/SAPAPO/PDEM - Capture/Manage Demand

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/PDEM: Capture/Manage Demand.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/PDEM in software component SCM-APO-SPP-CPD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Capture/Manage Demand".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Error during historical data capture (in BI update rule)
001Error calculating workdays/scaling factors
002InfoProvider &1 not found in semantics mapping
003InfoSource &1 not found in semantics mapping
004InfoProvider &1 not found in the system or contains errors
005InfoSource &1 not found in system or contains errors
006InfoObject &1 not found in InfoSource &2
007InfoObject &1 not found in InfoProvider &2
008BAdI for determination of demand category contains errors
009DataSource &1 not found in system or contains errors
010Demand category not found
011InfoProvider &1 not found in Customizing for data realignment
012Error when writing to delta queue from DataSource &1
013DataSource &1 not found in semantics mapping
014Field &1 not found in DataSource &2
015(Close Real Time) InfoPackage &1 not found or contains errors
016Error during data realignment
017InfoProvider &1 not found in realignment profile
018Realignment table of InfoProvider &1 not found in Customizing
019Table for realignment of InfoProvider &1 contains errors
020Error when reading the realignment steps for &1
021No valid realignment step found at &2 for InfoProvider &1
022Delta queue and DataSource for InfoProvider &1 are inconsistent
023Realignment step &1 in tables &2 and &3 is inconsistent
024No valid realignment step for InfoProvider &2 Gen.Program &2
025From/to condition in realignment step &1 inconsistent
026No entries in Customizing for entry/maintenance of historical data
027Customizing parameter &1 not found
028Semantic &1 inconsistent in InfoProvider &2 and DataSource &3
029Error when updating status of realignment steps
030No entries in Customizing for cancellation reason code
031Error during manual adjustment of the raw data for demand history
032Error during manual adjustment of demand history
033Error in BAdI for determination of demand category
034Error when generating BAdI inst. for determination of demand categories
035'Before_Image' and 'After_Image' of modified data are inconsistent
036Error when reading Customizing parameter &1
037No valid supersession on day &1
038Error when generating realignment steps
039Data realignment steps for InfoProvider &1 not generated
040Error in Customizing for historical data capture/maintenance
041InfoProvider &1 not found in Customizing for data realignment
042Semantic &1 not found
043InfoObject with semantic &2 not found in InfoProvider &1
044Error when checking for product &1 and order item &2
045Stockholding location for product &1 facing loc &2 not found
046Error when writing data realignment steps (InfoProvider &1)
047Customer-facing location not found
048No data realignment selected
049No last valid BOD found (date &1, product &2)
050No data found from InfoProvider &1 for realignment step &2
051No data generated for realignment step &1
052MultiProvider not specified in Customizing
053Data realignment for InfoProvider &1 ended
054Data realignment steps for InfoProvider &1 successfully generated
055Step for new BOD assignment on &1 for &2 not generated
056Error when reading BOD name over MDL (BoD ID: &1)
057Error when reading trigger (service: &1 trigger: &2)
058Error in location product list of triggers (see application log)
059No Processing for Product &1
060(Trigger &2, service &1) no valid product after data check, no gen.
061Step for stocking/destocking decision for &1 not generated
062Step for stocking/destocking decision for &1 successfully generated
063Step for changing TPOP decision for &1 not generated
064Step for changing TPOP decision for &1 successfully generated
065Error when reading BOD Data
066Error when reading BOD for product &1 over MDL
067BOD for product &1 (date: &2) not found
068Error when reading product master data for product (&1) using MDL
069Error when reading location master data for product (&1) using MDL
070Error during determination of entry location for product &1
071Only one BOD found for product &1 (date &2)
072Error when reading INCMD (supersession master data)
073Error when reading INCMD (supersession master data) using MDL
074Interface error when reading INCMD
075Error when reading location master data for location &1 using MDL
076Error when reading from InfoProvider &1 (using RSDRI)
077Error when processing promotions (see application log)
078No trigger for promotions
079Error when reading location master data for location (&1) using MDL
080(Trigger &2, service &1): No valid loc. prod. after data check. No gen.
