/SAPAPO/PDRP - Messages for DRP

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/PDRP: Messages for DRP.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/PDRP in software component SCM-APO-SPP-SDR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "DRP Service".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Programming Error and/or Incorrect Assumption
001Global default settings successfully created
002Global default settings successfully reset to SAP standard
003DRP profile & does not exist
004No PG proc. (several entry locations/active CPs &1): prod. &2, group &3
005No PG procurement (different entry locations/active CPs &1): group &2
006No product group procurement (several suppliers): Product &1, group &2
007No product group procurement (different suppliers): Group &1
008Data Matrix, error: &1
009Pack size rounding error: &1
010MDL error: &1
011Transaction data layer data access object error: &1
012No procurement costs maintained for location product (loc. &1, prod. &2)
013Stability rule &1 does not exist (loc. &2, prod. &3)
014Stability rule &1 was NOT changed/inserted
015SPP Scheduler, Error: &1
016Horizon loc. &1 prod. &2 acc. to purch. doc. no. &3 purch. doc. item &4
017Error in BOD Manager: &1
018No planning horizon defined at entry location of product &1
019Time buckets profile error: &1
020Result contains errors: Plan. horiz. not &1 months after first demand &2
021Customizing error for entry/maintenance of historical data: &1
022Invalid scaling factor, parameter: &1 value &2
023No entry loc. found for &1 / use location as entry loction
024&1 location products recalculated for products &2
025&1 schedule lines to &2 stock transport requisitions
026&1 schedule lines to &2 scheduling agreements
027&1 schedule lines to &2 purchase orders
028&1 schedule lines to &2 purchase requisitions
029&1 location products recalculated for product group &2
030Recalculation of product &1 started
031Product group procurement for product group &1
032Planning lock: Location product deleted from selection (loc. &1 prod. &2)
033Location product is not relevant for planning (loc. &1 prod. &2)
034Exception: &1
035Planning horizon changed: &1
036Changed purchase order qty at &1 (round to pack size or quota arr.) &2 &3
037&3: No source of supply found (loc. &1 prod. &2)
038Interchangeability of ignored &1 for sequence due to prod.group.proc.
039Loc. &1, Prod. &2: No delivery possible during BOD validity (&3 - &4)
040First Validity Time of Used BOD &1: &2
041Default source of supply assigned
042No default source of supply found
043Supplier &1 shutdown processed, loc. &2, prod. &3, shutd. time &4
044Location &1 Product &2 Consolidated (Period-Based)
045Virtual child location &1 product &2 consolidated (Period-Based)
046Interchangeability: &1 -> &2
047Cycle in interchangeability
048Number of interchangeability group: &1
049Planning start date &1
050Freeze horizon &1 (location &2, product &3)
051Limited freeze horizon &1 (location &2, product &3)
052Plan submission horizon &1 (location &2, product &3)
053Planning horizon &1
054Change horizon &1 (location &2, product &3)
055Active planning version: Planning start changed (original fixed date &1)
056Purchase requisition contains no source of supply/reference document
057Source of supply &1 determined/transferred
058Virtual child location not relevant for planning (loc. &1 prod. &2)
059Virtual location for consol. ord. not rel. for planning (loc &1 prod &2)
060Virtual loc. for cons. ord not rel. for planning (VCL &1 prod. &2)
061Throughput time minus GR processing time < 0 (location &1 product &2)
062Supplier &1 shutdown, dem. can't be pulled, loc &2 prod &3 shutdn time &4
063Product &1 and/or corresponding product groups not planned
064Planning lock for location product &1 &2, BOD subtree not planned
065Planning lock: Location product &1 &2 from BOD subtree not planned
066Planning lock: Virtual child location &1 &2 from BOD subtree not planned
067Planning locks are ignored
068Invalid goods issue time &1 (valid from &2 to &3) SA del. sched. line &4
069Invalid goods receipt time &1 (valid from &2 to &3)SA del. sched. line &4
070Invalid availability time &1 (valid from &2 to &3) SA del. sched. line &4
071Invalid SA delivery schedule line (order no., item &2, schedule line &3)
072Invalid purchase order (order number &1, item &2, schedule line &3)
073Invalid purchase requisition (order number &1, item &2, schedule line &3)
074Invalid schedule line removed (schedule line &1)
075Planning lock/TPOP: Product &1 not planned for product group procurement
076New schedule line added to existing scheduling agreement item &1
077Consolidated ordering: preferred location &1 product &2
078Consolidated ordering: preferred location &1 product &2 (VCL)
079TPOP indicator ignored
080TPOP for location product &1 &2, BOD subtree not planned
081TPOP: Location product &1 &2 from BOD subtree not planned
