/SAPAPO/DMMOD - Messages for function group DM_MODEL

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/DMMOD: Messages for function group DM_MODEL.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/OO_MODEL in software component SCM-BAS-MD-MO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Supply Chain Model".
Message Nr
Message Text
000No copy reference with this name exists
001A model with this name already exists
002Product &1: Added to &2 model(s), deleted from &3 model(s)
003Location &1: Added to &2 model(s), deleted from &3 model(s)
004Resource &1: Added to &2 model(s), deleted from &3 model(s)
005PPM &1: Added to &2 model(s), deleted from &3 model(s)
006Model &2 cannot be changed (locked by user &1)
007Hierarchy &1: Added to &2 model(s), deleted from &3 model(s)
008Object &1: Added to &2 model(s), deleted from &3 model(s)
010Location products still exist for location &1 and model &2.
011Transportation lanes still exist for location &1 and model &2.
012Location product &1/&2 does not exist
013iPPE &1 ( product: &2 , location: &3 ) has been processed
014BOD &1: Added to &2 model(s), deleted from &3 model(s)
015Itinerary &1: added to &2 model(s), deleted from &3 model(s)
016Quota arrangements still exist for location &1 and model &2
017The Product is still being used in Plan &1. It will not be deleted.
018The Product is still being used in iPPE &1. It will not be deleted.
019Group &1: Added to &2 model(s), deleted from &3 model(s)
050You have no authorization to delete supply chain models
051Deleting active model is not allowed
052A supply chain model with this name does not exist
053Model data is being deleted in the background
054The model cannot be deleted because of existing planning versions
055User &1 is processing model &2. Deleting is not possible
056User &1 is editing model &2
057User &1 is editing transportation lanes of model &2
058Location &1 is not yet assigned to model &2
059Hierarchy &1 has already been assigned to model &2
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