The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/OM_ERROR2: Messages for /SAPAPO/OM_MESSAGES_LC_STORE (Continued).
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/OM_TRANSLATION in software component BC-DB-LCA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "LCAPPS Objects to Be Translated into All Languages".
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/OM_TRANSLATION in software component BC-DB-LCA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "LCAPPS Objects to Be Translated into All Languages".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Setup matrix still used by at least one resource |
001 | No group defined for group entry |
002 | For exception there is no group in the group setup matrix |
003 | Setup item (product key) does not exist |
004 | Table for group keys is empty |
005 | Table with setup group data is empty |
006 | I/O nodes could not be pegged |
007 | Invalid ApoPtIoNodeSel value |
008 | Order contains unscheduled activities |
009 | Order contains activities that have already been started or confirmed |
010 | The range of coverage profile is invalid |
011 | Date vector already exists (for creation) |
012 | The date vector table specified is empty |
013 | The data entered for resources or dates/times is inconsistent |
014 | iPPE object already exists (for creation) |
015 | iPPE object does not exist (for change) |
016 | The iPPE table specified is empty |
017 | Merge failed for iPPE simulation |
018 | Invalid value for ApoDrpAggregationSel |
019 | Invalid value for ApoDrpAggregationMethod |
020 | COM error & |
021 | Incorrect parameter values |
022 | No time stream |
023 | The resource type cannot be changed |
024 | At least one time stream required (shared or private) |
025 | Single resources can only have available capacity of 0 or 1 |
026 | Bucket dimension cannot be changed |
027 | Incorrect dimension for buckets |
028 | Incorrect LineProcTimeMode |
029 | Period patter for routine is incorrect |
030 | Setup matrix not allowed for resource |
031 | Synchronization flag not allowed for resource |
032 | Characteristics stream not allowed for resource |
033 | Synchronization of activities only for multiresources |
034 | sync_type.sync_compatible = DoNotSyncCompatible required |
035 | Resource is not empty |
036 | Resource is not empty |
037 | Only single resource may possess a setup matrix |
038 | Storage not allowed for resource |
039 | Resource must be infinite |
040 | No setup matrix allowed |
041 | Characteristics stream not allowed |
042 | Synchronization not allowed |
043 | No storage allowed |
044 | Buckets not allowed |
045 | Buckets expected |
046 | Bucket type cannot be changed because it is occupied by SNP |
047 | Scheduler type cannot be changed because it is occupied by SNP |
048 | Incorrect type for mixed resource |
049 | Resource may not be a bucket PP/DS resource |
050 | Parameter FindActivitysSelectPlanmode is incorrect |
051 | Not permitted to take campaigns into account |
052 | Doubled activities in the arguments |
053 | The order was already deleted |
054 | Chooser called with incorrectly initialized mode restriction |
055 | GUID of matrix requirement is initial |
056 | For iPPE determination, I/O and parent I/O must be for same order |
057 | For iPPE determination, I/O and parent I/O must be for same activity |
058 | For iPPE determination, the top order of the I/O node must be specified |
059 | Activity is fixed and cannot be moved |
060 | 'Total' and 'Real' are different for first slice |
061 | Negative working time |
062 | Negative net time |
063 | Negative real time |
064 | Negative total time |
065 | Negative shift number |
066 | Unscheduled break > 100% |
067 | Total time within the break is negative |
068 | Negative capacity |
069 | Resource utilization rate lies above 5000% |
070 | Time stream only has one slice, it must have at least 2 |
071 | Private and reference objects have the same OID |
072 | Timeline created several times |
073 | Generic error |
074 | Division by 0 or incorrect |
075 | Alert object exists but situation is OK |
076 | Invalid use of SetSegment |
077 | Invalid use of ConfirmSegment (net = gross) |
078 | An order could not be saved, as it as been confirmed in the meantime |
079 | The new order confirmation status is less than required |
080 | Error cannot be specified in detail |
081 | Invalid parameter(s) |
082 | Expected input was an output (or opposite is the case) |
083 | Inconsistent valuation array |
084 | Inconsistent constraint array |
085 | Incorrect class ID |
086 | Requesting and evaluating an input node are incompatible |
087 | Invalid parameter(s) |
088 | LongString range overflow |
089 | The shelf life data given as characteristics exceed value range |
090 | Redundant table entry |
091 | Inconsistent data |
092 | Pegging area and IO nodes are not maintained |
093 | BOM ID and supply_id are not maintained |
094 | ABAP provides an empty iPPE table |