082TPOP: Virtual child location &1 &2 from BOD subtree not planned
083Initialization of external procurement adapter failed
084Booking of external procurement orders failed
085Product Group Procurement for Product &1
086Change Horizon: No Change (Location &1, Product &2)
087&1 substitution orders (supersession and FFF classes)
088Valid alternative source of supply found (schedule line ID &1)
089-------------- DRP_MATRIX_RECALC started --------------------
090-------------- DRP_MATRIX_RECALC ended ----------------------
091Alert was created (ID &1)
092Service Profile &1 Does Not Exist
093Profile &1 for anticipated demand coverage not found
094Forecast strategy customizing table error: &1
095Initial service profile used
096Demands for &1 location product(s) of product &2 anticipated
097Fixed demand/receipts of location &1: &2 kept, &3 created
098Fixed demand/receipts of VCL &1: &2 kept, &3 created
099&1 Fixed demands/receipts deleted
100Invalid scaling factor, period indicator: &1 value &2
101Forecast periodicity factor error: &1
102Passed-on error: &1
103Location product: Location &1 product &2; Profile &3 assigned
104Virtual child location: Location &1 product &2; Profile &3 assigned
105&1 flexible product substitution orders (substitution of reman. products)
106Entry loc. &1 of reman. prod. &2 not in BOD of new prod. &3 at time &4
107Capacity limitation: product &1 entry location &2 vendor &3 date &4
108VCL &1 Product &2 no delivery possible during BOD validity (&3 - &4)
109Rev. Time (DRP) + Comm.Dur. + Corr. Fix.Per. < 0 (Loc &1 Prod &2 Supp &3)
110Loc. &1 prod. &2 no delivery (&3 - &4) due to BOD change
111VCL &1 product &2 no delivery (&3 - &4) due to BOD change
112Period for determination of valid BODs: &1 - &2
113No percentages for supplier shutdown: &1 (profile &2)
114Setup costs for product group procurement: &1 (loc. &2, prod. &3)
115Stockholding costs per part and per year: &1 (loc. &2, prod. &3)
116Determination of date of last net demand (entry location &1 product &2)
117---- Stability rule &1 for location &2 product &3 started ----
118---- Stability rule for location &1 product &2 ended ------
119---- Calculation of UI semantics for location &1 product &2 started --
120---- Calculation of UI semantics for location &1 product &2 ended ----
121Interchangeability group no. &1, item no. &2, successor &3, date &4
122Date of last net demand (location &1 product &2): &3
123Interchangeability groups: Product &1 has no clear successor
124Repair or Buy/Kit-to-Stock Cannot Be Applied to VLCO (Loc. &1 Prod. &2)
125Interchangeability &1 -> &2 ignored, product group procurement for &3
126Communication Duration + Correction FixPer < 0 (Loc.&1 Prod.&2, Supp.&3)
127Product Group Procurement According to BAdI Implementation
128No Active Implementation of BAdI &1 Found
129Determination if location product (&1 &2) is consolidated over BAdI &3
130Determination if VCL (&1 &2) is consolidated over BAdI &3
131Plan.Del.Time - Trans.Dur. < 0 (Loc. &1 Prod. &2, Supp. &3, M.ofTrans.&4)
132-------------- Start of Integrated DRP Approval ---------------
133-------------- End of Integrated DRP Approval ----------------
134Integrated DRP approval, other DRP service profile: DRP &1 <-> Approv. &2
135Placement period for expediting in limited freeze horizon: &1
136Period eligible for expediting in limited freeze horizon: &1
137Period eligible for deexpediting in limited freeze horizon: &1
138Determination of entry location for location &1 product &2
139&1 schedule lines of scheduling agreement (order no. &2 order item &3)
140DRP Service Profile &1
141BI simulation: Saved start date of planning is used
142Version &1 was assigned to multiple extraction time stamps in BI
143No DRP data found for BI simulation version &1 (extraction time &2)
144Purchasing document number &1 item &2: check of changes up to &3
145Overlapping supplier shutdown times &1 and &2: Profile ID &3
146Stability rule &1 'expedite limited freeze horizon' does not exist
147Stability rule &1 'expedite limited freeze horizon' NOT changed/inserted
148Stability rule &1 'deexpedite limited freeze horizon' does not exist
149Stability rule &1 'expedite limited freeze horizon' NOT changed/inserted
150Stability rule &1 'expedite plan submission horizon' does not exist
151Stability rule &1 'expedite plan submission horizon' NOT changed/inserted
152Stability rule &1 'deexpedite plan submission horizon' does not exist
153Stab. rule &1 'deexpedite plan submission horizon' NOT changed/inserted
154&1 flexible product substitution orders (forwarding of excess from/to CP)
155Location &1 product &2 change forecast at supersession
156VCL &1 product &2 change forecast at supersession
157No. interchangeability group &1 item no. &2 predecessor product &3
158Predecessor Location Product: Entry Location &1
159No source of supply found for shipment ID &1
160&1 no anticipated demand coverage, child loc. with seasonal fcst prof.
