/S4PPM/PROJ_RANKING - Message for Project Ranking

The following messages are stored in message class /S4PPM/PROJ_RANKING: Message for Project Ranking.
It is part of development package /S4PPM/OBJECTS_RANKING in software component PPM-PRO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "S/4HANA Enterprise Project Ranking".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Project &1 is already assigned.
001Ranking not found or you are not authorized to display this ranking.
002Error during cost calulation.
003Project &1 is invalid.�������������������������������������������������
005Ranking status &1 does not exist.
006Status &1 cannot be changed to &2.
007The ranking ID already exists.
008At least one project must be in scope to set this status.
009The planning period must have ended to set this status.
010Enter a controlling area.
011Enter a profit center.
012Enter a valid profit center
014Planned cost exceeds the cost threshold.
015Enter a ranking ID.
016Enter a ranking name.
017Enter a review date.
018Enter a valid planning category.
019Enter a start date for the planning period.
020Enter an end date for the planning period.
021Enter a cost threshold.
027The end date must be later than the start date.
028Error during retrieving the ranking.
030Ranking ID must not contain spaces.
031Enter a positive cost threshold value.
032You are not authorized to create rankings.
033You are not authorized to delete rankings with status &1
034You are not authorized to change ranking in ctrlg. area &1 profit ctr. &2
035You cannot change this ranking due to missing project authorizations
041Enter a valid processing status.
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