/SAPAPO/PDRP - Messages for DRP
The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/PDRP: Messages for DRP.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/PDRP in software component SCM-APO-SPP-SDR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "DRP Service".
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/PDRP in software component SCM-APO-SPP-SDR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "DRP Service".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Programming Error and/or Incorrect Assumption |
001 | Global default settings successfully created |
002 | Global default settings successfully reset to SAP standard |
003 | DRP profile & does not exist |
004 | No PG proc. (several entry locations/active CPs &1): prod. &2, group &3 |
005 | No PG procurement (different entry locations/active CPs &1): group &2 |
006 | No product group procurement (several suppliers): Product &1, group &2 |
007 | No product group procurement (different suppliers): Group &1 |
008 | Data Matrix, error: &1 |
009 | Pack size rounding error: &1 |
010 | MDL error: &1 |
011 | Transaction data layer data access object error: &1 |
012 | No procurement costs maintained for location product (loc. &1, prod. &2) |
013 | Stability rule &1 does not exist (loc. &2, prod. &3) |
014 | Stability rule &1 was NOT changed/inserted |
015 | SPP Scheduler, Error: &1 |
016 | Horizon loc. &1 prod. &2 acc. to purch. doc. no. &3 purch. doc. item &4 |
017 | Error in BOD Manager: &1 |
018 | No planning horizon defined at entry location of product &1 |
019 | Time buckets profile error: &1 |
020 | Result contains errors: Plan. horiz. not &1 months after first demand &2 |
021 | Customizing error for entry/maintenance of historical data: &1 |
022 | Invalid scaling factor, parameter: &1 value &2 |
023 | No entry loc. found for &1 / use location as entry loction |
024 | &1 location products recalculated for products &2 |
025 | &1 schedule lines to &2 stock transport requisitions |
026 | &1 schedule lines to &2 scheduling agreements |
027 | &1 schedule lines to &2 purchase orders |
028 | &1 schedule lines to &2 purchase requisitions |
029 | &1 location products recalculated for product group &2 |
030 | Recalculation of product &1 started |
031 | Product group procurement for product group &1 |
032 | Planning lock: Location product deleted from selection (loc. &1 prod. &2) |
033 | Location product is not relevant for planning (loc. &1 prod. &2) |
034 | Exception: &1 |
035 | Planning horizon changed: &1 |
036 | Changed purchase order qty at &1 (round to pack size or quota arr.) &2 &3 |
037 | &3: No source of supply found (loc. &1 prod. &2) |
038 | Interchangeability of ignored &1 for sequence due to prod.group.proc. |
039 | Loc. &1, Prod. &2: No delivery possible during BOD validity (&3 - &4) |
040 | First Validity Time of Used BOD &1: &2 |
041 | Default source of supply assigned |
042 | No default source of supply found |
043 | Supplier &1 shutdown processed, loc. &2, prod. &3, shutd. time &4 |
044 | Location &1 Product &2 Consolidated (Period-Based) |
045 | Virtual child location &1 product &2 consolidated (Period-Based) |
046 | Interchangeability: &1 -> &2 |
047 | Cycle in interchangeability |
048 | Number of interchangeability group: &1 |
049 | Planning start date &1 |
050 | Freeze horizon &1 (location &2, product &3) |
051 | Limited freeze horizon &1 (location &2, product &3) |
052 | Plan submission horizon &1 (location &2, product &3) |
053 | Planning horizon &1 |
054 | Change horizon &1 (location &2, product &3) |
055 | Active planning version: Planning start changed (original fixed date &1) |
056 | Purchase requisition contains no source of supply/reference document |
057 | Source of supply &1 determined/transferred |
058 | Virtual child location not relevant for planning (loc. &1 prod. &2) |
059 | Virtual location for consol. ord. not rel. for planning (loc &1 prod &2) |
060 | Virtual loc. for cons. ord not rel. for planning (VCL &1 prod. &2) |
061 | Throughput time minus GR processing time < 0 (location &1 product &2) |
062 | Supplier &1 shutdown, dem. can't be pulled, loc &2 prod &3 shutdn time &4 |