081No promotion on &1
082Error when reading time series ID for &1
083Error when generating data access object (DAO) for &1 (Text: &2)
084Error when reading start/end date by month &1
085Error when reading time series (over DAO: MSGID &1 MSGNO &2)
086InfoProvider &1 is not type 'Basic IC', 'ODSO', or 'MPRO'
087Table &1 already exists in the system
088Error when reading DDIC info from table/view/structure &1
089No valid BOD found (date &1, product &2)
090Error when reading demand planning calendar for location &1 using MDL
091Initialization of data realignment not executed for InfoProvider &1
092Realignment profile (Customizing) not found for InfoProvider &1
093Realignment table for InfoProvider &1 active in system
094Type of InfoProvider &1 is neither demand history nor raw data
095Requested shipping date not specified in order &1, item &2
096BASE_UOM not specified in order &1, item &2
097Stockholding location not specified in order &1, item &2
098Customer-facing location not specified order &1, item &2
099Product GUID/number not specified in order &1, item &2
100Item &2, in order &1, deleted due to reason for rejection
101Location &1 not available in APO master data
102Location &1, product &2 combinatiion does not exist in APO master data
103Product '&1' does not exist in master data
104Base unit of measure &2 for product &1 is inconsitent in CRM and APO
105Product number &1 and GUID &2 are not consistent or do not exist in APO
106Location number &1 and GUID &2 are not consistent or do not exist in APO
107No trigger found for new BOD assignment (service: &1 trigger: &2)
108No trigger for stocking decision (service: &1 trigger: &2)
109Order GUID & item GUID not specified in order &1 item &2
110BI client &1 is not the same as your logon client &2
111BI source system not found or contains errors
112Error when starting (close) realtime (CRT) InfoPackage &1
113Data realignment selected: for InfoProvider &1 due to &2
114&1: Data from &2 to &3 considered
115&1: Only data (steps) from today considered
116Realignment: InfoProv &1 contains errors due to &2 at &3 (see appl. log)
117Realignment terminated: InfoProvider &1 due to &2 on &3
118Realignment executed successfully: InfoProv &1 due to &2 on &3
119(Close) realtime data load (DS &1, QS &2, DTA &3) not started
120Error when checking and preparing (close) realtime data load (CRT)
121Location &2 not found in BOD of product &1 or locprod is not created
122Step generated due to supersession from &1 to &2 for InfoProv &3
123Error when generating step due to supersession (see application log)
124Generation of step due to supersession from &1 to &2 for InfoProv &3 &4
125Valid supersession found (group no.: &1, &2 -> &3. Location: &4)
126Processing &2 on &1 started
127Processing &2 on &1 ended
128Step for &1 -> &2 at location &3 successfully created
129Location &1 is not indicated as a virtual child location
130Location &1 has no child loc. (but indicated as vcl) for product &2
131Generation of step due to new BOD assignment from &1 to &2 for InfoProv&3
132Error during generation of step for new BOD assignment (see appl. log)
133Trigger found for product &3 (service: &1 trigger: &2)
134Generation of step for new BOD assignment from &1 to &2 for InfoProv&3 &4
135Data realignment &1
136Data reference for table/structure of InfoProvider &1 is initial
137Error when determining current BOD (product &1; date &2), see below
138Step not generated due to new BOD assignment for product &1
139Error when determining last BOD (product &1; date &2)
140Current and last BOD (product &1; date &2) successfully determined
141Generation of step due to new BOD assignment for prod. &1 on &2 started
142Error when reading data from BI (product &1; date &2), see below
143No raw data (prod. &1 loc. &2 dat- <= &3), no step generated
144No product after check of BOD (due to new BOD assignment)
145Stockholding location &1 not in current BOD, no step generated
146Indicator for VCL inconsistent in current/last BoD (&1)
147Step for prod. &1 at &2 (due to new BOD assignment) successfully created
148Error when writing step for prod. &1 on &2 (due to new BOD assignment)
