/SAPAPO/BOD - Messages for BOD

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/BOD: Messages for BOD.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/BOD in software component SCM-BAS-MD-BOD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Bill of Distribution".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Assignment of product &1 to BOD &2 already exists.
001BOD &1 not found. Check your entry.
002Product &1 not found. Check your entry.
003Product &1 successfully assigned to BOD &2.
004BOD &1 is already assigned to a product, choose another VALID FR DATE.
005Product &1 successfully unassigned from BOD &2.
006Product &1 is not assigned to any BOD.
007Invalid product name, check your entry.
008Product &1 successfully assigned to Region Pattern &2.
009Product &1 successfully unassigned from Region Pattern &2.
010Product &1 is not assigned to any Region Pattern.
011Valid from date/time is prior to current date/time, check your entry.
012BOD &1 has past or present assignment(s) to a product
013BOD &1 is successfully deleted.
014Do you want to delete BOD &1 ?
015Assignment of a product to different BODs with same date is not possible.
016Product &1 successfully unassigned from Region Pattern &2.
017Product &1 is already assigned to a Region Pattern
018Change of assignment from BOD &1 successfully done to BOD &2.
019Change of assignment from BOD &1 to BOD &2 not possible.Check your entry
020No products are assigned to BOD &1.
021Assignment not possible, BOD &1 is the current BOD for product &2
022Position the cursor on the line you want to delete
023BOD &1 has past/present or future product assignments, change not allowed
024No lane between at least two locations in the BOD, maintain the lanes
025BOD &1 is deleted, BOD &2 exists with exactly the same relationships
026Location &1 has no child locations, you cannot set this as a VCP
027Product &1 is already assigned to BOD &2
028Deletion of assignment not possible, valid from date is in the past.
029No assignment found to BOD &1 with valid from date greater than today
030No Lanes exist for the selected Model, maintain the lanes
031Product &1 cannot be assigned to the BOD &2 an assignment already exists.
032Valid from date adjusted to the first day of forecasting period
033You cannot copy a BOD to another BOD with the same name
034No assignment found to BOD &1 in the current validity period
035Select 'Show current Products' and then mark 'Show future products'
036Some products do not exist on all the locations within the BOD
037Enter a valid timezone
038Products can be assigned to only one BOD in a choosen period
039Enter first day of the period as the valid from date
040BOD &1 already exists
041BOD not activated in customizing
042Customer location &1 cannot be an entry location
043Customer location &1 cannot have child locations
044At least one transportation lane is missing (from &1 to &2)
045Product &1 does not exist at loc. &2 or is not assigned to version &3
046Enter BOD name
047BOD &1 does not contain any location
050Prod &1 does not exist at any loc in BOD,or is not assigned to vers
051Prod &1 does not exist at parent loc &2 in BOD,or is not assigned to vers
052Prod &1 does not exist at any entry loc in BOD,or is not assigned to vers
053You have already assigned product &1 to a BOD in the last &2 hours
054Region Pattern &1 not found. Check your entry.
055No products are assigned to Region Pattern &1.
056Region Pattern &1 is successfully deleted.
112BOD &1 has future assignment(s) to a product, delete them before the BOD
125BOD &1 is created, BOD &2 exists with exactly the same relationships
800BOD &1 contains blocked locations.
801Region Pattern &1 contains blocked locations.
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