063 | Product &1 and/or corresponding product groups not planned |
064 | Planning lock for location product &1 &2, BOD subtree not planned |
065 | Planning lock: Location product &1 &2 from BOD subtree not planned |
066 | Planning lock: Virtual child location &1 &2 from BOD subtree not planned |
067 | Planning locks are ignored |
068 | Invalid goods issue time &1 (valid from &2 to &3) SA del. sched. line &4 |
069 | Invalid goods receipt time &1 (valid from &2 to &3)SA del. sched. line &4 |
070 | Invalid availability time &1 (valid from &2 to &3) SA del. sched. line &4 |
071 | Invalid SA delivery schedule line (order no., item &2, schedule line &3) |
072 | Invalid purchase order (order number &1, item &2, schedule line &3) |
073 | Invalid purchase requisition (order number &1, item &2, schedule line &3) |
074 | Invalid schedule line removed (schedule line &1) |
075 | Planning lock/TPOP: Product &1 not planned for product group procurement |
076 | New schedule line added to existing scheduling agreement item &1 |
077 | Consolidated ordering: preferred location &1 product &2 |
078 | Consolidated ordering: preferred location &1 product &2 (VCL) |
079 | TPOP indicator ignored |
080 | TPOP for location product &1 &2, BOD subtree not planned |
081 | TPOP: Location product &1 &2 from BOD subtree not planned |
082 | TPOP: Virtual child location &1 &2 from BOD subtree not planned |
083 | Initialization of external procurement adapter failed |
084 | Booking of external procurement orders failed |
085 | Product Group Procurement for Product &1 |
086 | Change Horizon: No Change (Location &1, Product &2) |
087 | &1 substitution orders (supersession and FFF classes) |
088 | Valid alternative source of supply found (schedule line ID &1) |
089 | -------------- DRP_MATRIX_RECALC started -------------------- |
090 | -------------- DRP_MATRIX_RECALC ended ---------------------- |
091 | Alert was created (ID &1) |
092 | Service Profile &1 Does Not Exist |
093 | Profile &1 for anticipated demand coverage not found |
094 | Forecast strategy customizing table error: &1 |
095 | Initial service profile used |
096 | Demands for &1 location product(s) of product &2 anticipated |
097 | Fixed demand/receipts of location &1: &2 kept, &3 created |
098 | Fixed demand/receipts of VCL &1: &2 kept, &3 created |
099 | &1 Fixed demands/receipts deleted |
100 | Invalid scaling factor, period indicator: &1 value &2 |
101 | Forecast periodicity factor error: &1 |
102 | Passed-on error: &1 |
103 | Location product: Location &1 product &2; Profile &3 assigned |
104 | Virtual child location: Location &1 product &2; Profile &3 assigned |
105 | &1 flexible product substitution orders (substitution of reman. products) |
106 | Entry loc. &1 of reman. prod. &2 not in BOD of new prod. &3 at time &4 |
107 | Capacity limitation: product &1 entry location &2 vendor &3 date &4 |
108 | VCL &1 Product &2 no delivery possible during BOD validity (&3 - &4) |
109 | Rev. Time (DRP) + Comm.Dur. + Corr. Fix.Per. < 0 (Loc &1 Prod &2 Supp &3) |
110 | Loc. &1 prod. &2 no delivery (&3 - &4) due to BOD change |
111 | VCL &1 product &2 no delivery (&3 - &4) due to BOD change |
112 | Period for determination of valid BODs: &1 - &2 |
113 | No percentages for supplier shutdown: &1 (profile &2) |
114 | Setup costs for product group procurement: &1 (loc. &2, prod. &3) |
115 | Stockholding costs per part and per year: &1 (loc. &2, prod. &3) |
116 | Determination of date of last net demand (entry location &1 product &2) |
117 | ---- Stability rule &1 for location &2 product &3 started ---- |
118 | ---- Stability rule for location &1 product &2 ended ------ |
119 | ---- Calculation of UI semantics for location &1 product &2 started -- |
120 | ---- Calculation of UI semantics for location &1 product &2 ended ---- |
121 | Interchangeability group no. &1, item no. &2, successor &3, date &4 |
122 | Date of last net demand (location &1 product &2): &3 |
123 | Interchangeability groups: Product &1 has no clear successor |
124 | Repair or Buy/Kit-to-Stock Cannot Be Applied to VLCO (Loc. &1 Prod. &2) |
125 | Interchangeability &1 -> &2 ignored, product group procurement for &3 |
