/SAPAPO/DP_EVENT - Message Class for DP Event Management and Handling

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/DP_EVENT: Message Class for DP Event Management and Handling.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/DP_EVENTS in software component SCM-APO-FCS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Event Management & Outlier Detection".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Event type &1 has been saved
002Event type &1 has been deleted
003Event type &1 does not exist
004Events of event type &1 exist; the event type cannot be deleted
005Foreign lock: lock object &1 is locked by user &2
006Event type has been changed by user &1 and cannot be saved
007Lock error
008Event type &1 already exists; enter a new event type ID
009BRFplus function &1 is not appropriate for evaluation
010Event type &1 is used in outlier detection profile &2
011Event type &1 is used in forecast settings of planning area &2
012Event type &1 is used in configuration(s)
013Event type &1 is used in future event estimation of planning area &2
014Event type &1 was removed from dependent configuration(s)
020You must select at least one line in the event catalog
100Event catalog &1 already exists; enter a new event catalog ID
101Event catalog &1 is not defined
102Invalid parameters
103Event catalog &1 has been saved
104Element &1 has been assigned to &2
105Element &1 has been unassigned from &2
106Element &1 has been moved from &2 to &3
107Event catalog &1 has been deleted
108Event catalog &1 is empty
109Event catalog &1 does not contain any assigned event types
110Lock object &2 is locked by user &1
111Event catalog has been changed by user &1 and cannot be saved
112Lock error
113Enter event catalog ID
114Enter description
115Event type with the same name already exists, use other event catalog id
116Event catalog &1 is used in the outlier detection customizing
117Event catalog ID can not contain special characters
150Event catalog &1 cannot be its own parent
151Recursive nesting is not allowed, the hierarchy of &1 already contains &2
152Element &1 has already been assigned to &2
153Event Catalog &1 is on the top level of the hierarchy, cannot unassign
200Event type is used; only description can be changed
201No data found for selection
202Enter event type ID
203Event end date is not greater than event start date
204Enter a valid day (1 to &1)
205Enter a duration that is greater than 0
206Enter a BRFplus function
207Enter a calendar ID
208Enter a holiday ID
209No data was changed
210Enter a recurrence rate that is greater than 0
211Enter an event start date
212Enter an event end date
213You have no authorization to display event types or event catalogs
214You have no authorization to change event types or event catalogs
215Duration is longer than the recurrence period; change duration or period
216Enter a planning area
217Enter a planning version
218Event catalog &1 already assigned to event type &2
219Calendar &1 does not exist
220Holiday &1 of calendar &2 does not exist
221Date cannot be determined for holiday &1 of calendar &2
222Event type &1 has no occurrences in the defined range of recurrence
223Event types or catalogs cannot be assigned to event types
224Event type can not contain special characters
230Planning version &1 does not exist
300Event could not be created
301Event could not be deleted
302Event could not be locked
303Event could not be read
304Event could not be saved
305Activation failed, event was locked
306Activation failed, event could not be saved
307Event not found for selection
308Planning level not found
309Event &1 is locked
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