The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/MC01: .
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/MC01 in software component SCM-APO-PPS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Simple Classification with Mapping between Classified Objcts".
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/MC01 in software component SCM-APO-PPS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Simple Classification with Mapping between Classified Objcts".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Messages 000 - 199 reserved for function group /SAPAPO/MC01_M01 |
001 | Characteristic & already exists |
002 | Characteristic & does not exist |
003 | & & & & |
004 | Maintain the short text in language & |
005 | Error occured while saving data for characteristic & |
006 | Characteristic & is in a protected namespace. Change the assignment |
007 | Characteristic type will be set to nominal if created manually |
008 | You can enter a description for the value assignment of & (optional) |
009 | Enter a valid characteristic |
010 | Enter a valid class |
011 | Enter a valid object |
012 | Class & already exists |
013 | Class & does not exist |
014 | Assign a characteristic to class & |
015 | Data could not be saved. (Save again) |
016 | Error occured while saving data for class & |
017 | Error in short text maintenance for class &, (check language key) |
018 | Characteristic is being used in active objects, you cannot change type |
019 | You can enter one or several values for characteristic & (optional) |
020 | Data was saved successfully |
021 | Reference field structure does not exist: & & |
022 | Error while refreshing characteristics assignment |
023 | Display mode (change mode to change technical settings) |
024 | Enter a characteristic type |
025 | Specify a base unit of measure |
026 | Specify a characteristics status |
027 | Specify a reference structure |
028 | Specify a reference field |
029 | Maintain the short text |
030 | Characteristic & cannot be deleted, see where-used list |
031 | Class & cannot be deleted, see where-used list |
032 | You are shortening existing values |
033 | Characteristic value assignment & already exists |
034 | You deleted characteristic & succesfully |
035 | There is already a description in & |
036 | The shortened value assignments are no longer unique |
037 | Enter an object name |
038 | Class & was successfully deleted |
039 | Choose another reference structure or another reference field |
040 | Reduce the number of characteristics to be assigned |
041 | Product & does not exist (make a new selection) |
042 | Class & contains no characteristics (assign at least one characteristic) |
043 | Data locked by user & |
044 | Lock is currently not possible - system error |
045 | Select a valid line |
046 | The reference product & is classified differently |
047 | Choose a length smaller than 8 |
048 | The characteristic valuations are being converted to upper case |
049 | Class & not consistent. (Choose a unique class name) |
050 | Data was not changed |
051 | Characteristic not used in any class |
052 | Class not used in active objects |
053 | The reference product & is not classified |
054 | Class & is being used in active objects - (limited changes only) |
055 | Planning-relevant characteristics are required fields |
056 | Characteristic & is being used in active classes (limited changes only) |
057 | Change the characteristic type |
058 | Data saved and activated |
059 | Characteristic & is not active |
060 | Class & is not active |
061 | Set at least one characteristic in one class as relevant to planning |
062 | Resource cannot be classified |
063 | Product cannot be classified |
064 | Resource may only be classified on a model or planning-independent basis |
065 | Reference product has different base unit of measure: & |
066 | The product is being referenced, class change not possible |
067 | Classification for product cannot be completely deleted |
068 | Select the alphanumeric data type for characteristic type O or N |
069 | Only enter characteristic & once for each class |
070 | Classification is deleted when product master is saved |
071 | Classification change not possible |
072 | Assign a characteristic to the class to activate this class |
073 | The system has reached the maximum number of characteristics |
074 | The system has reached the maximum number of classes |
075 | Characteristic &1 was not created in SAP APO |
076 | You can only make single classifications for resources |
077 | Live cache currently not available. You cannot enter classification |
078 | This characteristic may only be maintained by SAP |
079 | This class may only be maintained by SAP |
080 | LC data available. Classify anyway? Then choose 'Change' |
081 | Resouce &1 is locked by another user |
082 | Classify the resource |