095 | Constraint for an activity refers to itself |
096 | Activity cannot be dispatched at the times specified |
097 | Cover constraint for bucket resources |
098 | A setup activity is not at the start of a cover constraint chain |
099 | An activity has at least two predecessors |
100 | Activity cannot be deallocated, subsequent setup activity not changeable |
101 | Incorrect order type for goods receipt or payment advice |
102 | Goods receipt or payment advice are only allowed for 'Top Order' |
103 | Goods receipt or payment advice has no output nodes |
104 | A schedule line has more than one output or input node |
105 | Invalid activity for node |
106 | Different quantities |
107 | Deltas with goods receipt or payment advice in deleted sched. agreement |
108 | Confirmed quantity at output/input node is negative/positive quantity |
109 | IO node hander cannot change the quantities |
110 | Notified quantity at input/output node is negative/positive quantity |
111 | Top order may only have suborders, not activities |
112 | Each suborder may only contain activities |
113 | Invalid time given by ABAP |
114 | Invalid boolean value |
115 | SessionGlobals not initialized |
116 | Error when accessing DLL file information |
117 | Creation of persist. pl. version object not possible because client = ' ' |
118 | Key already exists for PlanVersionObject |
119 | Mode linkage problem with primary resource |
120 | Creation of inactive pl. version with ATP time series update is forbidden |
121 | Subsequent activation of ATP time series update not allowed |
122 | New creation/change/deletion of a pl. version not allowed in simulation |
123 | PlanversionKey does not agree with simulation |
124 | Schema type and client/planning version combination are incompatible |
125 | Subsequent deactivation of ATP time series update not allowed |
126 | Client contains a \0 byte |
127 | plan_version contains a \0-Byte |
128 | Transactional simulation already exists |
129 | Simulation could not be found |
130 | 2 LCA-routines access to different simulations in same transaction |
131 | Invalid object in DeltaQueue |
132 | Transactional simulation not active, open first |
133 | Maximum number (999) of repetitions reached for HardMerge |
134 | Dummy error code for the constructor of CustomizeErrorRow |
135 | Invalid value |
136 | Incorrect TraceFile number given |
137 | No access to TraceFile possible |
138 | Value does not correspond to a valid Customizing parameter |
139 | Write mode for creating a trace file is neither 'open' nor 'append' |
140 | Invalid method for customer table |
141 | Negative area of validity |
142 | Negative size of file |
143 | Date lies before first date |
144 | Incorrect sorting for buckets |
145 | cap_use unequal to cap_init_use |
146 | Incorrect value for last bucket |
147 | Incorrect mode |
148 | Incorrect entry |
149 | Missing BitVector |
150 | Matrix could not be found |
151 | Matrix numbers no longer exist |
152 | To many rows |
153 | To many columns |
154 | Unknown matrix type |
155 | Incompatible matrix |
156 | The operation called is not allowed in this matrix status |
157 | The length given for the internal table does not correspond to the rows |
158 | Colored requirement is not possible because color node has no variants |
159 | No BitVector available for color posvar |
160 | To many color nodes entered |
161 | Missing entry in OrderSequence |
162 | Missing flag parameter |
163 | Corresponding posvar is missing |
164 | The order to be executed is marked for deletion |
165 | The value of the flag does not lie in {S, A, P} |
166 | The station specified was not found |
167 | Number of matrices is too large |
168 | Not possible to change the type of an existing matrix |
169 | An associated activity was not found for bit in order bit vector |
170 | RPM globals could not be initialized |
171 | Row keys for tokens used up |
172 | Row keys for nodes used up |
173 | The index in BitVector is either to high or below 0 |
174 | Configuration could not be found |
175 | Double order |
176 | Order could not be found |
177 | Backflush object could not be found |
178 | Component variant object could not be found |
179 | Component variant key used |
180 | The SQL table required for the indices does not exist |
181 | Error when calling an APO method |
182 | Index flag for color component variant is set |
183 | A matrix involved with the shipment item is not described properly |
184 | Number of configurations is inconsistent |
185 | No or negative number of rows specified |
186 | No or negative number of columns specified |
187 | Time stream is incomplete or contains double entries |
188 | Unknown error |
189 | Activity keys are used |
190 | The row key newly provided by ABAP is incorrect |
191 | A subrow could not be connected to a header row |
193 | The multiplication led to an overflow |
194 | Conversion of a timediff led to an overflow |
