The following messages are stored in message class /RPM/PLANNING: .
It is part of development package /RPM/INTEGRATION in software component PPM-PFM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "xRPM Integration Components".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Specify a portfolio or remove bucket to select all portfolios
002Specify a valid porfolio ID
003Specify a valid bucket ID
004Item does not belong to the portfolio and bucket mentioned
005Financial/capacity data successfully prepared -(&1)
006DB update failed. Preparation unsuccessful
007Preparation unsuccessful
008Category ID &1 does not exist for item &2.Instantiate categories first
009Group ID &1 does not exist for category &2.Instantiate groups first
010No record in /RPM/FIN_MAP for R/3 value type &1 and cost element &2
011Start date missing for item &1; cannot plan for period type TOTAL
012Finish date missing for item &1; cannot plan for period type TOTAL
013Cannot break down into months for start date &1, finish date &2 &3 &4
014No financial plan data found for database update
015Data has been successfully created (&1)
016Error while updating database; no records have been created
017No conversion rate type
018Error while converting unit
019Financial data of buckets was updated
020Financial view &1 not applicable for an item for integration process
021No capacity view defined for the bucket &1
022No financial view defined for the bucket &1
023Financial category &1(&3) instantiated for portfolio item &2
024Financial category &1(&3) instantiated for bucket &2
025Capacity category &1(&3) instantiated for portfolio item &2
026Capacity category &1(&3) instantiated for bucket &2
027Financial group &1(&3) instantiated for category &2
028Capacity group &1(&3) instantiated for category &2
029Financial planning completed for item &1
030Missing configuration for the financial view &1
031Missing configuration for the capacity view &1
032Financial data for item &1 updated
033No database update (test mode)
034Missing financial group GUID &1
035Missing financial category GUID &1
036Missing item GUID &1
037Missing business partner link for role ID &1
038Categories NOT instantiated for item &1; instantiate first
039Groups NOT instantiated for item &1; instantiate first
040Specify a valid item ID
041Initiative does not belong to the selected portfolio and bucket
042No capacity plan data found for database update
043Currency exchange rate not maintained from currency &1 to &2
044Unit conversion rate not maintained from unit &1 to &2
045No action selected for category &1, group &2
046Group deactivated; data not saved
047Group ID &1 does not exist for category &2 for item &3; instantiate group
048Fin. categories and groups configured for portfolio type &1 (&2):
049 Category &1 (&2) group &3 (&4)
050Capacity categories and groups configured for portfolio type &1 (&2):
051Financial views configured for portfolio type &1 ( &2 ):
052 Financial view &1 (&2) available for &3
053Capacity views configured for portfolio type &1 (&2):
054 Capacity view &1 (&2) available for &3
055Either range (from-to) or Group can be maintained
056Cost element cannot be entered if cost center/activity type is entered
057RFC group name maintained in customizing is not correct
058Item planning triggered in one task
059Bucket Rollup: No Planning data found for portfolio &1
060Bucket Rollup: Planning data has been created for portfolio &1 (&2)
061Financial planning performed for selected items ( &1 )
062Capacity planning performed for selected items ( &1 )
063Fin Mapping:Overlapping entries for cat &1 group &2 view &3
064Cap Mapping:Overlapping entries for cat &1 group &2 view &3
065Logical system not entered for checking overlapping entries
066System Failure
067Communication Failure
068No Mapping Entries found for logical system &1 for Financial Planning
069No Mapping Entries found for logical system &1 for Capacity Planning
070Error while converting unit &1 to &2 for item &3
071Role has already been transferred for category &1 and group &2
072No entries found for logical system &1
073Select items to launch reporting
074Select buckets to launch reporting
075Select initiatives to launch reporting
078FY variant for item &1 is different than attached PS project element
101No record in /RPM/CAP_FI_MAP for R/3 value type &1 and cost element &2
102Capacity view &1 not applicable for an item for integration process
103No role defined for the task &1
104No role function maintained for item &1
105Capacity data for item &1 updated
107No entry for (&1) in but000