083 | Maintain the short text in language & |
084 | Characteristic &1 is not created in SAP APO |
085 | Class & is not transferred: Shelf life |
086 | Planning relevance was set for characteristic |
087 | Char. is inactive. Classes exist, value assignment will be deleted anyway |
088 | Values in upper case are not unique, upper case is being reset |
089 | Class & is in a protected namespace and is not transferred |
090 | Class & has only shelf life characteristics and is not transferred |
091 | The product is referenced itself, recursive reference not allowed |
092 | Configuration relevance for product &1 is inconsistent |
093 | Configuration relevance was corrected for &1 products |
094 | No inconsistent products found |
099 | Functionality not yet supported |
100 | ** up to 200: Reserved for function group /SAPAPO/MC01_CLB |
101 | Enter a date between &1, &2 and &3, &4 (time) |
102 | Incomplete definition of classes (supplement the characteristic maint.) |
103 | The component has already been classified |
105 | Data is not saved (choose save) |
106 | No characteristic value assignments exist |
107 | Data can only be displayed. (Set the change mode) |
108 | Component not classified |
109 | Area definition was deleted |
110 | Select a valid line |
111 | Value(s) deleted |
112 | Line entered |
113 | Value '&1' changed to '&2' |
114 | No value set defined |
116 | Definition of class & is inconsistent |
117 | Class & does not exist. (Select or create the required class) |
118 | No component has been classified |
119 | Characteristic requirement does not exist |
120 | Requirement is already defined |
121 | Select a classified component |
122 | Specify a valid identifier for the macro |
123 | Indicator for initial valuation has been deleted |
124 | Value assignment was reset |
125 | You have terminated the action |
126 | Definition uses the inactive class & |
127 | Characteristic not defined in class & |
128 | Indicator for class characteristic & will be reset |
129 | Data was saved |
130 | Mapping for characteristic & reset |
131 | Invalid entry: & & (correct the entry) |
132 | Select classified components |
133 | Required characteristic '&1' of '&2' is supplied via an optional char. |
134 | There are no warnings |
135 | The characteristic '&1' of '&2' cannot be supplied with value assgts |
136 | Position the cursor on a receipt characteristic |
137 | Variable identifier '&1' of characteristic '&2' in component '&3' deleted |
138 | Variable identifier '&' already assigned |
139 | Changing the variable identifier can invalidate the macro |
140 | Default variable identifier for characteristic & in component &: '&' |
141 | Enter the variable identifier |
142 | No syntax errors found |
143 | Maintain text in the original language '&' |
144 | Dependent data deleted (classification '&1' after '&2') |
145 | Dependent data deleted (for classification '&') |
146 | Select mapping |
147 | Internal error in generation (include & could not be read) |
148 | Generation of characteristic propagation failed |
149 | You have activated characteristics propagation |
150 | Characteristics propagation data saved |
151 | Field length for characteristic '&' is not yet supported |
152 | A propagation '&' is already defined for this component |
153 | '&' is not a valid variable identifier (proposal: '&') |
154 | Assign char. values to required char. '&', component (for class '&') |
155 | Identifier for mapping changed from '&1' to '&2' |
156 | No products exist for logical component '&' |
157 | Products for the logistic component are not classified analog |
158 | Save all data before generation |
159 | Generation failed (repeat the operation) |
160 | Output type '&1' proposed for characteristic '&2' |
161 | Failure to generate |
162 | Enter the variable field label: Mapping '&'/comp. '&'/char. '&' |
163 | Macro '&1' does not supply characteristic '&2' for element '&3' |
164 | Macro '&' will be deleted |
165 | Mapping '&1' for characteristic '&2' to element '&3' not defined |
166 | No inconsistencies found |
167 | Input characteristic '&1' is not used in component '&2' |
168 | No standard requirements for component '&' |
169 | No standard value assignment for component '&' |
170 | Process cancelled. Data is inconsistent |
171 | Inconsistent data has been deleted |
172 | Fill in all required entry fields |
173 | No characteristics are defined as '&' |
174 | Characteristic &1 in '&2' is defined as '&3', but is no longer used |
175 | Transactional data exists for propagation definition |
176 | '&' macro contains syntax error (repair macro) |
177 | No suitable input characteristic defined |
178 | Source field for characteristic '&' reset |
179 | Enter a data source for characteristic '&', component '&' |
180 | Value assignment for char.'&1' in component '&2' not suitable for request |
181 | Changing request type can invalidate dependent definitions |