149Generation of step for stocking decision for InfoProvider &1 started
150Error during generation of step for stocking decision (see appl. log)
151Generation of step for stocking decision for InfoProv &1 &2
152Generation of step for stocking for product &1 started
153Generation of step for destocking for product &1 location &2 started
154No raw data (prod. &1 loc. &2), no step generated
155Generation step for stocking decision for InfoProvider &1 ended
156Generation of step for destocking decision for InfoProvider &1 started
157Problem/error during gen. of step for destocking decision (See appl. log)
158Generation of step for destocking decision for InfoProvider &1 ended
159Generation of step for stocking decision for InfoProv &1 &2
160Object for application log cannot be generated, &3 (obj. &1, sub-obj. &2)
161Generation of step for TPOP decision for InfoProvider &1 started
162No trigger for TPOP decision (Service:&1 Trigger: &2)
163Error when generating step for TPOP decision (see appl. log)
164Generation of step for TPOP decision for InfoProvider &1 ended
165Generation of step for TPOP decision for InfoProv. &1 &2
166Generation of step for TPOP decision for prod. &1 loc. &2 started
167Realignment due to promotion from &1 to &2 (InfoProv &3) being processed
168Realignment due to promotion on &1 (InfoProv &3) &4
169Step for product &1 (and/or location &2) successfully created
170Error when processing application log
171Error when setting triggers
172Error when reading/deleting over TDL DAO
173Error deleting time series over DAO (MSGID: &LV_MSGID&, MSGNO: &LV_MS)
174Realignment due to promotion (prod. &1, loc. &2) not necessary
175Realignment due to promotion (prod. &1 loc. &2) performed
176(Near) real time ODSO for &1 in data realignment Customizing not entered
177MultiProvider not entered for &1 in Customizing for data realignment
178Error when deleting table &1
179Error when creating (DataSource) table &2 (for InfoProvider &1)
180Error when activating (DataSource) table &2 (for InfoProvider &1)
181Initialization for manual adjustment for InfoProvider &1 &2
182DataSource not entered for &1 in Customizing for data realignment
183DataSource entered for &1 in Customizing for data realignment with &2
184Table &1 for DataSource &2 not created, generation of DataSource not poss
185Error when generating DataSource &1 (see application log)
186DataSource &1 successfully generated
187DataSource &1 successfully replicated
188Error when replicating DataSource &1
189Table &1 is not active
190DataSource &1 is available in system
191DataSource &1 is kept
192Logical system in order &1 order item &2 not specified
193Product &3 (internal/external) in order &1 item &2 not found
194Sales unit in order &1 item &2 not specified
195Type of customer-facing location in order &1 item &2 not specified
196Type of stockholding location in order &1 item &2 not specified
197Customer-facing location &1 (internal and external) not found in APO
198Stockholding location &1 (internal and external) not found in APO
199Type of location for TPOP recognition in order &1 item &2 not specified
200This change requires a reconstruction of demand history and forecast
201Specified value for 'cal_scale' is not valid (valid values:F4 Help)
202No scaling factor exists for period indicator &1
203Item &2 in order &1 not loaded in APO-BI due to error
204(APO internal/external) product in item &2 order &1 not recognised
205(APO int./ext.) stockholding loc. in item &2 order &1 not recognized
206(APO int./ext.) customer-facing loc. in item &2 order &1 not recognized
207Desired delivery time in order &1 item &2 not specified
208Error when reading location product of package (worklist)
209Error when instancing data manager &1
210Parent_ITEM for item &2 in order &1 not found
211Main item for item &2 in order &1 not found
212Order &1 not loaded into APO-BI due to error
213No Valid Item or Schedule Line to Load into APO-BI
214Error when setting trigger ( &1 )
215Error when calculating application log no. from number range object &1
216Error when creating appl. log (obj. &1; child obj. &2), contact admin.
