/SAPAPO/CMDS_CONF - Messages About Entry of Confirmations

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/CMDS_CONF: Messages About Entry of Confirmations.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/CMDS in software component SCM-APO-PPS-CDS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Collaborative Management of Delivery Schedules (SD)".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Confirmation could not be written to the database
002Confirmation could not be written to the liveCache
003Error during liveCache Commit
004Confirmation &1 for procurement relationship &2 &3 was saved
005Confirmations are not permitted for procurement relationship &1 &2
006The system was not able to uniquely identify one procurement relationship
007No procurement relationship was found
008The delivery schedule &1 that you have entered does not exist
009No data changed
010There are not yet any confirmations for external proc. relationship &1 &2
011Enter a date as well as a time
012You are not authorized to enter confirmations
013You are not authorized to display confirmations
014Operative delivery schedule &1 does not exist
015Make an entry in all required fields
016Date key &1 does not exist
017Type of confirmation &1 does not exist
018Enter the release(s) from which you want to copy schedule lines
019The data that you have entered cannot be processed
020There are no schedule lines relevant for copying
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