/SAPAPO/PALG - Messages for DRP

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/PALG: Messages for DRP.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/PALG in software component SCM-APO-SPP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Algorithms for DRP/Deployment".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Programming error, incorrect assumption, or both
001Derived date/time &1 not found
002No BOD assigned to product &1 at time &2
003No clear BOD is assigned to product &1 at time &2
004BoD of product &1 contains none of the selected locations at time &2
005BoD of product &1 does not contain location &3 at time &2
006BoD change and planning lock set for location product &1 &2
007BoDs of product &1 contain no locations in the planning horizog from &2
008Unknown scheduling scenario &1
009Unknown procurement lead time component &1
010Inconsistency between virtual locations for BoD change (Product &1)
011Inconsistency in planning relevance in BOD (prod. &1, loc. &2 + &3)
012Selection for future customer demand and outbound deliveries is missing
013BAdI error: &1
014Missing lane: from &1 to &2, dest. loc. Product &3
015Source Determination Error: Source Loc. &1 Dest. Loc. &2 Product &3
016Error when reading data for product &1
017Error during calculation with time stamps
018TPOP indicator set at change of BOD (location &1 product &2)
019Missing lane: from &1 to &2, source loc. Product &3
020Sequence &1: First validity date &2 not before planning start date &3
021Sched. outside of calendar limits: timestr. ID &1 start &2 dir. &3 sec &4
022Initial entry time stamp for scheduling request with index &1
023Error in TSTR_CALC_TIME: timestream ID &1 start &2 direct. &3 seconds &4
025Time stamp not found in scheduling result: type &1 activity type &2
026Entry loc. supplied directly and via contract packager (from &1 to &2)
027Source Determination Error: Dest. Loc. &1 Product &2
028No SoS ext. refurbishment/KtS (Subc.): LocProd &1 &2, time period &3 - &4
029Inconsistency in DRP planning mode in BOD (prod. &1, loc. &2 + &3)
030Loc. Prod. &1 &2: No consolidated ordering - ROP-based
031VCL Loc. Prod. &1 &2: No consolidated ordering - ROP-based
032Error when instantiating BAdI &1
033BAdI /SAPAPO/BADI_SPP_SCHEDULER provides a negative value for seconds
034Error in TSTR_CALC_DURATION: time str.ID &1 Start &2 End &3 SY-SUBRC &4
035Date &1 is falls outside the work days defined in calendar &2
036Loc &1 Prod &2: no prf for repairable returns fcst based on TS assigned
037Profile &1 for Repairable Returns FCST Based on Time Series doesn't exist
038unkown period type &1 for time series &2
039periodicity of time series &1 can't be determined
040Entry location &1 is a customer location (product &2, BoD valid from &3)
041&1 documents, &2 document copies
042Documents successfully reorganized
044No rounding profile for rounding to pack size assigned
045Scheduling calculation failed
046No route found, product &1, from &2 to &3, time &4 (forward scheduling)
047No route found, product &1, from &2 to &3, time &4 (backward scheduling)
048Source location is missing for calling routing guide
049Destination location is missing for calling routing guide
050Error when calling the routing guide
051no substitution orders, successor location &1 product &2 doesn't exist
052Error during creation of UUID
053timespan from &1 to &2 outside periods of calendar &3
054multiple entries for scheduling agreement &1 in delivery schedule copy
055changing contract packager configuration during BoD validity (date &1)
056BOD inconsistency : No consolidation for product &1 location &2
057BOD inconsistency : No consolidation for product &1 location &2 (VCL)
058Invalid interval
059Intervals &1 and &2 are overlapping
060Open Customer Demand found for unexpected Product &1 Location &2
061&1 Location Products were selected by Selection and Package Building
062&1 Location Products were processed
063&1 Location Products could not be processed
064&1 Products were selected by Selection and Package Building
065&1 Products were processed
066&1 Products could not be processed
100Time buckets profile generation error
101Time buckets profile & is not defined far enough into the future
102Fixed time buckets profile & does not exist
103Calendar & not valid
104Error in SPP Customizing for forecast periodicity
200****** Messages for Simulation ******
201Version &1 does not exist
202Version &1 is not a snapshot version
203Target version &1 already exists. Check your entry.
204Source version does not exist. Check your entry.
205Version is neither active nor a snapshot version
206Target version &1 is the active version
207Internal error: Version &1 could not be copied into version &2
208Internal error when copying inventory planning parameters
209Internal error when copying stocking/destocking parameters
210Version &1 is the active version
211Source version does not exist. Check your entry.
