/SAPAPO/CULL1 - Low level configuration in APO

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/CULL1: Low level configuration in APO.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/CULL_PPDS in software component SCM-APO-MD-PDS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PP/DS Accesses for Production Data Structure".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Inconsistent input data for module/method &1 &2 &3
002Sources for product &1 in location &2 not found
003No dependencies are assigned
004Plan explosion at &1 is not set at PDS (&2)
005Instance &1 is not loaded
006Location &1 does not exist
007PP/DS production data structure &1 is not loaded
008Inconsistent PP/DS production data structure: &1 &2 &3
009Error when accessing application log
010PP/DS production data structure not found
011No reference exists for iPPE access
012Quantity calculation - surplus for product &1: quantity &2
013Error communicating with SAP liveCache: Module &1
014Unknown item reference type &1
015Surplus when calculating duration of activity &1 at mode &2
016Unknown error occurred when exploding the PP/DS PDS
017No source found for TRPID &1
018Error during reporting point structure generation
019No configuration for configurable PP/DS PDS &1 &2 &3
020PP/DS production data structure loaded successfully
021Unknown type &1 from Bitmap
022No authorization to delete &1
023Call of method &1 not allowed
024Procedure evaluation not defined
025Only selection conditions can be displayed
026Invalid source for plan explosion of product
027Unknown error occurred when exploding PP/DS PDS product &1 location &2
028No valid activity can be determined for the component assignment
029Internal error: The system could not determine an iPPE liveCache object
030PDS &1: successful &2, unsuccessful &3, outside of production horizon &4
031You cannot use heuristic SAP_CHECK_01 for an active planning version
032Order &1 will be deleted
033Explosion date &1 outside of validity period (&2, &3)
034You cannot use SAP_CHECK_01 for configuration-relevant products
035The configuration relevance for the master output is inconsistent
036No configuration for configurable phantom assembly
037Phantom PDS selection modified by active BAdI /SAPAPO/CULLRTOEXPL
038Phantom PDS chosen: &1
040Unknown PDS type &1
050Unknown BOM component &1
051Unknown activity &1
052Unknown mode &1
053Unknown activity &1 and mode number &2 for one mode
070PDS explosion
071PDS explosion for product &1, location &2, source &3
072Explosion date &1
073Date-independent explosion
074Explosion quantity &1
075Explosion without configuration
076Start &1 &2
077End &1 &2
099Index &1 too high when writing bit string &2
100Function module &1 is no longer supported
101Error compiling dependencies for components
102Error compiling dependencies for activities
103Error when formatting dependencies for modes
104Error compiling dependencies for sequences
105Error compiling dependencies for color nodes
106Error occurred when loading PP/DS production data structure: &1 &2
107Error compiling dependencies with best fit logic
108Error occurred when accessing configuration engine (module &1)
109Error occurred when writing internal table &1
110Unknown node type &1 of PP/DS production data structure
111Entry &1 is missing from table &2
112Internal error: Different plan. versions for PDS and planning: &1 and &2
113Internal key could not be found for characteristic &1
114No product found for PEGID &1
115No product found for MATID &1
116Characteristic with internal number &1 was not found
117Usage of MDATA in selection condition not supported
118No location found for LOCID &1
119No planning data available for index &1
120PDS &1 &2 does not have any valid data within the planning horizon
150Unknown component type IOIND &1 for component &2
151Product &1 is not configurable
152Characteristic value assignment of component &1 already exists
200Unknown error in program &1
303Product &1 in location &2 is not available
800Unknown error occurred when exploding the PP/DS production data structure
801Header data of iPPE for unique ID &1 not found
806No activity selected or no activities exist
807The activity (actid = &1) for a sequence group does not exist
808The activity (actid = &1) for a sequence does not exist
809Product (matid = &1) does not exist
810Resource (resuid = &1) does not exist
812There is no valid output for product &1, production version &2, date &3
813There is no valid mode, activity, or operation for this explosion date
814Assembly scrap of 100% is not allowed
815Error during operation scrap calculation
816iPPE phantom assembly without access product is not allowed
817Error exploding phantom assembly &1 at location &2
818iPPE variant &1 &2 does not contain a product
851Product &1 does not exist
852PP/DS PDS: Explosion without routing data not possible
856Unit &1 not yet maintained in APO
857PP/DS PDS not found for product &1, location &2, source &3
858No capacity requirement for scheduling-relevant resource (mode)
859Component quantity product &1 has ZERO value
860Capacity consumption overflow at activity &1, mode &2, resource &3
861Unit &1 not yet maintained in APO for Material &2
862Component &1: Inconsistent quantities (variable &2, fix &2)
863Erroneous phantom assembly &1 excluded
864Erroneous phantom assembly &1 treated as real assembly
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