126 | Communication Duration + Correction FixPer < 0 (Loc.&1 Prod.&2, Supp.&3) |
127 | Product Group Procurement According to BAdI Implementation |
128 | No Active Implementation of BAdI &1 Found |
129 | Determination if location product (&1 &2) is consolidated over BAdI &3 |
130 | Determination if VCL (&1 &2) is consolidated over BAdI &3 |
131 | Plan.Del.Time - Trans.Dur. < 0 (Loc. &1 Prod. &2, Supp. &3, M.ofTrans.&4) |
132 | -------------- Start of Integrated DRP Approval --------------- |
133 | -------------- End of Integrated DRP Approval ---------------- |
134 | Integrated DRP approval, other DRP service profile: DRP &1 <-> Approv. &2 |
135 | Placement period for expediting in limited freeze horizon: &1 |
136 | Period eligible for expediting in limited freeze horizon: &1 |
137 | Period eligible for deexpediting in limited freeze horizon: &1 |
138 | Determination of entry location for location &1 product &2 |
139 | &1 schedule lines of scheduling agreement (order no. &2 order item &3) |
140 | DRP Service Profile &1 |
141 | BI simulation: Saved start date of planning is used |
142 | Version &1 was assigned to multiple extraction time stamps in BI |
143 | No DRP data found for BI simulation version &1 (extraction time &2) |
144 | Purchasing document number &1 item &2: check of changes up to &3 |
145 | Overlapping supplier shutdown times &1 and &2: Profile ID &3 |
146 | Stability rule &1 'expedite limited freeze horizon' does not exist |
147 | Stability rule &1 'expedite limited freeze horizon' NOT changed/inserted |
148 | Stability rule &1 'deexpedite limited freeze horizon' does not exist |
149 | Stability rule &1 'expedite limited freeze horizon' NOT changed/inserted |
150 | Stability rule &1 'expedite plan submission horizon' does not exist |
151 | Stability rule &1 'expedite plan submission horizon' NOT changed/inserted |
152 | Stability rule &1 'deexpedite plan submission horizon' does not exist |
153 | Stab. rule &1 'deexpedite plan submission horizon' NOT changed/inserted |
154 | &1 flexible product substitution orders (forwarding of excess from/to CP) |
155 | Location &1 product &2 change forecast at supersession |
156 | VCL &1 product &2 change forecast at supersession |
157 | No. interchangeability group &1 item no. &2 predecessor product &3 |
158 | Predecessor Location Product: Entry Location &1 |
159 | No source of supply found for shipment ID &1 |
160 | &1 no anticipated demand coverage, child loc. with seasonal fcst prof. |
161 | &1 no anticipated demand coverage, since no seasonal forecast profile |
162 | &1 (VCL) no anticipated demand coverage, since no seasonal forecast prof. |
163 | No profile assigned to location &1 for anticipated demand coverage |
164 | No profile assigned to VCL &1 for anticipated demand coverage |
165 | BI simulation: No. interchangeability group &1, item no. group &2 ignored |
166 | BI simulation: Substitution of remanufactured products ignored |
167 | Error when determining DRP extraction time stamp (see log) |
168 | Recalc. of anticipated demand coverage for loc. &1 starting at &2 |
169 | No recalculation of anticipated demand coverage loc. &1 within plan. hor. |
170 | Recalculation of anticipated demand coverage for VCL &1 as of &2 |
171 | No recalculation of anticipated demand coverage VCL &1 within plan. hor. |
172 | No active source of supply found for scheduling agreement &1 |
173 | No active source of supply found for purchase order &1 |
174 | No active source of supply found for purchase requisition &1 |
175 | FFF class &1 ignored due to different leading products |
176 | FFF classes: Leading location product &1 &2 at time &3 not in BOD |
177 | RoB/KtS Not Applied to Loc. &1 Prod. &2 Since Supplied Via Own CP |
178 | RoB/KtS not applied loc. &1 prod. &2, product group procurement |
179 | Frz. hor. refurb/Kts loc.prod. &1 &2 acc. to purch.doc.no. &3 EBELP &4 |
180 | Enter a stability rule |
181 | Freeze hor. refurb/KtS loc.prod. &1 &2 acc. to internal refurb/kitting |
182 | Freeze horizon for refurbishment/Kit-to-Stock location &1 product &2: &3 |
184 | Loc.prod. &1 &2: &3 available qty of unserv. prods reduced, as demand &4 |
