/SAPAPO/MSDP_DIS - Messages for Disaggregation on Master Data Hierarchies

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/MSDP_DIS: Messages for Disaggregation on Master Data Hierarchies.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/MSDP in software component SCM-APO-SNP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Application Development Supply & Demand Planner".
Message Nr
Message Text
001No valid location product hierarchy in planning area &1 for model &2
002No valid PPM/PDS hierarchy in planning area &1 for model &2
003PPM/PDS hierarchy &1 inconsistent with loc. prod. hierarchy &2 (&3,&4)
004PPM/PDS hierarchy &1 has an invalid PPM/PDS ID, &2
005In planning area &1, key figure &2 does not exist at aggregate &3
006&1 header location products disaggregated successfully
010Location product &1 &2 and header &3 &4 have different procurement types
011Location prod. &1 &2 and header &3 &4 have different production horizons
012Loc.product &1 &2 and header &3 &4 have diffrnt extended prodctn horizons
013Loc.product &1 &2 and header &3 &4 have different stock transfer horizons
014Rounding value of locatn product header &1 &2 different from prod. level
015Rounding value of loc. prod.header &1 &2 not a multiple of product level
016Transportation lane &1->&2, &3 for &4 does not exist at product level
017Planning book must be specified for the 'Aggregated Planning' model check
018'Fix.Transprt' indicator different for loc.prod.&1 &2 and header &3 &4
019'Fix.Productn' indicator different for loc.prod.&1 &2 and header &3 &4
020Select Planning Book and Data View
021No time series key figure exists for the selected planning book
022No valid location product has been entered
023No quota arrangement key figure has been entered
024The quota arrangement key figure &1 does not exist
025Quota arrangement key figure &1 is not a time series key figure
026No orders exist at header level
028Resource &1 is not a header resource
029Resource does not exist on detail level of resource hierarchy
030Type of resource &1 is not supported in SNP
031Resource &1 is flagged 'not SNP relevant'
032Diff. resource categories from header resource &1 and subresource &2
033Different locations from header resource &1 and subresource &2
034Different dimensions from header resource &1 and subresource &2
035Different time zones from header resource &1 and subresource &2
036Different factory calendar from header resource &1 and subresource &2
037Header resource &1 is used in sub-PPM/PDS &2
038Sub-PPM/PDS &1 does not use a subresource of header resource &2
039Subresource &1 is used in header PPM/PDS &2
040Header PPM/PDS &1 does not use header resource of subresource &2
041No valid resource hierarchy in planning area &1 for model &2
042No work days within horizon: Disaggregation not possible
043Error: Conversion base unit of measure after planning area UoM
044Different scheduling for orders of the same group &1
045No sub-PPMs/PDS exist for header PPM/PDS &
046Location product hierarchy &1 does not exist
047PPM/PDS hierarchy &1 does not exist
048Resource hierarchy &1 does not exist
050Error when accessing implementation of BAdI &1
051Deletion indicator set for location &1 product &2
052Header PPM/PDS &1 and sub PPM/PDS &2 have different period factors
053Header PPM/PDS &1 and sub PPM/PDS &2 have different calendars
054Interactive disaggregation of the order is not possible
055Interactive disaggregation must be called from interactive planning
056Error during interactive disaggregation
057Error reading hierarchy master data
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