195 | A color component variant was not found |
196 | Color variant &1 for product &2 does not exist |
197 | Restriction key used |
198 | Order exists several times in the restriction matrix |
199 | The item GUID no longer exists in the matrix |
200 | This condition does not exist in the matrix |
201 | Condition exists several times |
202 | The same item GUID should be modified in parallel |
203 | The same retid should be modified in parallel |
204 | Stream does not exist for error description in internal table |
205 | Error for SQL call of liveCache |
206 | Unknown matrix type |
207 | Inconsistent order sequence |
208 | Internal inconsistency in color processing |
209 | Internal inconsistency: Incorrect parameter(s) |
210 | Internal inconsistency: Stream parameter is 0 |
211 | Matrix status is inconsistent |
212 | Order is marked as deleted: No method call possible |
213 | BitVectorObject does not exist |
214 | Internal error when indexing matrices |
215 | Doubled key error when adding a configuration |
216 | Doubled key error when adding a backflush object |
217 | Doubled key error when adding a component variant |
218 | Doubled key error when adding a work center |
219 | Doubled key error when adding a node |
220 | Doubled key error when adding a token |
221 | Doubled key error when adding a matrix |
222 | Unexpected call or call with unexpected parameters |
223 | RPM global is not available |
224 | Incorrect number for length of a BitVector |
225 | Incorrect category for length of a BitVector |
226 | Incorrect parameter for direction specification |
227 | Doubled key error when adding an activity |
228 | Doubled key error when adding a condition |
229 | Iterator returned a BitIndex for which a restOrder was not found |
230 | Internal index is corrupt |
231 | A lock that was requested cannot be set for the appropriate time |
232 | Lock for a changed object |
233 | Doubled lock for liveCache object |
234 | Allocation for memory failed |
235 | Bit index for a bitmap operation lies ouside of limits |
236 | Insufficient size of target vector |
237 | The database procedure called by ABAP is no longer supported |
238 | Unknown exception occurred |
239 | Error in liveCache that cannot be processed by application DLL |
240 | Trace output not possible because globals were not initialized |
241 | Limits of BifOffset for transposer constructor were exceeded |
242 | SQL error: Doubled keys |
243 | SQL error: Table does not exist |
244 | Invalid call |
245 | Start index is larger than end date for planning |
246 | Required data index is larger than the end date for planning |
247 | Stop index is larger than the end date for planning |
248 | The search direction is incorrect because not contained in {1, 2, 3, 4} |
249 | Problem in liveCache for dynamic conversion |
250 | No RSP reservation matrix found in liveCache |
251 | Reservation matrix already exists |
252 | A condition specified could not be found |
253 | Insufficient conditions specified |
254 | Insufficient time slots specified |
255 | RPM is not active |
256 | A time slot specified could not be found |
257 | Initialization of REP globals failed |
258 | Trace output not possible because globals are not initialized |
259 | There are no color variants for color node &1 |
260 | Value for maximum number is negative for &1 |
261 | Station &1 does not exist |
262 | Order is in long-term planning matrix but order BOM has been deleted |
263 | Error in memory: A new operator has failed |
264 | The response for an order is not 'Confirmation' or 'Rejection' |
265 | Transaction could not be found |
266 | The index is not in the period specified |
267 | Error when calling an APO method |
268 | Too many active transactions |
269 | max_restriction was exceeded in the TlInputDesc structure |
270 | Index in the BitVector is larger than the largest slot number |
271 | Time stream for non-active planning version |
272 | There are no conditions in a new_reservation |
273 | LiveCache error |
274 | Reserved quantity is 0 and should be deleted |
275 | Error during clean-up phase |
276 | Incorrect sorting of characteristic value list |
277 | Date could not be found in the time stream |
278 | old_posguid could not be found in the heap table |
279 | new_posguid could not be found in the heap table |
280 | new_posguid contains no elements |
281 | Rescheduling not available |
282 | d-icp not available |
283 | d-icp is in the delete_(new,old) table and not available for rescheduling |
284 | d-icp not available in delete_(new,old)_table |
285 | The start index (rsc) could not be found in the planning horizon |
286 | Stop index (rsc) could not be found |
287 | Index for desired date (rsc) could not be found |
288 | The start index (dicp) could not be found in the planning horizon |
289 | Stop index (dicp) could not be found |
290 | Index for desired date (dicp) could not be found |
291 | The maximum number of time streams has been reached |