185 | Rounding prof. for lot size rounding &1 does not exist (loc. prod. &2 &3) |
186 | Search for Alt. Arce of Supp. for Refurbishment (Date &1 Loc Prod. &2 &3) |
187 | RoB: Costs of late demand coverage = proc. costs: &1 periods (&2 &3) |
188 | RoB: Unrounded net demand reduced, possible shortage (&1 &2) |
189 | No active source of supply found for purchase req. (subcontracting) &1 |
190 | Demand Not Covered: Only Repairs (No Procurement of Serviceable Prod.) |
191 | &1 schedule lines for &2 subcontracting purchase requisitions |
192 | &1 planned orders |
193 | &1 substitution orders - Forward surplus of unserviceable products |
194 | Supplier &1 shutdown, loc. &2, prod. &3, shutd. time &4 |
195 | Product group procurement error: location product &1 &2 ROP-based |
196 | availability date from &1 to &2 |
197 | Location product &1 &2: no subst. of remanufactured products (ROP-based) |
198 | &1 no service profile assigned; &2 used |
199 | Unknown DRP Planning Mode &1 |
200 | Parameter is missing for constructor |
201 | Parameter is missing for time buckets profile |
202 | Internal error: Location ID not recognized |
203 | None of the child locations has generated a distribution demand |
204 | No details displayed for this key figure semantic |
205 | Historical data for remanufactured products is incomplete (&1 &2) |
206 | No period values found for time zone &1 |
207 | Period &1 in period table not found |
208 | Unknown setting for validity extension: &1 |
209 | Capacity restriction of supplier &1 has been exceeded |
210 | Location &1 product &2, supplier capacity &3, ordered quantity &4 |
211 | DRP Service Profile &1: Inventory Planning Time Series ID Not Defined |
212 | DRP Service Profile &1: DRP Time Series ID Not Defined |
213 | Date of last net demand (VCL &1, Product &2): &3 |
214 | Alert for Contract Packager/MRP area &1 |
215 | net demand at time &1 |
216 | Activate repair or kitting for location product. |
217 | No percentages for Kit-to-Stock shutdown: &1 (profile &2) |
218 | Overlapping Kit-to-Stock shutdown times &1 and &2: Profile ID &3 |
219 | Kit-to-Stock shutdown processed, loc. &1, prod. &2, shutd. time &3 |
220 | KtS shutdown, dem. can't be pulled, loc &1 prod &2 shutdn time &3 |
221 | KtS shutdown, dem. can't be pulled, loc &1 prod &2 time &3 period &4 |
222 | Supplier &1: capacity of quantity &2 is used by order &3 |
223 | &1 is the main supplier. |
224 | Date of last safety stock (location &1 product &2): &3 |
225 | Date of last safety stock (VCL &1, Product &2): &3 |
226 | Determination of date of last safety stock (entry location &1 product &2) |
227 | DS &1: line &2 with open qty is before or at consumed line &3 |
228 | DS &1 adjusted: avoid reassignment GR/ASN consumed quantity by LiveCache |
229 | &1 subst. orders (forwarding of excess from/to CP and for Global Stock) |
230 | Parameter KtS/Repair or Buy is switched off in DRP master data |
231 | Param.KtS/Repair or Buy is defined as Buy and Calc. Unserv. Stock at Loc. |
232 | Subst. of Remanufactured Product : CP &1 inactive, create for &2, &3 |
233 | Predecessor &1 unit &2 and successor &3 unit &4 have different dimensions |
234 | UoM conversion factors not identical: predecessor &1 and successor &2 |
235 | UoM conversion factors not maintained: product &1 from unit &2 to &4 |
236 | Subst.of Reman. Product: Loc. &1 not planning relevant, create for &2, &3 |
237 | Location &1 Product &2 Consolidated (ROP-Based) |
238 | Virtual child location &1 product &2 consolidated (ROP-Based) |
239 | RoB/KtS: Component location product &1 &2 at time &3 not in BOD &4 |
250 | Expedite in limited freeze horizon (location &1, product &2) |
251 | Deexpedite in limited freeze horizon (location &1, product &2) |
252 | Expedite in Plan Submission Horizon (location &1, product &2) |
253 | Deexpedite in Plan Submission Horizon (location &1, product &2) |
254 | Lot-sizing procedure not supported: Location &1 Product &2 |
255 | Invalid conversion from lot size unit to base unit: Loc. &1 Product &2 |
256 | Rounded quantity and fixed lot size are inconsistent: Loc. &1 Prod. &2 |