182 | Classification of component '&' only relevant for rules/parameters |
183 | Characteristics propagation called up for unknown components |
184 | Define a suitable macro |
185 | Invalid entry: '&'. Enter a valid value (-> input help) |
186 | Entry contains special characters. Correct your entry |
187 | Value assignments of requirements are used in the creation of orders |
188 | Char. value assignments to receipts are used for the order to be created |
189 | A requirements request restricts the possible replenishment elements |
190 | A receipt requirement is used for plan selection |
191 | Value ass./requirements/rules have different functions |
192 | RFC error & (check the number of possible modes) |
193 | Check the settings for characteristic & (inconsistencies) |
194 | Value for lower limit exceeds value for upper limit |
195 | Characteristic value assignments in PPM are used to select operations |
196 | Value assignments in activities are used for dispatching resources |
197 | Chararcteristic value assignments and char. requirements are inconsistent |
198 | Enter activity reqs for activities in primary resources for each activity |
199 | Definition of macros |
200 | Choose a valid function |
201 | Enter a primary resource for activity & |
202 | Use the input help (there is no classification default) |
203 | The system has proposed the corresponding classification(s) |
204 | Check the rule definitions for component '&' |
205 | Rule &1 for component &2 does not access |
206 | Exclusion (&) for standard value assignment element '&' is complete |
208 | Exception for log. component in PPM plan '&' is inconsistent |
209 | Create a propagation definition |
210 | No input help available |
211 | No values have been defined yet |
212 | Mapping & is already in use. Change the name |
213 | Select a name that doesn't begin with '&V2&' |
214 | Usage parameters of logical components |
215 | Parameter for duration and capacity usage |
216 | Make sure that the block basis definitions are resource-independent |
217 | Value assignments to operations are used to select setup keys |
219 | Details for component '&' have been included in the display |
220 | Exclusion of activity causes inconsistencies in the operation |
221 | Exclusion of activity causes exclusion of a receipt |
222 | Resource network affected by exclusion of activity |
223 | Min./max. time variance discontinued at exclusion of activity |
224 | Exclusion of activity: Links could not be modified |
225 | Check the rules for the exclusion of the operation |
226 | Define a macro to override the sequence parameter |
227 | You have selected blocks in a group |
228 | No additional blocks were selected |
229 | Shift the interval by a smaller margin |
230 | Shifting conflict. (Change the mode to overwrite) |
231 | Entry checked |
232 | Confirm the shift from &, & to &, & |
233 | Define a reference cycle |
234 | Enter a positive value |
235 | Internal error in characteristic propagation & |
236 | Block &1 does not exist |
237 | There are no characteristic requirements for & |
238 | Reference cycle cannot be added |
239 | Reference cycle was added & times (& blocks added) |
240 | Number & already exists (allocate another block number) |
241 | Block number & will be deleted (allocate a new external block number) |
242 | Check whether you want to change fixed blocks |
243 | No resources found for class & |
244 | Internal error in where-used list (&) |
245 | & blocks were adjusted |
250 | Choose a classification |
251 | Object &: Characteristic with value assignment or interval |
270 | Select a valid interval |
271 | Rule number is not defined |
272 | The system is resetting the number (old value: &) |
273 | Number & does not exist (create a new rule) |
274 | Define a rule |
275 | & blocks transferred into clipboard; see reference cycle & |
276 | Names assigned -> clipboard stored as reference cycle |
277 | Selection(s) deleted |
280 | Mode exclusion leads to inconsistency in mode &, activity & |
290 | Existing macros are deleted (e.g. &) |
291 | Maintain the macros in the PPM plan |
292 | Report & does not exist |
293 | Create macro &1 in report &2 |
294 | Report/macro is not used in any other PPM plan |
299 | Macro & is not available in report & (PPM plan &) or causes error |
300 | ** 300 - 350 reserved for /sapapo/mc01_cif |
301 | Check the class and char. definition in the OLTP and planning system |
302 | Check the class and char. definition in the OLTP and planning system |
303 | Check the class and char. definition in the OLTP and planning system |
304 | Key &&:Required characteristic &1 has not been assigned vals in class &2 |
305 | Correct the classification in the external system |
306 | Check the class and char. definition in the OLTP and planning system |
307 | Check the class and char. definition in the OLTP and planning system |
