist
111Other deducts record already exists
112Other deducts record does not exist
113Other deducts total does not match for the key
114Other deducts record saved
115Production year out of range
116&1 not a valid .csv file
117&1 should be a numeric value
118Owner number should not be more than 10 characters
119Run ID created with log handle &
120Run year out of range
121Recon report: Data fetch failed.
122Comment Successfully Deleted
123Delete Comment operation Failed
124Data Exceeds Display Limit and thus would be downloaded as an excel file
125Recon report: Run ended with error.
126Recon report: DB updates failed
127Recon report: Report 1099 data fetched
128Recon report: Report 1042 data fetched
129Recon report: Reconciliation detail data fetched
130Recon report: Reconciliation header data fetched
131Recon report: Reconciliation difference data fetched
132Recon report: 1099 data processed
133Recon report: 1042 data processed
134Recon report: header data processed
135Recon report: difference data processed
136Recon report: details data processed
137Recon report: 1099 Trail run does not exists
138Recon report: 1042 Trail run does not exists
139Recon report: Process Selection of 1099 differes from 1042
140Recon report: Trail run for 1099 and 1042 does not exists
141Recon report: No Difference Details Found!
142Owner must be from Canada to set Tax ID Type SIN
143Comment Text could not be read
144Comment details were not be saved
145User cancelled comment override action
146Entries not selected for processing
147No data found for Colorado properties in specified Run
148DR21W Report data not available in the specified Run
149Owner has a Canadian SIN and is not marked as NRA.
150Adjustments removed successfully
151Run cannot be deleted. Some lines are finalized in run.
152Validate steps has errors.
153Recon report: logs cannot be viewed without the Run ID
154Legend code &1 is not applicable for this record for the owner &2
155Interest record cannot be adjusted; select record with form category 'N'
156Enter either PP Run ID or PP Check dates
157Reporting Profile missing for company &1
158Reporting Profile not matching for company &1
159Vendor or Production Year is required to display and maintain data
160Vendor, Owner interest type and Company code are required to create data
161Incorrect Legend Code
162CDEX file &1 downloaded successfully
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