/SAPAPO/INC_DP - Product Interchangeability Message Class for Demand Planning

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/INC_DP: Product Interchangeability Message Class for Demand Planning.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/MSDP in software component SCM-APO-SNP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Application Development Supply & Demand Planner".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& & &
001Enter a planning area
002Enter a like profile
003A profile cannot be generated
004Select at least one product combination
005Select only one product combination
006There must be at least one phase-in or phase-out profile
007Both profiles (phase-in and phase-out) already exist
008Enter a planning version
009Like profile saved successfully
010Settings not saved
011Settings saved
012There were not any changes
013Like profile & saved and assigned
014Phase-in profile & saved and assigned
015Phase-out profile & saved and assigned
016The product characteristic does not exist for the planning area
017A like profile with this name already exists
018Characteristic value &1 does not exist for characteristic &2
019Product & does not exist
020The location characteristic does not exist for the planning area
021A profile cannot be created
022Location & does not exist
023Planning area not valid
024Error in profile display &
025Like profile & saved but not assigned
026Like profile & saved but errors with some assignments
027Enter a planning object structure
028Planning object structure & does not exist
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