161&1 no anticipated demand coverage, since no seasonal forecast profile
162&1 (VCL) no anticipated demand coverage, since no seasonal forecast prof.
163No profile assigned to location &1 for anticipated demand coverage
164No profile assigned to VCL &1 for anticipated demand coverage
165BI simulation: No. interchangeability group &1, item no. group &2 ignored
166BI simulation: Substitution of remanufactured products ignored
167Error when determining DRP extraction time stamp (see log)
168Recalc. of anticipated demand coverage for loc. &1 starting at &2
169No recalculation of anticipated demand coverage loc. &1 within plan. hor.
170Recalculation of anticipated demand coverage for VCL &1 as of &2
171No recalculation of anticipated demand coverage VCL &1 within plan. hor.
172No active source of supply found for scheduling agreement &1
173No active source of supply found for purchase order &1
174No active source of supply found for purchase requisition &1
175FFF class &1 ignored due to different leading products
176FFF classes: Leading location product &1 &2 at time &3 not in BOD
177RoB/KtS Not Applied to Loc. &1 Prod. &2 Since Supplied Via Own CP
178RoB/KtS not applied loc. &1 prod. &2, product group procurement
179Frz. hor. refurb/Kts loc.prod. &1 &2 acc. to purch.doc.no. &3 EBELP &4
180Enter a stability rule
181Freeze hor. refurb/KtS loc.prod. &1 &2 acc. to internal refurb/kitting
182Freeze horizon for refurbishment/Kit-to-Stock location &1 product &2: &3
184Loc.prod. &1 &2: &3 available qty of unserv. prods reduced, as demand &4
185Rounding prof. for lot size rounding &1 does not exist (loc. prod. &2 &3)
186Search for Alt. Arce of Supp. for Refurbishment (Date &1 Loc Prod. &2 &3)
187RoB: Costs of late demand coverage = proc. costs: &1 periods (&2 &3)
188RoB: Unrounded net demand reduced, possible shortage (&1 &2)
189No active source of supply found for purchase req. (subcontracting) &1
190Demand Not Covered: Only Repairs (No Procurement of Serviceable Prod.)
191&1 schedule lines for &2 subcontracting purchase requisitions
192&1 planned orders
193&1 substitution orders - Forward surplus of unserviceable products
194Supplier &1 shutdown, loc. &2, prod. &3, shutd. time &4
195Product group procurement error: location product &1 &2 ROP-based
196availability date from &1 to &2
197Location product &1 &2: no subst. of remanufactured products (ROP-based)
198&1 no service profile assigned; &2 used
199Unknown DRP Planning Mode &1
200Parameter is missing for constructor
201Parameter is missing for time buckets profile
202Internal error: Location ID not recognized
203None of the child locations has generated a distribution demand
204No details displayed for this key figure semantic
205Historical data for remanufactured products is incomplete (&1 &2)
206No period values found for time zone &1
207Period &1 in period table not found
208Unknown setting for validity extension: &1
209Capacity restriction of supplier &1 has been exceeded
210Location &1 product &2, supplier capacity &3, ordered quantity &4
211DRP Service Profile &1: Inventory Planning Time Series ID Not Defined
212DRP Service Profile &1: DRP Time Series ID Not Defined
213Date of last net demand (VCL &1, Product &2): &3
214Alert for Contract Packager/MRP area &1
215net demand at time &1
216Activate repair or kitting for location product.
217No percentages for Kit-to-Stock shutdown: &1 (profile &2)
218Overlapping Kit-to-Stock shutdown times &1 and &2: Profile ID &3
219Kit-to-Stock shutdown processed, loc. &1, prod. &2, shutd. time &3
220KtS shutdown, dem. can't be pulled, loc &1 prod &2 shutdn time &3
221KtS shutdown, dem. can't be pulled, loc &1 prod &2 time &3 period &4
222Supplier &1: capacity of quantity &2 is used by order &3
223&1 is the main supplier.
224Date of last safety stock (location &1 product &2): &3
225Date of last safety stock (VCL &1, Product &2): &3
226Determination of date of last safety stock (entry location &1 product &2)
227DS &1: line &2 with open qty is before or at consumed line &3
228DS &1 adjusted: avoid reassignment GR/ASN consumed quantity by LiveCache
229&1 subst. orders (forwarding of excess from/to CP and for Global Stock)
230Parameter KtS/Repair or Buy is switched off in DRP master data
231Param.KtS/Repair or Buy is defined as Buy and Calc. Unserv. Stock at Loc.
