/SAPAPO/PDEM_GEN_SRV - Error messages for generic PSM servcie class

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/PDEM_GEN_SRV: Error messages for generic PSM servcie class.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/PDEM in software component SCM-APO-SPP-CPD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Capture/Manage Demand".
Message Nr
Message Text
000No service type was transferred
001Error while instantiating data manager &1
002Error when reading master data of package (worklist)
003Error when generating a historical data-DAO instance
004Error when generating a time series-DAO instance
005Error when reading historical data
006Error when generating historical data
007Error when updating historical data
008Error when deleting historical data
009Error when locking historical data
010Error when unlocking historical data
011Error when reading time series
012Error when creating data reference
013Error when reading bill of distribution (BOD) &1
014No valid bill of distribution (BOD) for product &1
015Error when reading location products
016Error when reading locations
017Error when reading products
018Error when reading parameter list
019Error when reading supersession
020Error when checking supersession
021Error when reading time series
022Requested object is currently being processed
023Product &1 is locked by user &2
024Location &1 is locked by user &2
025Location product &1 is locked by user &2
026Error when changing value for field &1
027Error when reading value for field &1
028Error in class for handling workdays
029Error when reading metadata of BI data conatiner
030Error when sorting the value table
031Error when reading InfoObject name for &1
032Trigger was successfully read
033Locks were set successfully
034BODs were read successully
035Data for BOD &1 was successfully deleted from BI object &2
036Lock was successfully released
037Perform realignment for supersessions at &1
038Perform data realignment for product &1
039Data for BOD &1 was successfully read from BI object &2
040Demand history for BOD &1 was successfully built
041Data was successfully written in BI object &1
042Trigger was successfully released
043Product &1 was successfully processed
044Error when writing time series
045Service profile &1 does not exist
046Error when writing realignment steps for InfoProvider &1
047Error when deleting realignment steps
048Error when creating instance of realignment class
049Error when setting TRIGGER &1
050Error when reading replenishment indicator for product &1 / location &2
051Error in interface: Location &1 is not entry location
052Realignment profile for InfoProvider &1 not found
053Error when reading metadata of table &1
054Error: Data field &1 does not exist in metadata of table &2
055Error when generating selection table for reading realignment steps
056Error when reading realignment steps for InfoProvider &1
057Error in interface: Read realignment step for InfoProvider &1
058Error when resetting trigger (service &1, trigger &2)
059Error when calling ATP (product: &1, in order item: &2)
060Customer-facing location for prod. &1 (order item &2) not found using ATP
061Stockholding location for product &1 (order item &2) not found using ATP
062Selection is empty
063Realignment steps were successfully evaluated
064Supersession &3 found for product &1 by &2 and entry location &4
065Realignment steps read successfully for product &1
066Demand history for product &1 read successfully
067Data realignment for product &1 was performed successfully
068Realignment steps for product &1 created successfully
069Data realignment of predecessor products successfully performed by &1
070Product &2 was not processed due to an error
071Product &1 in location &2 was not processed due to an error
072Product &1 in BOD &2 was not processed due to an error
073Error when performing data realignment steps
074Data realignment for predecessor product &1 performed successfully
075Replacement strategy &1 in supersession chain &2 contains errors
076Processing data of BOD &1
077Following products were processed successfully:
078No BOD changes that must be processed exist
079Data realignment steps were successfully created
080Error when reading TPOP for product &1 / location &2
081Requested object is locked by user &1 (see lock object &2)
082Error when reading master data for product &1 / location &2
083Error when determining semantic for DataSource &1
084Error when executing BAdI /SAPAPO/PDEM_AD_ZERO
085BOD &1 was not processed due to an error
086Data realignment for product &1 was already executed
087No demand history was read for product &1 using TDL
088Demand history was read successfully (from TSDM)
089Indicator for promotion was read successfully (from TSDM)
090Forecast data was read successfully (from TSDM)
091Processing of promotion was ended
092Changed data was written successfully
093Indicator for promotion flag was updated successfully
094Triggers &1 were set successfully
095Manual adjustment was read from TSDM and prepared
096Start of manual adjustments
097End of manual adjustments
098Customizing setting for forecast period &1 is invalid
099Error in calculated period for fiscal year &1
100Error in calculated start or end date
101BOD &2 product &1 not considered due to missing realignment steps
102BOD &1 Prod. &2 was not processed due to a supersession error
103BOD &1 is the first BOD assigned to product &2; therefore no processing
104Error when calling ATP (product: &1, in location: &2)
105Error when calculating scaling factor (location &1)
106Error when creating workday object
107Error when comparing BoD structures (BoD &1 and BoD &2).
108VMI location &1 deleted, incorrect master data, destock material &2 first
109Error in raw data: marterial or customer not filled (Ord. &1, Item. &2)
110Error while creating instance of BAdI "/SAPAPO/PDEM_DEM_CAT"
111Error while reading APO loc. using customer no &1 (ord &2, itm &3)
112Error in raw data: customer not filled (Ord. &1, Item. &2)
113Internal error
114BOD valid service (product &1) cannot be run more than once within a day
116Realignment of Prod. &1 will not be executed due to existing supersession
117Realignment of Prod. &1 will not be executed due to missing supersession
119Service for BoD-change (prod. &1) has been executed since val. date &2
120Warning: BI RDA check is switched off
130RDA technique is used for uploading the realigned records
131BI process chain &1 is started for uploading the records
132Error in getting/setting the PSM parameter
133Error while getting the status of process chain &1
134Error while starting process chain &1
135Check the status of the upload or do it manually if necessary
136Realigned data volume is lower than the set maximum number
137Realigned data volume is higher than the set maximum number
138Last run of the process chain has not finished yet
139Process chain &1 specified in PDEM Customizing does not exist
150Base Unit of succ. prod. &1 (&2) is different from pred. prod. &3 (&4)
151Unit conversion is not possible between product &1 (&2) and &3 (&4)
152PTO (MAO) product &1 is omitted by BOD realignment
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