217Application log &1
218Further errors (see application log obj. &1; child obj. &2; ext. no. &3)
219Further warnings (see application log obj. &1; child obj. &2; ext. no.&3)
220Futher messages (see application log obj. &1; child obj. &2; ext. no. &3)
221Error when checking order (item &2 in order &1)
222Error when deactivating trigger (service: &1 trigger: &2)
223Location &1 in BOD &2 not selected as virtual child location
224Location &1 in BOD &2 has no child location (but selected as VCL)
225No raw data (product &1), no step generated
226Supersession chain contains an invalid cycle
227At least one input table must be filled
228MATID must be filled (should not be empty)
229MATNR must be filled (should not be empty)
230MATNR/MATID should be filled in the table
231Data not found in table &1
232Error when reading BAD relations over MDL (BOD ID: &1)
233(Near) real-time data load (DS-&1, QS-&2, DTA-&3) is running
234Realignment table successfully created for InfoProvider &1
235Realignment table &2 for InfoProvider &1 kept
236Error when changing in table &1
237Product &2 and location &3 locked by user &1
238Product &2 and location &3 locked for user &1
239Product &2 and location &3 locked for user &1
240Position &1 in order &2 not loaded into APO BI due to reduced quantity
241Error when determining replacement strategy for supersession chain &1
242BI query for demand history (InfoProvider &1, user &2) not in Customizing
243Fiscal year variant not found in Customizing
244BI query for demand history (InfoProv. &1) not found in Customizing
245InfoObject with semantic &2 not found in InfoSource &1
246Item &1 not loaded in order &1 (already in data realignment step)
247InfoObject with semantic &1 not found in semantic mapping InfoProvider &2
248The condition table contains no values
249Location could not be converted in the external display
250The product could no be converted in the external display
251Error when reading or evaluating supersession chain &1
252Internal error in condition table
253Error when reading structure of &1
254Internal error &1
255Supersession chain &1 contains different successor prod. planning date
256InfoObject &1 not found in semantic table for InfoProvider &2
257Table key already used for a different data record
258Error when reading realignment steps
259Item &2 in order &1 removed due to missing order quantity
260Entry location &1 does not allow TPOP
261Fiscal year variant &1 not found in GVAR
262Business year variant &1 inconsistent with settings in fcst periodicity
263Definition of time buckets profile not found (TA /SAPAPO/TR30)
264Time buckets profile &1 also changed (bus. year variant changed in &2)
265Error when reading master data for product &1 location &2 by MDL
266Error when determining replenishment indicator
267No manual adjustment found
268No realignment steps exist for the chosen selection
269&1 realignment steps were deleted
270No valid fiscal year variant maintained in Customizing
271InfoSource &1 in Cust. for Data Realignment of InfoProv &2 Not Filled
272BOD &2 Prod. &1 not considered due to missing realignment steps
273Customer-Facing Location in Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3 Not Specified
274Item Category Must Be Filled in the List
275Order Item Number in Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3 Not Specified
276Logical System in Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3 Not Specified
277Order Number in Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3 Not Specified
278Product in Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3 Not Specified
279Order Date in Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3 Not Specified
280Purchase Order Category Must Be Filled in the List
281Item GUID for Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3 Not Found
282Sales Unit in Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3 Not Specified
283Schedule Line Number in Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3 Not Specified
284Ship-to Party in Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3 Not Specified
285Desired Delivery Date in Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3 Not Specified
286Desired Delivery Time Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3 Not Specified
287Stockholding Location Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3 Not Specified
288Parent Product Must Not Be in Order &1 Item &2
289Error Calculating Prod. GUID (Order &1, Item &2, Prod. Number &3)
290Error Calculating BSV (Order &1, Item &2, Logical System &3)
291Error Calculating Location (Order &1, Item &2, BSG &3, Plant &4)
292Error Calculating Replenishment Ind. (Ord. &1, Item &2, Prod. &3 Loc. &4)
293Error Calculating BOD (Order &1, Item &2, Prod. Number &3, Loc. No. &4)
294InfoSource &1 Type Unknown
295Faulty Data (Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3 Logical System &4)
296Error Calculating Location Type (Order &1, Item &2, BSG &3, Location &4)
297Location Prod. Not Kept in Stock (Order &1, Item &2, Prod. &3, Plant &4)
298Error Calculating Item GUID (Order &1, Item &2)
299No BOD Found for Order &1, Item &2, Prod. Number &3, Loc. Number &4
300Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3 Was Not Loaded in APO-BI Due to an Error
301Base Unit Meas. in ECC and APO Inconsist. (Ord. &1 Item &2 Sched.Line &3)
302Order GUID and Item GUID Not Entered in Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3
303Prod &4 in APO NOT Recognized (Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3)
304Type of Cust. Facing Loc. Not Specified in Ord. &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3
