/PRA/WH_PROC - Withholding Process: Message Class
The following messages are stored in message class /PRA/WH_PROC: Withholding Process: Message Class.
It is part of development package /PRA/WH_PROCESSING in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Withholding Processing".
It is part of development package /PRA/WH_PROCESSING in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Withholding Processing".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
004 | File uploaded |
005 | Withholding run ID &1 created by & at & |
010 | Form group cannot be initial |
011 | Create form group &1 |
012 | Form group description cannot be initial |
013 | Create form group &1 |
014 | Form group &1 already exists |
015 | Enter the required data |
016 | Data saved |
017 | Record created |
018 | Screen data limit exceeded; download data to a spreadsheet |
019 | Active pocess selection not found |
020 | Federal backup withholding flag is set, no withheld amount |
021 | Owner has a foreign address but no foreign withholding amount |
022 | Owner has both Federal Withheld and Non-Resident Alien Withheld amount |
023 | Owner not marked for Federal withholding and Tax ID is missing |
024 | Owner is marked for Federal withholding and Tax ID is set |
025 | W8 form is set for the owner who is not set as a Non-Resident Alien |
026 | Owner TIN is not set and Federal withholding is missing |
027 | Owner has foreign address and is not marked as a non-resident alien |
028 | Footing error: gross value does not match with other value &1 |
029 | Enter a selection criteria |
030 | Key Fields: &1 &2 &3 &4 is/are not filled |
031 | For state of Colorado enter the production year &1 |
032 | Select a record to delete |
033 | Enter the reporting company |
034 | Enter the cash company |
035 | Enter the owner interest type |
036 | Enter the production state code |
037 | Enter the production year |
038 | Other deduct value do not match the summed value of legend code net value |
039 | Enter the check date |
040 | Invalid process selection; only company type process selection is allowed |
041 | No data exists for owner group: &1 |
042 | Unique identification number generation failed |
043 | Other deduct values do not match with sum of legend code net value |
044 | Percentage should sum to 1 |
045 | Remove adjustment; select record type 'A' |
046 | Select only a single record |
047 | Select a record |
048 | Owner record missing in selection |
049 | Data update failed |
050 | Run ID does not exist or has been finalized |
051 | Owner group &1 already exists |
052 | No entries found for given selection |
053 | CSV file read error |
054 | Manual data cannot be adjusted from workplace |
055 | Run ID not finalized |
056 | Sum of gross value is 0; cannot calculate based on 'Gross Volume Basis' |
057 | Fixed values missing for domain 'OIU_ENTITY_CD' |
058 | Invalid interest type |
059 | Data saved |
060 | JE link details were not saved |
061 | Pacakage size is not defined |
062 | Withholding account for company code & is not maintained |
063 | Withholding type accounts are not maintained |
064 | Populate could not be completed; required data was not found |
065 | Cannot submit the background job |
066 | Balance enquiry report generated |
067 | Summarizing failed as queue was not found |
068 | No Balance Enquiry run found |
069 | No data to save; select at least one owner data |
070 | Enter a valid owner number |
071 | Enter a valid company code |
072 | Enter a valid US region code &1 |
073 | Data saved |
074 | Run &1 is submitted for execution |
075 | JE post failed |
076 | JE post success |
077 | Data exceeds permitted ALV limit; use filter to select limited records |
078 | Enter a valid venture/DOI combination |
079 | Enter a valid withholding type |
080 | New PP data is available; run data may not be correct |
081 | Enter at least one of the fields |
082 | Selected records contain invalidated data; exclude invalid records |
083 | Negative value cannot be finalized |
084 | Run &1 deleted |
085 | Enter a venture |
086 | Enter a DOI |
087 | Enter a valid owner interest type |
088 | Enter a valid date &1 |
089 | Enter the process group |
090 | Enter the process ID |
091 | No record found in the uploaded file |
092 | Comments can only be set for an adjusted record of record type 'A' |
093 | Manual 1099 Mass Upload template downloaded as &1 |
094 | Enter the mapped interest type |
095 | Enter the interest type |
096 | Enter values in all fields. |
097 | Enter process ID, process step, and package size |
098 | Package size cannot be zero |
099 | Max process cannot be zero |
100 | Cannot display more detailed level; complete manual data is displayed |
101 | Cannot display adjusted data at a more detailed level |
102 | No comments maintained |
103 | Owner group &1 deleted |
104 | Enter values in all the fields. |
105 | Deletion is not possible for owner group &1 |
106 | &1 action cancelled by user |
107 | Owner group &1 data copied |
108 | Comment number range not maintained |
109 | Manual data record for the key already exists |
110 | Manual data key does not exist |
111 | Other deducts record already exists |
112 | Other deducts record does not exist |
113 | Other deducts total does not match for the key |
114 | Other deducts record saved |
115 | Production year out of range |
116 | &1 not a valid .csv file |
117 | &1 should be a numeric value |
118 | Owner number should not be more than 10 characters |
119 | Run ID created with log handle & |
120 | Run year out of range |
121 | Recon report: Data fetch failed. |
122 | Comment Successfully Deleted |
123 | Delete Comment operation Failed |
124 | Data Exceeds Display Limit and thus would be downloaded as an excel file |
125 | Recon report: Run ended with error. |
126 | Recon report: DB updates failed |
127 | Recon report: Report 1099 data fetched |
128 | Recon report: Report 1042 data fetched |
129 | Recon report: Reconciliation detail data fetched |
130 | Recon report: Reconciliation header data fetched |
131 | Recon report: Reconciliation difference data fetched |
132 | Recon report: 1099 data processed |
133 | Recon report: 1042 data processed |
134 | Recon report: header data processed |
135 | Recon report: difference data processed |
136 | Recon report: details data processed |
137 | Recon report: 1099 Trail run does not exists |
138 | Recon report: 1042 Trail run does not exists |
139 | Recon report: Process Selection of 1099 differes from 1042 |
140 | Recon report: Trail run for 1099 and 1042 does not exists |
141 | Recon report: No Difference Details Found! |
142 | Owner must be from Canada to set Tax ID Type SIN |
143 | Comment Text could not be read |
144 | Comment details were not be saved |
145 | User cancelled comment override action |
146 | Entries not selected for processing |
147 | No data found for Colorado properties in specified Run |
148 | DR21W Report data not available in the specified Run |
149 | Owner has a Canadian SIN and is not marked as NRA. |
150 | Adjustments removed successfully |
151 | Run cannot be deleted. Some lines are finalized in run. |
152 | Validate steps has errors. |
153 | Recon report: logs cannot be viewed without the Run ID |
154 | Legend code &1 is not applicable for this record for the owner &2 |
155 | Interest record cannot be adjusted; select record with form category 'N' |
156 | Enter either PP Run ID or PP Check dates |
157 | Reporting Profile missing for company &1 |
158 | Reporting Profile not matching for company &1 |
159 | Vendor or Production Year is required to display and maintain data |
160 | Vendor, Owner interest type and Company code are required to create data |
161 | Incorrect Legend Code |
162 | CDEX file &1 downloaded successfully |