/SAPAPO/CMDS_CONF - Messages About Entry of Confirmations
The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/CMDS_CONF: Messages About Entry of Confirmations.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/CMDS in software component SCM-APO-PPS-CDS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Collaborative Management of Delivery Schedules (SD)".
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/CMDS in software component SCM-APO-PPS-CDS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Collaborative Management of Delivery Schedules (SD)".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Confirmation could not be written to the database |
002 | Confirmation could not be written to the liveCache |
003 | Error during liveCache Commit |
004 | Confirmation &1 for procurement relationship &2 &3 was saved |
005 | Confirmations are not permitted for procurement relationship &1 &2 |
006 | The system was not able to uniquely identify one procurement relationship |
007 | No procurement relationship was found |
008 | The delivery schedule &1 that you have entered does not exist |
009 | No data changed |
010 | There are not yet any confirmations for external proc. relationship &1 &2 |
011 | Enter a date as well as a time |
012 | You are not authorized to enter confirmations |
013 | You are not authorized to display confirmations |
014 | Operative delivery schedule &1 does not exist |
015 | Make an entry in all required fields |
016 | Date key &1 does not exist |
017 | Type of confirmation &1 does not exist |
018 | Enter the release(s) from which you want to copy schedule lines |
019 | The data that you have entered cannot be processed |
020 | There are no schedule lines relevant for copying |