108Capacity planning completed for item &1
109Capacity planning data not updated (test mode)
110Capacity planning data updated
111Missing capacity group GUID &1
112Missing capacity category GUID &1
113Missing item GUID &1
114Missing project for item &1
115Incorrect item type
116Incorrect item status
117Incorrect initiative type
118Incorrect initiative status
201Invalid dates: finish is before start
202Item name does not exist in language &1
203Item name does not exist
204Bucket name does not exist in language &1
205Bucket name not specified
206Portfolio name does not exist in language &1
207Portfolio name does not exist
208Period type not found
209Fin. group &1 does not exist for category &2; instantiate groups first
210Cap. group &1 does not exist for category &2; instantiate groups first
211No financial view configured for item &1
212No capacity view configured for item &1
213No financial category configured for item &1
214No capacity category configured for item &1
215No financial category configured for bucket &1
216No capacity category configured for bucket &1
217Transfer to role &1 was successful
218Financial planning finish is before start for item &1
219Financial planning has not been done for item &1
220Financial groups are missing
221Capacity groups are missing
222View name is empty: Excel does not support empty sheet names
223View name &1 is too long:Max length supported by Excel is 31 characters
224View name &1 contains \ / ? * [ ] : which are not supported by Excel
225Transfer to role &1 would be successful
300Duplicate entries in mapping for &1
301Missing organization for resource pool &1
302Error while retrieving plan version
303No resource pool manager for resource pool &1
304Assignment to position &1 failed
305Error while creating organization for resource pool &1
306Error while creating position &2 for organization &1
307No resources assigned for resource pool &1
308Res. pool &1, org. ID &2, manager position &3, and res. pos. &4 created
309Position &3 not linked to organization &2 for resource pool &1
310Error while deleting additional resources for position &1
311No organization &2 for resource pool &1
312Resource pool &1,org. ID &2, manager pos. &3, res. pos. &4 synchronized
313Error while deleting additional resource for position &1
314Error while deleting add. resource for pos. &1; missing authorization
315Error while deleting add. resource for position &1; delete first resource
316Error while deleting additional resource for position &1
317Error while deleting add. resource for position &1; reason not defined
318Transaction failed due to errors in transfer
319Test run
320Production run
321Transfer successful
322Currency conversion not been maintained between &1 and &2
323Unit conversion not maintained between &1 and &2
400Negative planning values have been changed to zero
401Group GUID missing
402Object GUID missing
403Object Type missing
404View ID (plan type) missing
405View ID (plan type) invalid
406Breakdown (period type) missing
407Valid from date is missing
408Valid to date is missing
409Action type missing
410Calculation base missing
411Distribution type missing
412Invalid object type
413No planning data found
414Invalid object GUID
415Factory calendar not found; location is not maintained
416Distribution is based on calendar days
417Cost category &1 and value type &2 are not mapped
418Project Management project &1 linked to current item is locked by &2
419Unable to transfer demand; unlock project and try again
420No mapping for value type &1 and initial cost category
421Item &1: Periodic breakdown not possible(Start Date: &1, Finish Date: &2)
422No item exist for specified selection parameter
423Planning data timeline exceeds the project/role '&1' timeline
424Extend project/role timeline or only partial data will be transferred
425For existing role, demand in the Proj. Mgmt roles &1 will be overwritten
426Invalid fiscal year variant &1
427Fiscal year variant &1 already exists; entries will be overwritten
428Error in logical destination
429Maintain fiscal year variant
430Fiscal year variant having more than 12 periods is not supported
431Report can't be executed because 0002 Master Switch -> 0008 is off
432You cannot activate the fiscal year switch
433Fiscal year switch cannot be deactivated
434Inconsistency cleared for the item &1
436Dates choosen outside the planned dates are displayed as read-only
437Entered dates are outside the planning dates (& - &)
438To plan read-only columns within planning dates use distribution pop-up
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