212Source version does not exist
213Internal error, no target version generated
214Internal error when copying location-product-specific forecast profiles
215Internal error when copying product-specific forecast profiles
216Internal error when copying location-specific forecast profiles
217Internal error when copying version-specific forecast profiles
218Internal error when deleting stocking/destocking parameters
219Version does not exist
220Internal error when deleting inventory planning parameters
221Version profile &1 does not exist
222Version is an active or a snapshot version
223Error when activating TSDM and ODM objects
224Error when copying version
225Copying of master data started
226Copying of master data ended
227Copying of forecast profiles started
228Copying of forecast profiles ended
229Copying of inventory planning parameters started
230Copying of inventory planning parameters ended
231Error when deleting TSDM and ODM objects
232Error when deleting version
233Select at least one service
234Internal error when copying transaction data
235Internal error when copying location-product-specific triggers
236Internal error when copying product-specific triggers
237Internal error when copying location-specific triggers
238Internal error when deleting location-product-specific forecast profiles
239Internal error when deleting product-specific forecast profiles
240Internal error when deleting location-specific forecast profiles
241Internal error when deleting version-specific forecast profiles
242Internal error when deleting transaction data
243Internal error when deleting location-product-specific triggers
244Internal error when deleting product-specific triggers
245Internal error when deleting location-specific triggers
246Internal error when executing planning service &1
247Error when opening application log
248Error when initializing access to PSM profiles
249Error when accessing PSM profiles
250Error when closing application log
251Inetrnal error when reading internal ID for version &1
252Version profile not specified
253Copying transaction data has started
254Copying transaction data has finished
255Copying time series data has started
256Copying time series data has finished
257Copying forecast time series data has started
258Copying forecast time series data has finished
259Copying inventory planning time series data has started
260Copying inventory planning time series data has finished
261Copying DRP time series data has started
262Copying DRP time series data has finished
263Copying supplier capacity time series data has started
264Copying supplier capacity time series data has finished
265Copying order time series data has started
266Copying order time series data has finished
267Copying order data started
268Copying order data finished
269Copying inventory data started
270Copying inventory data finished
271Copying trigger data started
272Copying trigger data finished
273Copying version &1 in version &2 has started
274Copying version &1 in version &2 has finished
275Target version &1 already exists
276Copying planning parameters started
277Copying planning parameters finished
278Deletion of planning parameters started
279Deletion of planning parameters finished
280Deletion of forecast profiles started
281Deletion of forecast profiles finished
282Deletion of inventory planning parameters started
283Deletion of inventory planning parameters finished
284Deletion of transaction data started
285Deletion of transaction data finished
286Deletion of time series data started
287Deletion of time series data finished
288Deletion of forecast time series data started
289Deletion of forecast time series data finished
290Deletion of inventory planning time series data started
291Deletion of inventory planning time series data finished
292Deletion of DRP time series data started
293Deletion of DRP time series data finished
294Deletion of supplier capacity time series data started
295Deletion of supplier capacity time series data finished
296Deletion of order time series data started
297Deletion of order time series data finished
298Deletion of order data started
299Deletion of order data finished
300Deletion of stock data started
301Deletion of stock data finished
302Deletion of trigger data started
303Deletion of trigger data finished
304Execution of forecasting service started
305Execution of forecasting service finished
306Execution of inventory planning service started
307Execution of inventory planning service finished
308Execution of DRP services started
309Execution of DRP services finished
310Execution of deployment service started
311Execution of deployment service finished
312Deletion of version &1 started
313Deletion of version &1 finished
314Execution of version &1 started
315Execution of version &1 ended
316Activation of TSDM and ODM objects started
317Activation of TSDM and ODM objects ended
318Copying of demand realignment settings started
319Copying of demand realignment settings finished
320Deletion of demand realignment settings started
321Deletion of demand realignment settings finished
322Internal error when copying demand realignment settings
323Internal error when deleting demand realignment settings
324Internal error when copying inventory balancing settings
325Internal error when deleting inventory balancing settings
326Copying of inventory balancing settings started
327Copying of inventory balancing settings finished
328Deletion of inventory balancing settings started
329Deletion of inventory balancing settings finished
330Execution of inventory balancing service started
331Execution of inventory balancing service finished
332No key figure assignment in service profile &1
333No service profile for copying forecast time series data
334No service profile for copying phase-out forecast time series data
335No service profile for copying inventory planning time series data
336No service profile for copying DRP time series data
337No service profile for copying supplier capacity time series data
338No service profile for copying order time series data
339No service profile for copying order data
340No service profile for copying inventory data
341Deletion of PSM selection results started
342Deletion of PSM selection results finished
343Deletion of trigger statistics started
344Deletion of trigger statistics finished
345Internal error when deleting trigger statistics
346LiveCache data is inconsistent, check LiveCache data
347BOD &1 location &2 level definition inconsistency
349Error in DMX Data access (DRP_AMOUNT_GET)
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