/SAPAPO/CURTO_PPE - Generation of Production Data Struct. From iPPE Master Data

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/CURTO_PPE: Generation of Production Data Struct. From iPPE Master Data.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/CURTO_PPE in software component SCM-APO-MD-PDS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Generation Production Data Structure from iPPE Data".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Check PDS can only be generated in inactive planning versions
002Planning version &1 does not exist
003Internal error generating PDS
004No authorization for PDS generation
005CIF transfer running or PDS is already being generated by another process
006Production data structure was generated successfully
007No production data structure was generated
008Production data structure for &1 &2 &3 was generated successfully
009No production data structure was generated for &1 &2 &3
010Material variant: No matching KMAT production version found
011Plan explosion for product is not iPPE (or single expl. or RPM)
012No production versions correspond to the selection criteria
013Internal error when saving PDS
014Internal error: Location product does not exist for output
015The writing of change pointers is deactivated in Customizing
016The writing of change pointers for message type PPE_RTOGEN is deactivated
017Production data structure was generated in FORCE mode
018No model assignment for production version
019Internal error: RPM equivalence class has two substitute
020&1 production data structures were generated
021Production data structures deleted
022Production data structures for &1 &2 &3 were deleted
023Internal error during PDS generation: No exploded master data
024PDS was not generated for product variant because of error in KMAT (RPM)
025CMP node or CMP alternative in the production version was changed
026ACT node in production version was changed
027FLO node in production version was changed
028Internal error occurred when filling where-used list in line scenario
029No routing type could be determined for the routing &1
030Internal error: Error calling up parallel PDS generation
031PDS generation started in background (check log)
032Interal error: Missing iPPE object for liveCache
033&1 / &2 / &3 - Generate &4 production data structures
034&1 / &2 / &3 - Generate check PDS in planning version &4
035PDS was generated again (maintenance time stamp ignored)
036PDS was generated again in FORCE mode (time stamp was ignored)
037Material variant with orders switches to other matrix
038No changes to be made in current Workbench session
039Internal error: Production version has invalid PDS usage
040Routing or line is missing in the production version for the RPM product
041iPPE object for product could not be written to liveCache
042iPPE explosion returns insufficient data for PDS generation &1
043All selected production versions are current
044PDS was not generated due to error in product variant (RPM)
045Internal error: No change pointer for deleted production version
046PDS will not be generated due to error in dependent PDS
047Internal error: Invalid plan explosion type found
048Internal error: No data found to supply RPM
049Internal error generating PDS
050Material variant with orders does not match matrix
051No production data structure was generated
052No changed production versions found for selection criteria
053Internal error: PPEGUIDs not found during PDS generation
054&1 / &2 / &3 - Generation cancelled before consistency check
055Internal error: Error message missing
056Variant &1 of product structure in invalid (GUID is &2)
057An internal error occurred when reading line resources
058Matrix explosion of iPPE not allowed for shop floor scenario
059Keine Modelzuordung f�r APO Bezugsquelle
060RPM product is not configurable or a material variant
061Error processing object dependency at PVS variant &1 &2
062Different plan explosion in inactive planning versions
063Internal error: Parallel generation cancelled
064Mode &1 at activity &2 contains no valid primary resource
065Secondary Resource &1 at mode &1 of activity &2 is invalid
066Internal error: iPPE consistency check was terminated
067No PP/DS routing found for SNP plan
068Error when exploding line structure (GUID &1) for PDS generation
069Error processing object dependency at color variant &1 &2
070Error processing object dependency at mode &1 (activity &2)
071Error processing object dependency at activity &1
072Simulieren PDS ist f�r Arbeitsplantyp Linie Matrixaufl�sung nicht m�glich
073Fertigungsversion enth�lt inkonsistente PVS Daten
074Das Customizing f�r Wartungsarbeitsplantypen ist unvollst�ndig
075Es wurden keine Pl�ne gefunden
076PDS zu Plan &1 wurde erfolgreich generiert
077PDS zu Plan &1 konnte nicht generiert werden
078Activity Id missing
079Production version is still used as representative in matrix
080Product &1 for location &2 does not exist
081Procurement type is set to external for product &1 and location &2
300Exploded iPPE master data were changed in BAdI &1
999Function not included
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