257 | &1 Location Products were deleted from selection because of planning lock |
258 | &1 Products and/or corresponding product groups were not planned |
259 | &1 Scheduling agreements were processed |
260 | &1 Purchase orders were processed |
261 | &1 Purchase requisitions were processed |
300 | A planning version must be selected |
301 | No product has been selected |
302 | The field & is not recognized in the extractor |
303 | No time zone found for location &1 |
304 | No period data exists for time zone &1 |
305 | You have not specified a period type for supplier capacities |
306 | Unknown period type &1 set in database (TSDM) |
307 | Fiscal year variant &1 in DRP customizing cannot be used |
308 | Changing the period category leads to inconsistencies |
309 | Changing the fiscal year variant leads to inconsistencies |
310 | Fiscal year variant has not been set |
311 | Fiscal year variant is not used, setting is not necessary |
312 | No entries for period type found in database |
313 | Inconsistent delivery schedule master data. Duplicate order &1 |
401 | The number of workdays must be greater than or equal to 0 |
402 | A default calendar must be selected for the total procurement lead time |
500 | No negative values permitted for percentage values |
501 | Period no. larger than no. periods in "Supplier Shutdown Time" profile |
502 | Enter a period number greater than zero |
503 | Start date cannot be in the past |
504 | Start date is today's date |
505 | Start date must be less than or equal to the end date |
506 | Number of periods must be greater than 0 |
507 | ID: Enter supplier shutdown time |
508 | Period no. larger than no. periods in "KtS Shutdown Time" profile |
509 | Lead time longer than planning horizon (Prod. &1, Loc. &2, Lead time &3) |
600 | No valid BOM found for product &1, location &2, time &3 |
601 | BOM &1 used to calculate dependent demand for order &2 |
602 | No PEGID found for product &1 and location &2 |
603 | Error during BOM explostion for source of supply &1 |
604 | Component &2 was skipped during BOM explosion of &1 |
610 | Determining DRP planning mode: no service profile specified |
611 | Determining DRP planning mode: service profile &1 does not exist |
612 | Determining DRP planning mode: service profile &1 has been read |
613 | BAdI &1 returned an invalid DRP planning mode: &2 |
614 | Number of historical periods not specified in service profile &1 |
615 | Change the DRP planning mode to reorder-point-based |
616 | Change the DRP planning mode to period-Based |
617 | DRP Planning Mode Changed to Reorder-Point-based |
618 | DRP planning mode changed to period-based |
619 | No change to DRP planning mode suggested |
620 | Calculation for location &1 product &2 |
621 | Number of sales order items considered &1 |
622 | Upper limit for reorder-point-based planning Is &1 |
623 | BAdI &1 returned invalid proced. for deviating from prev. plng mode: &2 |
624 | Manual freeze horizon &1 (location &2, product &3) |
630 | Freeze hor. &1 is equal/longer than planning hor. &2 at loc. &3 prod. &4 |
631 | SA line(s) restored from past due Release line(s). Sched.Agr: &1/&2. |
632 | DRP has changed qty. of receipt with past ship date. Doc.No: &1/&2/&3 |
633 | DRP Input: Open quantity &1 on the release statistical line |
634 | DRP Input: DS schedule line number &1 |
635 | DRP Input: DS (mod.) schedule line number &1 |
636 | DRP Input: Sched. agmt intermediate status schedule line no. &1 |
637 | DRP Input: Sched. agmt intermediate status (mod.) schedule line no. &1 |
638 | DRP Input: Sched. agmt intermediate status/release schedule line no. &1 |
639 | DRP Input: Release Confno &1 schedule line no. &2 |
640 | DRP Input: Release (mod.) confirmation no. &1, schedule line no. &2 |
641 | DRP Input: ORIGQTY: &1 RECQTY: &2 OPENQTY: &3 |
642 | DRP Input: Avail.Time: &1 GR.Time: &2 Fixed Flag: &3 |
643 | DRP Input: QTY: &1 ATPQTY: &2 GR.QTY: &3 OPENQTY &4 |
644 | DRP Input: Avail.Time: &1 GR.Time: &2 |
645 | DRP Input: Open Quantity &1 copied from Delivery Schedule line |
646 | SA line(s) has schedule quantity 0. Sched.Agr: &1/&2. |
647 | Overdue line exists in DS but not in DSCopy. Sched.Agr: &1/&2. |