305Type of Stockholding Loc. Not Specified in Order &1 Item &2 Sched.Line &3
306Cust. Facing Loc. Not Recognized in APO (Ord &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3)
307Stockholding Loc. Not Recognized in APO (Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3)
308Sched. Line &3 Item &2 Order &1 Removed Because of Missing Order Quantity
309Supplying Plant in Order &1 Item &2 Schedule Line &3 Not Specified
310Error Calculating Prod (Order &1, Item &2, Sched. Line &3, Log. Sys. &4)
311Error Calculating Loc. (Order &1, Item &2, Sched. Line &3, Log. Sys. &4)
312Error in table key (return table in update rules)
313Error calculating workdays (time buckets profile ID: &1, time stream: &2)
314Error when determining supplier (order &1 item &2)
316Itemguid &2 is deleted for prod. &1; error when calling ATP simulation
317Error when reading planning version (vrsioid &1)
318Order &1 item &2 is not found
319Parameters in ATP call (order &1 item &2) are not correct
320Internal error in ATP call (order &1 item &2) occors
321Customer number &1 does not exist in the system
322Base unit of measure &2 for product &1 is inconsitent in OEMMI and APO
323Customer-facing location for prod. &1 (order &2 item &3) not found by ATP
324Stockholding location for prod. &1 (order &2 item &3) not found
325Correction Period Settings do not allow "Start Date of Demand History"
326Correction Period Settings: Fill "Start Date of Demand History"
327Index &1 for table &2 generated successfully
328Index &1 for table &2 activated successfully
329Error when creating the Index &1 (for table &2)
330Error when activating the Index &1 (for table &2)
331No Scaling performed for Timebucket with Period &1 and Stocking Loc. &2
332Start of future BOD Demand History processing for product &1
333UoM '&1' not consistent with receiver system (Ord. &2 Item &3 Sched. &4)
4009ADEMAND upload request is cleared due to error/warning occured
401Item &1 in order &2 not loaded in APO BI due to canceled quantity
402Item &1 in order &2 not loaded in APO BI due to incorrect quantity
403Demand history of item &1 in order &2 not updated
404Error when calculating duration of a period (from &1 to &2)
405The data is not yet uploaded by BI RDA, check daemon for &1 version &2
406Data for product &1 could not be locked
420Condense PSM service is not enabled by user parameter
421BI RDA is running; running of this service is not allowed
422Hist.data cap. process is running; running of this service is not allowed
423Realignment has not finished; running of this service is not allowed
424Customizing for process chain not maintained; no process chain can run
425Error accessing the process chain specified in Customizing
426Last process chain status indicates an error or process still running
427Error starting the process chain; you should start it manually
428Error creating data reference for condense structures
429Error in DAO instance creation; check Customizing
430Error reading the realignment profile for the selected version
431Error reading InfoProvider metadata or database structure
432Error accessing CRT database table
450Making this change not recommended if realignment is already initialized
451Adjust the BI content and TDL Customizing according to the help
460The scaling factor cannot be set to zero even if scaling is not used
471Product &1 does not exist at any location in BOD &3
472Product &1 does not exist at parent location &2 in BOD &3
473Cannot execute deletion in parallel mode
500Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3 not processed due to an error
501Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3 processed successfully
502Process Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3
503Update Error for Demand History: Product &1
504Existing Demand History for Product &1 has Period Indicator &2
505Update Demand History for Product &1 has Period Indicator &2
506Create Demand Realignment Trigger for Product &1
507Product &1 was not processed due to an error
508&1 Orders with Facing Loc. &2 and ref. to timebucket &3 not processed
509&1 Orders with ref. to timebucket &2 not processed due to an error
787Some Demand Category changes were not applied due to FDO customizing.
788Start of SOAP SD Demand data deletion
789End of SOAP SD Demand data deletion
790Error while deleting datas from SOAP SD Demand table in block &1
791Selection does not return records to delete from SOAP SD Demand table
792Erorr during the creation of the SOAP Proxy
793No Default Logical Port could be determined
794Message &1 was sent successfully
795Error while sending message &1
796Selection does not return any records that need to be sent
797Product &1: &2 database entries
798Summary of processed entries
799It is recommended to perform the Demand Realignment for product &1
800Start of External Demand data deletion
801End of External Demand data deletion
802Error while deleting datas from External Demand table in block &1
803Selection does not return records to delete from external demand table
804Block &1 does not return any records to delete from External Demand table
805Demand Calculation incomplete - no update for product &1 / &2 periods
806Period for date &1 cannot be determined
807Date &1 invalid
808Error reading from period &1
809Data from block &1 saved successfully in SD demand table
810Error occurs while saving datas in SD demand table from block &1
811Selection does not return any records to save in SD Demand table
812&1 entries of block &2 have been successfully deleted from database table
813&1 entries from block &2 can be deleted from database table
814Enter number of days to process data!
