The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/CDPS_CHARMAT: Message Class for Function Group /SAPAPO/CDPS_CHAR_MATRIX.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/CDPS in software component SCM-APO-PPS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Detailed Production Scheduler".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Saving data
001Specify the name of the setup matrix for characteristic values
002You are not authorized to change the characteristic value matrix &1
003You are not authorized to display characteristic value matrix &1
004You are not authorized to change or display char. value matrices
005Characteristic value matrix &1 is locked
006Enter the characteristic value of the successor
007Setup transitions will be deleted due to change of characteristic
008You can only use characteristics that consist of characters
009Characteristics with additional values cannot be used
010Only characteristics with single values can be used
011Characteristics with a different value check cannot be used
012Char. value matrix &1 is used in rules for setup matrix generation
013Specify a characteristic value matrix
014You cannot specify a characteristic value matrix
015Characteristic value matrix is not suitable for the char. of the rule
016Characteristic & does not have any permissible values
048Rule for setup group generation &1 in location &2 is locked
049Rule for setup matrix generation &1 in location &2 is locked
050Specify a rule for the setup group generation
051You are not authorized to change rule &1 in location &2
052You are not authorized to change or display rules
053Specify the name of the setup matrix that is to be generated
054You are not authorized to change setup matrix &1 in location &2
055You are not authorized to change or display setup matrices
056Rule &1 in location &2 used in rules for setup matrix generation
057You are not authorized to generate the setup matrix &1 in location &2
058Enter a characteristic
059Unique setup group generation not possible
060The longest setup group name has more than 40 characters
061Maintain the characteristics in the correct order
062Rules for setup matrix generation & in location &2 are not consistent
063Setup matrix &1 in location &2 successfully generated
064No authorization to display setup matrices
065Performance problems are likely with & setup groups per setup matrix
066The number of setup groups per setup matrix is limited to &3
067It was not possible to generate setup groups for rule &1 in location &2
068It was not possible to generate setup matrix &1 in location &2
069Changes to the setup groups in orders failed
070Errors occurred during setup matrix generation
071Setup matrix generation was carried out successfully
072Rule &1 in location &2 has characteristics without characteristic values
073Rule for setup group generation does not exist
074Matrix &1: Setup group &2 in location &3 not found. BADI implementation?
075Setup groups &1 is more than max setup groups per setup matrix &2
076Setup Matrix '&1' generation terminated.
077Error in Setup Matrix generation. Successfully generated &1 setup matrix
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