/SAPAPO/OM_BASIS - Messages of package /sapapo/om_basis

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/OM_BASIS: Messages of package /sapapo/om_basis.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/OM_TRANSLATION in software component BC-DB-LCA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "LCAPPS Objects to Be Translated into All Languages".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Could not connect to liveCache
001A cycle exists in the network
002Error in ATP COM routine: &1
003Registration TaskHandler incorrect: Transaction GUID = &1
005Current trace file has number 0 (kernel vtrace)
006Trace contains incorrect format
007No authorization &1
008&1 &2 &3 &4
009The trace file is very large, see long text
010COM - error &1
011Configuration changed; trace file initialized
012Trace setting changed
013No authorization to release a job that deletes the trace level
014Operation could not be executed
015Error in ATP COM routine: &1
016No external key exists
017No column selected
018User parameters and LC10 parameters do not match
666Programming error: &1 !
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