292 | Process still running for resched, d-icp or famot |
293 | Maximum number reached for resched, d-icp, famot |
294 | No conditions found in the matrix for this item GUID |
295 | Value &1 not found in online reservation |
296 | Invalid parameter for isSimulationUndoPossible |
297 | Incorrect RPM session used |
298 | Value &1 not found in online change |
299 | Recycle is not allowed when using RPM session |
300 | Order has deleted activity after the merge |
301 | No DeltaRecords found for this bucket |
302 | No delta found in the DeltaRecord list for this bucket |
303 | The maxRestr for Guid_Index_Mapper is smaller than or equal to 0 |
304 | MaxSlot for Time_Index_Array is smaller than or equal to 0 |
305 | Lock does not exist for initial process |
306 | Planning version locked for initialization |
307 | Planning version already locked for initialization |
308 | An active planning version does not exist |
309 | Deletion flag has invalid value (internal error) |
310 | Incorrect check value (too few tokens) |
311 | Incorrect check value (too many tokens) |
312 | Buffer not filled for cross-call (internal error) |
313 | Error when processing buffer for cross-call (internal error) |
314 | TransSimHandler has not been initialized |
315 | Function not yet implemented |
316 | Transactional simulation is active; save first! |
317 | Incorrect cover mode |
318 | No slot for cancelling a confirmation |
319 | Call of an SNP activity with a non-SNP method |
320 | Complete confirmation of an activity is not possible |
321 | IO nodes cannot be isolated |
322 | Deletion not possible because other planning versions still exist |
323 | A cross-planning-version procedure does not yet exist |
324 | Second ReturnCode line of om_me_colored_pegid_not_found |
325 | Time stream not found |
326 | Invalid pegging quantity |
327 | Invalid fixing quantity |
328 | Fixing entry already exists |
329 | Fixing entry does not yet exist |
330 | Overflow when adding quantities |
331 | Deficit array is invalid |
332 | Available array is invalid |
333 | Edges array is invalid |
334 | Output nodes do not currently have quantity tolerances |
335 | Error in tolerance quantity |
336 | Attempt to create pegging node from I/O node that is not a pegging node |
337 | Mode linkage problem with mode number |
338 | The iPPE object for the order was deleted |
339 | Two constraints that exclude each other or create unrealizable situation |
340 | Keep activity dates for setup activities where no valid end time entered |
341 | Old and new setup activity logic mixed together |
342 | Line contraint whose predecessor does not sit on line resource |
343 | Scheduled constraint where scheduling-relev. activity is a dummy activity |
344 | Extern. constraints must not be adhered to more strictly than inter. ones |
345 | Dynamic pegging must not be adhered to more strictly than fixed pegging |
346 | Can only use insert, close gaps, or force mode if respecting int. constr. |
347 | Pegging can only be taken into account if internal constraints adhered to |
348 | Error tolern. has been specified in both scheduler and control parameters |
349 | Append end and close gaps modes do not work for backward scheduling |
350 | Confirmation activity: start time larger than remaining start time |
351 | Confirmation activity: end time smaller than remaining start time |
352 | Confirmation activity: end time smaller than remaining start time |
353 | Partial confirmation of a dummy activity |
354 | Method requires scheduled activities |
355 | No slot found although slot must be provided |
356 | changeModeProcTime with dummy activity |
357 | ChangeModeProcTime could not find mode number in mode for the activity |
358 | Invalid line constraint: activity mode not in line resource |
359 | Invalid line constraint: activity does not have a mode |
360 | Invalid time entered for dummy activity (ProcTime <> NewEnd - NewStart) |
361 | Invalid quantity tolerance |
362 | Duplicate SPP header in argument list |
363 | Transactional simulation not allowed |
364 | Pegging areas with dynamic pegging not allowed |
365 | Time interval of the SPP item is outside the time horizon |
366 | IO nodes of an SPP order must have the same category and category type |
367 | Reading SPP orders for an order with the incorrect order category |
368 | SFW: routine must run within a transactional simulation |
369 | SFW: context not found contrary to expectations |
370 | SFW: context found contrary to expectations |
371 | SFW: context is incomplete |
372 | SFW: not used yet |
373 | SFW: not used yet |
374 | SFW: not used yet |
375 | SFW: not used yet |
376 | SFW: activities found with status "removed" |
377 | SFW: activity is not a source |
378 | SFW: /SAPAPO/OM_SFW_SCHEDULE_SET: no valid time specified |
379 | SFW: activity included multiple times in argument list |
380 | SFW: planned start is outside the remove time window |
381 | SFW: arguments contradict each other within the same cover chain |
