The following messages are stored in message class /S4PPM/PIN_INTEGRTN: .
It is part of development package /S4PPM/OBJECTS_INTEGRATION_PIN in software component PPM-PRO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Integration to CoPin".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Collaboration project &1 was created and your project was saved.
001Collaboration &1 does not exist.
002Error when creating collaboration project. Please contact help desk.
003Communication error when creating collaboratn project. Contact help desk.
004You can only create one collaboration project per project.
005Enter a name for the collaboration project.
006Collaboration project &1 will be created on saving.
007Cannot create collaboration project. Grant authorization: &1&2&3&4
008When you delete the project, also delete the related collaboration &1.
009Invalid configuration for collaboration integration. Contact help desk.
010Cannot access collaboration on your behalf. Grant authorization: &1&2&3&4
011A collaboration with name &1 already exists.
012Collaboration &1 was created.
013Collaboration &1 was assigned.
014Collaboration &1 was deleted, or you are not authorized to access it.
015Error during collaboration processing. Please contact help desk.
016Cannot create related object. Communication setup is missing.
017The related collaboration project &1 is not deleted automatically.
888& & & &
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