308 | Check the class and char. definition in the OLTP and planning system |
309 | Multiple classification not permitted (correct the OLTP entry) |
310 | Check the table /SAPAPO/CHARMAP and its entries |
350 | Change not possible; block fixed |
351 | Choose a relative overload of maximum 200% and minimum -100% |
352 | Infer buckets from blocks only for single mixed resources |
353 | Relative overload needs to be reset to last valid value |
400 | Multiple classification: Class &1 was transferred |
401 | Multiple classification: Class of ref. product was transferred |
402 | Multiple classification: Existing class assignment remains unchanged |
403 | Multiple classification: Several classes with the same class type exist |
404 | Location-dependent references use different classes |
405 | Reference to product &2 was not copied |
406 | Reference product uses a different class |
407 | Reference product and variant are using different classes |
408 | Material & is used as the reference product |
409 | Reference product has not been classified |
500 | 500 - 599 reserved for /sapapo/mc01_rul |
501 | Counter for rule already assigned |
502 | Permitted rule quantity exceeded |
503 | You have set the counter for rules to & |
504 | Enter a counter for the rule |
505 | Select a valid rule |
506 | Choose a from-date that lies before the to-date |
555 | Block limits or capacity overload factors were automatically adjusted |
556 | Automatic changes confirmed |
557 | Scheduling on block limits will be reset for the first/last block |
560 | Conversion factor adjusted from & to & |
561 | Check the conversion factor |
562 | Settings for the current area of validity are deleted |
563 | Specific factors deleted |
564 | Specific factors are deleted |
565 | Changes to conversion factors were not saved |
596 | Block basis definitions in the liveCache could not be reorganized |
597 | Error while creating the block basis definition in LC initialization |
598 | Live cache key for object does not exist |
599 | Block basis definition could not be created |
600 | The system has included the characteristic pattern in the display |
601 | Choose a valid characteristic pattern |
602 | The characteristic pattern is stored in the system as & |
603 | You have deleted the characteristic pattern - & |
604 | Define a characteristic pattern |
605 | You have deleted the characteristic propagation |
680 | Copy characteristic value assignments from requirement(s) |
681 | No unique characteristic value assignment copied from requirement(s) |
682 | Configuration copied from product master |
700 | ** 700-710 Messages for bottom-up propagation and remainder calculation |
701 | Variable indicator '&' for remainder table component '&' has been deleted |
702 | You are moving to the bottom-up propagation and remainder calculation |
703 | You are moving to the top-down propagation |
704 | You have deleted the bottom-up propagation and remainder calculation |
705 | Choose just one input compon. as source of the characteristic propagation |
706 | Std valuation of '&' for characteristic '&' is overwritten bottom-up |
707 | Propagation for characteristic '&' is already defined |
708 | The extended order generation ignores activity restrictions |
709 | Remainder calculation for the extended order generation (EOG) |
710 | Definition of remainder calculation macros |
807 | Selection does not include products for characteristics-dependent planng |
808 | Selection does not include block planned resources |
809 | Selection does not include plans or PPM with CDP definition |
810 | Plan &1: Class assignment of component &2 is not relevant for scheduling |
811 | Plan &1: There are no relevant CDP definitions for component &2 |
812 | Plan &1: There are no relevant CDP definitions |
813 | In the current planng version there are no blocks defined for resource &1 |
814 | Block planning for resource &1: See following message(s) |
815 | Plan &1 does not set a value assignment for block planng for activity &2 |
816 | CDP planning of product &1: See following message(s) |
817 | Plan &1 does not set value assignments/requirements for product |
820 | No inconsistencies found in the plans or PPM in selection |
821 | No inconsistencies found for the block planned resources in selection |
822 | No inconsistencies found for the products in selection |
850 | 851 - 869 revised messages /SAPAPO/MC01_M04 |
851 | Class &1 was copied for product &2 from reference product &3 |
852 | Product variant and reference product use different classes |
853 | Class assignment for product &1 not be changed |
880 | 881 - 899 messages /SAPAPO/MC01_C0x |
881 | Product &1 cannot be used as a reference product |
882 | The shelf life for batch & was changed to the APO maximum value |
883 | Data view &1 does not exist |
884 | Data view &1 for planning book &2 does not exist |