382 | SFW: cyclical dependency between cover chains |
383 | You cannot insert an SPP schedule line into an order of a different type |
385 | ATP: invalid index |
386 | ATP: COM routine was not called in an active planning version |
387 | Time series read for pegging area that does not update ATP time series |
388 | ATP check parameter is not supported |
389 | ATP: characteristics combination with identical characteristic values |
390 | ATP time series for the pegging area are not empty |
391 | Invalid entry for ATP matrix |
392 | Reference counter for ATP time series is negative |
393 | ATP: no time series implementation found |
394 | ATP anchor OID is invalid |
395 | ATP: forecast time zone of the pegging area is different |
396 | ATP time series cannot be deleted, maybe in parallel use |
397 | RPM: Date vector not found |
398 | iPPE cannot be deleted since it is still in use |
399 | Invalid value for integer boolean |
401 | WFM orders must not have any receipts or dispatches |
402 | All activities of a WFM order must be planned on the WFM resource |
403 | Only WFM activities can be planned on a WFM resource |
404 | Aggregated height view of WFM resources not possible |
405 | On WFM resources, only integral view w/o setup activity or cover possible |
406 | WFM views only permitted on WFM resources |
407 | For non-WFM-single resources, WFM speed must be 0 |
408 | For WFM-single resources with setup matrix, WFM speed must be > 0 |
409 | For resources, WFM speed must not be less than 0 |
410 | Number of buckets in RPM time series too high |
411 | Internal error &1 |
412 | Pegging area transferred to RPM not found. Internal error &1 |
413 | Connection to &1 has failed |
414 | RPM is inactive |
415 | Error updating order &1 |
416 | Error has occurred while processing period profile &1 |
417 | Error reading resource &1/&2 in planning version &3 |
419 | RPM orders cannot have a suborder |
420 | iPPE ID of an RPM order must point to liveCache iPPE |
421 | RPM order must have at least one activity with modes |
422 | For RPM order, a resource used in multiple activities |
423 | RPM order must have exactly one master output node |
424 | ORDER_MODIFY used to create/delete master output node |
425 | General RPM error |
426 | Wait time for blocking process is past |
427 | Negative time offset in subline |
428 | SFW: Propagating dyn. stronger than fixed pegging not possible |
429 | Precondition for NetChanger not fulfilled |
430 | Internal problems in caching pointers |
431 | Internal problems when finding order activity |
432 | Setup activity can be (de-)activated only if planned and not confirmed |
433 | AP: "Before Image" allows reads only, no writes |
434 | AP: Simulation merged; repeated merge, refresh, reopen not possible |
435 | RPM: Incorrect reference to status matrix |
436 | RPM: Status matrix already exists for same TRPID |
437 | RPM: Application key cannot be changed |
438 | &1 |
439 | &1 &2 |
440 | RPM: Converter (rpm_customizing<planversion) is not initialized |
441 | RPM: Same resource defined for two subrows of a POSVAR |
803 | Invalid category type |
804 | Invalid check level |
805 | The times in the time series entries are not the same |
806 | Time series entry not found |
807 | Invalid index for accessing AtpQty2 |
808 | Invalid index for accessing AtpQty4 |
809 | Invalid ATP anchor (invalid GUID?) |
810 | Invalid ABAP time stamp |
811 | Time series OID not found |
812 | Time series OID not found or time series generation failed |
813 | Time series is invalid |
815 | Negative quantity for a receipt |
816 | Positive quantity for an issue |
817 | Time stamp for the stock is not zero |
818 | RCP time shifted by SHIFT_RCP resulted in invalid time |
819 | ISS time shifted by SHIFT_ISS resulted in invalid time |
820 | Initial category is invalid |
824 | Initialization of ATP globals has failed |
825 | ATP globals do not exist |
830 | ATP matrix is invalid (invalid GUID?) |
831 | AtpAncBag is invalid (invalid GUID?) |
833 | Object could not be created in liveCache |
834 | Characteristics combination with identical characteristic values |
835 | ATP time series for the pegging area are not empty |
836 | Invalid ATP matrix entry |
837 | ATP time series reference counter is negative |
838 | No time series implementation found |
839 | ATP anchor OID is invalid |
840 | Forecast time zone for the pegging area is different |
841 | ATP time series cannot be deleted, maybe in parallel use |
860 | LogFile could not be opened |
861 | Delta entries not allowed for NO-COMMIT systems |
862 | Delta anchor OID is invalid |
863 | Delta anchor is invalid (invalid GUID?) |
864 | Administration structure for TQAs is invalid |
865 | Incorrect structure for AncDelKombi table |
866 | Incorrect delta anchor type was used |
867 | Incorrect delta record type was used |
868 | Delta record type and persistence indicator not compatible |
869 | General ATP error |