/SAPAPO/ND - Network Design

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/ND: Network Design.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/ND in software component SCM-APO-SCC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Development Class for Network Design".
Message Nr
Message Text
000**** General messages ***
001Starting optimizer
003Planning run does not exist
100******************+*Parameter read, write **************************
101The Network Design planning parameters cannot be read.
102Planning parameters are incorrect and could not be saved
103Planning parameters could not be saved
104Prod. &1, loc. &2: Conversion of &3 to &4 not possible (handling cons.)
105ND planning data or parameters could not be read
106In order to define calendar, a resource must be entered in PPM &1
107Error reading demand for planning run &1
108InfoCube &1 does not contain key figure &2
109InfoCube &1 does not contain product characteristic &2
110InfoCube &1 does not contain location characteristic &2
111RFC error reading data for InfoCube &1
112Error reading metadata for InfoCube &1
113No material exists for external material no. &1 from InfoCube
114No locaton exists for external material no. &1 in InfoCube
115Material &1: &2 cannot be converted into base unit of measure &3
116Error reading transportation lanes
117Material &1 has no base unit of measure
118Available capacity cannot be read
119MATID &1 product data could not be read
120**************Convert units**************************************
121Unit &1 incorrect
122Unit &1 is not a unit of time
123No demand exists for specified selection criteria
124Selection &1 for planning area &2 does not exist
125No transportation method specified -> No transportation lanes generated!
126Table contains no demand (Create demand)
127Loc. &1 not taken into consideration because loc. type &2 not selected
128Product &1 not used in model in question
150Cost key already in profile
151Quota arrangements do not add up to 100%
152Error converting unit &1 to &2 for material &3
153Planning run parameter &1 could not be read
154Error resetting debug mode
155Cost key does not exist
156Profile &1 is new
157No PPMs found
158&1 taken from selected locations due to wrong type (&2)
159Procedure 6: No locations selected
160No dimension for unit &1 found
161Error converting unit &1 to &2 (material-independent)
162Error converting from unit &1 to &2 (Generation of transportation lanes)
163Average speed not specified for means of transport &1
164Distance factor not specified for means of transport &1
165No means of transport specified for additional transportation lanes
166No locations specified for selection
167No location cost profile assigned to location &1
168No demand exists for specified planning period
169No production resources available in &1
170No handling resources available in &1
171Validity of resource &1 does not lie completely within planning period
200*************** Optimization messages **************************
201No planning run exists for session &1
202Application log cannot be opened
203Error writing application log: sy-subrc = &1 handle = &2
204Error generating application log entries
205Application log could not be initialized
206Optimizer has issued an error message (Analyze log file)
207Planning run ended
208Planning run ended without results
210Error reading results
220Choose an existing profile
221Profile &1 already exists
222Specify a profile name
223Save the profile first
250Number of loaded locations: &1
251Number of loaded products: &1
252Number of loaded PPMs: &1
253Number of loaded location products: &1
300**** Messages from Optimizer, general information******************
301Get data
302Optimization running
303Save results
320**Messages from optimizer, optimization information****************
321Optimal solution with value & found
322Solution not optimal, but within given tolerance
323Solution not optimal because maximum runtime exceeded
324Admissible, non-optimal solution found (due to error)
325Optimal solution found
340* Messages from optimizer, general errors****************************
341Error getting data
342Error during optimization
343Error saving results
344Error initializing data structures
345Problem inadmissible (insoluble)
346No admissible solution found before time limit reached
370* Messages from optimizer, data error*********************************
371Product & does not exist at any location
372Product &1 does not exist at location &2
373Location & not found
374Product &1 does not exist at location &2 (i.e. PPM &3 has no reference)
375Invalid transportation lane &1 -> &2
376Invalid quota arrangement &1 -> &2 for product &3
377Invalid product &1 at transportation lane &2 -> &3
378No product at location &
379No procedure specified
380No session ID specified
381Number of locations is 0
382Number of products is 0
383Only one level specified
384More than 3 levels specified
385Maximum deviation must lie between 0 and 100%
386Table % is empty
387More locations in OPTIN_LOC than specified in control parameters
388More locations in OPTIN_LOCMAT than specified in control parameters
389Table of level control structures is empty
390Table of locations is empty
391Table of location products is empty
392Table of demand is empty
393Table of transportation lanes is empty
394Table of product transportation lanes is empty
395Table of PPM products is empty (but not table of PPM locations)
396Table of PPM locations is empty (but not table of PPM products)
400* Messages of optimizer, saving error************************
401Error during allocation of memory space
402Error during reservation of memory space
420* Messages of optimizer: RFC error *********************************
421Logon to SAP system failed
422Connection to SAP system crashed
440* Error of optimizer : ABAP error***********************************
441ABAP error getting data
442ABAP error writing results
443ABAP error generating new GUIDs
501Enter a location
502Enter a product
503Enter an existing location
504Enter an existing product
505Enter non-overlapping periods
506Choose a planning version
507Planning version already exists (Choose a different version)
508Version invalid (Choose a different version)
511Enter a period
512Enter the start of a period
520No demand exists for specified period
897&1 &2 &3 &4
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