/SAPAPO/OPT - General Optimization Messages

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/OPT: General Optimization Messages.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/OPT in software component SCM-APO-OPT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Optimization".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Function '&1' is not yet implemented
002Function not possible
003No optimizer server is installed for &1
004Error when determining Customizing data
005Optimization server &1 could not be released
006All optimization servers for &1 are occupied
007Optimization server &1 has been started
008Optimization run finished successfully
009Customizing data is locked by user &1
010Connection test failed
011Optimization run terminated with a warning
012Optimization run terminated with errors
013Only use constraint manipulation in exceptional cases
014Horizon must be between -999 and 999 days
015Start of the optimized schedule in the past is not permitted
016Sum of percent entries exceeds 100%
017Optimization run finished without solution
018Optimization run finished without solution
020Priorities must be entered in ascending order
021Customizing was successfully saved
022Error when saving Customizing data
023Data locked by user &1; display is possible
025Parallel optimization not activated (see status)
026Weights must not be zero
027Select at least one order type
028Use this option in special circumstances only
031Percentage entries must result in a 100% total
032Percentage entries to generate initial solution should be greater than 0
033The number of parallel processes must be greater than 0
036Net CPU time: &1
037Memory usage: &1
038Maximum memory usage: &1
039System time: &1
040Hard disk drive &1 on optimization server &2 cannot be written to
041Optimization server &2: Only &1 Megabyte(s) available
044Number of parallel slots acquired: &1
045Session number: &1
046User name: &1
047Start time: &1
048Start date: &1
049Component: &1
066Technical error in upgrade report /SAPAPO/OPT_UPGRADE_70 (XPRA)
067Successfully upgraded optimizer customizing
090No free RFC destination available
091Web service call returns the following confirmation: &1
092Grid optimizer has been assigned &1 of &2 requested slots
093Incorrect RFC destination: Not generated by web service call
095Number of processes must be at least 1
097No grid optimization run
098Archive could not be copied
100No authorization for transaction; only display possible
101Process list being loaded
102Process being terminated
103System process cannot be terminated
104No log exists
105No trace file exists
106Trace file is being loaded
107Trace file does not contain any data
108File is being deleted
109File is being loaded
110Directory is being read
111Directory not available
112Version of &1 is being read
113Cannot determine version
114Optimization profile '&1' does not exist
115&1 '&2' does not exist
116No log details available
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