/SAPAPO/DMMOD - Messages for function group DM_MODEL
The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/DMMOD: Messages for function group DM_MODEL.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/OO_MODEL in software component SCM-BAS-MD-MO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Supply Chain Model".
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/OO_MODEL in software component SCM-BAS-MD-MO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Supply Chain Model".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | No copy reference with this name exists |
001 | A model with this name already exists |
002 | Product &1: Added to &2 model(s), deleted from &3 model(s) |
003 | Location &1: Added to &2 model(s), deleted from &3 model(s) |
004 | Resource &1: Added to &2 model(s), deleted from &3 model(s) |
005 | PPM &1: Added to &2 model(s), deleted from &3 model(s) |
006 | Model &2 cannot be changed (locked by user &1) |
007 | Hierarchy &1: Added to &2 model(s), deleted from &3 model(s) |
008 | Object &1: Added to &2 model(s), deleted from &3 model(s) |
010 | Location products still exist for location &1 and model &2. |
011 | Transportation lanes still exist for location &1 and model &2. |
012 | Location product &1/&2 does not exist |
013 | iPPE &1 ( product: &2 , location: &3 ) has been processed |
014 | BOD &1: Added to &2 model(s), deleted from &3 model(s) |
015 | Itinerary &1: added to &2 model(s), deleted from &3 model(s) |
016 | Quota arrangements still exist for location &1 and model &2 |
017 | The Product is still being used in Plan &1. It will not be deleted. |
018 | The Product is still being used in iPPE &1. It will not be deleted. |
019 | Group &1: Added to &2 model(s), deleted from &3 model(s) |
050 | You have no authorization to delete supply chain models |
051 | Deleting active model is not allowed |
052 | A supply chain model with this name does not exist |
053 | Model data is being deleted in the background |
054 | The model cannot be deleted because of existing planning versions |
055 | User &1 is processing model &2. Deleting is not possible |
056 | User &1 is editing model &2 |
057 | User &1 is editing transportation lanes of model &2 |
058 | Location &1 is not yet assigned to model &2 |
059 | Hierarchy &1 has already been assigned to model &2 |