815Error while deleting datas from SDDEM table in block &1
816Selection does not return any records to delete from SD Demand table
818Start of SD Demand data copy
819End of SD Demand data copy
820Start of SD Demand data deletion
821End of SD Demand data deletion
822Enter number of months to delete records
823Excel file name exceeds the maximum length
824Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3 (duplicate record - update skipped)
825Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3 skipped because of negative quantity
826Selection does not return any records to save in STO Demand table
827Block &1 does not return any records to save in STO Demand table
828Start of Stock Transfer Demand data copy
829End of Stock Transfer Demand data copy
830Data from block &1 saved successfully in STO demand table
831Error occurs while saving datas in STO demand table from block &1
832Selection key with empty product field
833Start of Stock Transfer Demand data deletion
834End of Stock Transfer Demand data deletion
835Error while deleting datas from Stocktransfer Demand table in block &1
836Selection does not return any records to delete from Stock transfer table
837Start of Raw Demand data deletion
838End of Raw Demand data deletion
839Error while deleting datas from Raw Demand table in block &1
840Selection does not return any records to delete from Raw Demand table
841Start of Demand History data deletion
842End of Demand History data deletion
843Error while deleting datas from Demand history table in block &1
844Selection does not return any records to delete from Demand History table
845Basic unit of measure in Order &1 Item &2 Sched.Line &3 is not determined
846User &1 has no authority to execute the report!
847Block &1 does not return any records to delete from SD Demand table
848Block &1 does not return any records to save in the SD Demand table
849Block &1 does not return any records to save in the STO Demand table
850Block &1 does not return any records to delete from STO Demand table
851Block &1 does not return any records to delete from Raw Demand table
852Block &1 does not return any records to delete from Demand history table
853&1 / &2 Orders of Product &3 have been processed successfully
854&3 Orders with Product &1 and Location &2 have not been processed
855Order &1 Item &2 Sched. Line &3 removed because of missing order quantity
856Order no &1 Item no &2 Schedule no &3 in Excel file have duplicates!
857Order number for line &1 is not entered in the Excel file
858Item number for line &1 is not entered in the Excel file
859Schedule number for line &1 is not entered in the Excel file
860Order date for line &1 is not entered in the Excel file
861Product for line &1 is not entered in the Excel file
862Ship date for line &1 is not entered in the Excel file
863Facing location for line &1 is not entered in the Excel file
864Demand quantity for line &1 is not entered in the Excel file
865Base unit of measure for line &1 is not entered in the Excel file
866Order date entered in line &1 is not correct
867Ship date entered in line &1 is not correct
868No BOD Found for Product &1 and Facing location &2
869Start of SD Demand data Excel File Upload
870End of SD Demand data Excel File Upload
871Excel file name exceeds the maximum length
872Data from Excel file successfully saved in the SD Demand table
873Error occured while saving datas in SD demand table from Excel file
874&1 entries from SD Excel file can be saved in the SD Demand table
875Selection does not return any records to save in SD Demand table
876Error occured to predict entries that can be saved in SD Demand table
877User &1 has no authority to process the Product &2 and location &3
878Start of STO Demand data Excel File Upload
879End of STO Demand data Excel File Upload
880Data from Excel file successfully saved in the STO Demand table
881Error occured while saving datas in STO demand table from Excel file
882&1 entries from STO Excel file can be saved in the STO Demand table
883Selection does not return any records to save in STO Demand table
884Error occured to predict entries that can be saved in STO Demand table
885Start of EXT Demand data Excel File Upload
886End of EXT Demand data Excel File Upload
887Data from Excel file successfully saved in the EXT Demand table
888Error occured while saving datas in EXT demand table from Excel file
889&1 entries from EXT Excel file can be saved in the EXT Demand table
890Selection does not return any records to save in EXT Demand table
891NOOEMLOC for line &1 is not entered in the Excel file
892No BOD Found for Product &1 and Location &2
893Base Unit of Measure entered in line &1 is not correct
894&1 entries have been saved successfully in SD Demand table
895Block &1 has no records to delete from Future BOD Demand History table
896Error while deleting datas from Future BOD Dem history table in block &1
897Start of Future BOD Demand History data deletion
898End of Future BOD Demand History data deletion
899No records found to delete Future BOD Demand History table
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