/SAPAPO/MVM_SVC - Version Management Messages

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/MVM_SVC: Version Management Messages.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/MVM in software component SCM-APO-MD-VM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Model and Planning Version Management".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Planning version does not exist
002Planning versions are identical
003Planning versions belong to different models
004Version must not be the active version
005Planning version &1 copied to planning version &2
006Planning version & deleted
007Deletion process terminated
008Copying terminated
009Deleted from planning version &: Orders
010Deleted from planning version &: PPMs
011Deleted from planning version &: Resources
012Deleted from planning version &: Products
013Copied to planning version &: Products
014Copied to planning version &: Resources
015Copied to planning version &: PPMs
016Copied to planning version &: Orders
017Deleted from planning version & : Version entry
018Planning version &1: Resource &2 is referenced - no deletion possible
019Planning version &1: Resource &2 locked - no deletion possible
020Orders: Error cannot be localized
021Order & could not be deleted
022Order & could not be copied
023No orders exist in planning version &
024The model belonging to planning version & does not exist
025Planning version & could not be deleted
026The transaction data could not be deleted
027Pegging area cannot be deleted as fixed orders still exist
028Peg areas could not be deleted
029Planning version & could not be created
030Planning version & is currently locked
031In lock management there is an error for planning version &
032Authorization for deleting planning version & does not exist
033Model & is currently locked
034An error has occurred in lock management for model &
035You do not have authorization to delete model &
036Use report /sapapo/act_vers_del to delete the active version
042Model &1 copied to model &2
043Model & was deleted
044Model & was not deleted
045Connection to the LiveCache could not be established
046MSP orders of planning version & could not be deleted
047Deleted in planning version &1: MSP orders
049Time-dep.proc.param. (iPPE) data of planning versn & could not be deleted
052Deleted in planning version &: Time-dependent process parameters (iPPE)
053&1 called in task &2 at &3
054Cannot call aRFC: system has run out of resources at &1
055Error in aRFC communication when calling &1 in task &2
056&1 reported exception in task &2
057&1 completed in task &2 at &3
058Could not copy location products even in serial run
059Error registering copy handle in SAP liveCache
060&1 reported exception
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