232Subst. of Remanufactured Product : CP &1 inactive, create for &2, &3
233Predecessor &1 unit &2 and successor &3 unit &4 have different dimensions
234UoM conversion factors not identical: predecessor &1 and successor &2
235UoM conversion factors not maintained: product &1 from unit &2 to &4
236Subst.of Reman. Product: Loc. &1 not planning relevant, create for &2, &3
237Location &1 Product &2 Consolidated (ROP-Based)
238Virtual child location &1 product &2 consolidated (ROP-Based)
239RoB/KtS: Component location product &1 &2 at time &3 not in BOD &4
250Expedite in limited freeze horizon (location &1, product &2)
251Deexpedite in limited freeze horizon (location &1, product &2)
252Expedite in Plan Submission Horizon (location &1, product &2)
253Deexpedite in Plan Submission Horizon (location &1, product &2)
254Lot-sizing procedure not supported: Location &1 Product &2
255Invalid conversion from lot size unit to base unit: Loc. &1 Product &2
256Rounded quantity and fixed lot size are inconsistent: Loc. &1 Prod. &2
257&1 Location Products were deleted from selection because of planning lock
258&1 Products and/or corresponding product groups were not planned
259&1 Scheduling agreements were processed
260&1 Purchase orders were processed
261&1 Purchase requisitions were processed
300A planning version must be selected
301No product has been selected
302The field & is not recognized in the extractor
303No time zone found for location &1
304No period data exists for time zone &1
305You have not specified a period type for supplier capacities
306Unknown period type &1 set in database (TSDM)
307Fiscal year variant &1 in DRP customizing cannot be used
308Changing the period category leads to inconsistencies
309Changing the fiscal year variant leads to inconsistencies
310Fiscal year variant has not been set
311Fiscal year variant is not used, setting is not necessary
312No entries for period type found in database
313Inconsistent delivery schedule master data. Duplicate order &1
401The number of workdays must be greater than or equal to 0
402A default calendar must be selected for the total procurement lead time
500No negative values permitted for percentage values
501Period no. larger than no. periods in "Supplier Shutdown Time" profile
502Enter a period number greater than zero
503Start date cannot be in the past
504Start date is today's date
505Start date must be less than or equal to the end date
506Number of periods must be greater than 0
507ID: Enter supplier shutdown time
508Period no. larger than no. periods in "KtS Shutdown Time" profile
509Lead time longer than planning horizon (Prod. &1, Loc. &2, Lead time &3)
600No valid BOM found for product &1, location &2, time &3
601BOM &1 used to calculate dependent demand for order &2
602No PEGID found for product &1 and location &2
603Error during BOM explostion for source of supply &1
604Component &2 was skipped during BOM explosion of &1
610Determining DRP planning mode: no service profile specified
611Determining DRP planning mode: service profile &1 does not exist
612Determining DRP planning mode: service profile &1 has been read
613BAdI &1 returned an invalid DRP planning mode: &2
614Number of historical periods not specified in service profile &1
615Change the DRP planning mode to reorder-point-based
616Change the DRP planning mode to period-Based
617DRP Planning Mode Changed to Reorder-Point-based
618DRP planning mode changed to period-based
619No change to DRP planning mode suggested
620Calculation for location &1 product &2
621Number of sales order items considered &1
622Upper limit for reorder-point-based planning Is &1
623BAdI &1 returned invalid proced. for deviating from prev. plng mode: &2
624Manual freeze horizon &1 (location &2, product &3)
630Freeze hor. &1 is equal/longer than planning hor. &2 at loc. &3 prod. &4
631SA line(s) restored from past due Release line(s). Sched.Agr: &1/&2.
632DRP has changed qty. of receipt with past ship date. Doc.No: &1/&2/&3
633DRP Input: Open quantity &1 on the release statistical line
634DRP Input: DS schedule line number &1
635DRP Input: DS (mod.) schedule line number &1
636DRP Input: Sched. agmt intermediate status schedule line no. &1
637DRP Input: Sched. agmt intermediate status (mod.) schedule line no. &1
638DRP Input: Sched. agmt intermediate status/release schedule line no. &1
639DRP Input: Release Confno &1 schedule line no. &2
640DRP Input: Release (mod.) confirmation no. &1, schedule line no. &2
641DRP Input: ORIGQTY: &1 RECQTY: &2 OPENQTY: &3
642DRP Input: Avail.Time: &1 GR.Time: &2 Fixed Flag: &3
643DRP Input: QTY: &1 ATPQTY: &2 GR.QTY: &3 OPENQTY &4
644DRP Input: Avail.Time: &1 GR.Time: &2
645DRP Input: Open Quantity &1 copied from Delivery Schedule line
646SA line(s) has schedule quantity 0. Sched.Agr: &1/&2.
647Overdue line exists in DS but not in DSCopy. Sched.Agr: &1/&2.
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