/S4PPM/AUTH_ANALYSIS - Analysis Authorization Report

The following messages are stored in message class /S4PPM/AUTH_ANALYSIS: Analysis Authorization Report.
It is part of development package /S4PPM/OBJECTS_AUTHORIZATION in software component PPM-PRO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "S4HANA PPM Authorization".
Message Nr
Message Text
001&1 &2
002System error during line selection; contact your system administrator
003User &1 does not exist
004No projects found
005No incompatibilities found
006No hierarchy data found
007Different authorizations according to new and previous concept
008'None' indicator is set for &1
009Authorization for organizational unit &1 found
010Invalid project ID and/or status
011System error; contact your system administrator
012Not more than &1 levels allowed; &2 levels for User Group &3 found
013Not more than &1 levels allowed; &2 levels for Activity &3 found
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