/SAPAPO/PFCS_MESS - Messages for Forecast
The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/PFCS_MESS: Messages for Forecast.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/PFCS in software component SCM-APO-SPP-SFC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Forecasting".
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/PFCS in software component SCM-APO-SPP-SFC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Forecasting".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Error log written (internal) |
001 | Service profile &1 is not available |
002 | Error during initialization in forecast service |
003 | No time interval could be determined for period indicator &1 |
004 | No forecast profile key exists for product/location &1/&2 |
005 | Time series could not be determined |
006 | "Width" parameter for fine-tuning is missing |
007 | "Start value" parameter for fine-tuning is missing |
008 | "Finish value" parameter for fine-tuning is missing |
009 | Forecast profile data does not exist |
010 | Product/loc. &2/&3&4: Smoothing factor alpha (previously &1) was changed |
011 | Product/Loc. &2/&3&4: Smoothing factor beta (previously &1) was changed |
012 | Product/Loc. &2/&3&4: Smoothing factor gamma (previously &1) was changed |
013 | Forecast strategy &1 not intended for fine-tuning |
014 | No previous forecasts available -> Tracking is not possible |
015 | No product master data could be calculated for product ID &1 |
016 | No BOD hierarchy could be determined for product &1 |
017 | No location product master data could be determined for product &1 |
018 | No replenishment indicator could be determined for product &1 |
019 | The forecast date for the service profile could not be determined |
020 | The start date for the service profile could not be determined |
021 | The end date for the service profile could not be determined |
022 | No forecast profile could be determined for product &1 |
023 | No tracking time series could be determined for product &1 |
024 | No historical time series could be determined for product &1 |
025 | No historical forecast time series could be determined for product &1 |
026 | The sum of the weighting factors for trip length &1 is not equal to 100 |
027 | Forecast run relevance (minimum number of days) not maintained |
028 | Current period not used (min. work days = &1, current = &2) |
029 | Scaling factor for month not maintained in Customizing |
030 | Forecast service combination is not supported |
031 | Period indicator &1 is not supported by forecast service |
032 | Service combination for service profile &1 is not supported |
033 | Service profile &1: No historical periods or forecast periods maintained |
034 | Service profile &1: Time series ID not fully maintained |
035 | Service profile &1: No period indicator maintained |
036 | Product/location &1/&2&4: Inconsistent historical data in period &3 |
037 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Fcst periods fcst profile > service profile |
038 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Start of forecast run |
039 | 12 periods are not maintained for profile &1 |
040 | The sum of the season coefficients for profile &1 is not equal to 12 |
041 | The selection type &1 is not supported by forecast type &2 |
042 | The current workdays for location &1 could not be determined |
043 | No product location combination exists for tracking |
044 | No product location combination for automatic model selection |
045 | Product/location/BOD &1/&2&3&4: Start of automatic model selection run |
046 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Start Trigg's tracking signal run |
047 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Trigg's tracking signal run complete |
048 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Start of tripping run |
049 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Tripping run complete |
050 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Start std dev./MAD calc. |
051 | Product/location &1/&2&3: End of std dev./MAD calculation |
052 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No disaggregated forecast exists |
053 | Incorrect use of periodicity in forecast area |
054 | Scaling factor for weeks not maintained in Customizing |
055 | Scaling factor for booking periods not maintained in Customizing |
056 | Forecast for "dynamic moving average" model is zero |
057 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Insufficient history available for model DDF |
058 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Current order item forecast is zero |
059 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Product is classified as 'new' |
060 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Type of restricted forecast change is 'I' |
061 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Historical demand in DDF model is increasing |
062 | Product/location &1/&2&3: V-shaped stocking development for DDF model |
063 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Current upward trend of DDF model |
064 | Tirgger for forecast recalculation in the past not set |
065 | Product/location &1/&2&3: start date forecast recalculation not set |
066 | No product location combination for rough-tuning |
067 | No product location combination for tripping |
068 | No product location combination for forecast run |
069 | Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3&4: Start std dev./MAD calculation |
070 | Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3&4: End std dev./MAD calculation |
071 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Parameter for std dev./MAD calc. is initial |
072 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No outlier correction possible |
073 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Incomplete data for dependent parameter |
074 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No standard deviation in past exists |
075 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Forecast/std dev. of last period taken |
076 | Prod./loc. &1/&2&3: Number of periods for single exp. smoothing missing |
077 | Prod./loc. &1/&2&3: Number of periods for Brown's exp. smoothing missing |
078 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Max. time window in MA model is initial |
079 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimal forecast strategy cannot be determined |
080 | Forecast periodicity for application ID & not maintained |
081 | Business variant & does not exist |
082 | Business variant & not supported |
083 | Error when calculating number range interval |
084 | Automatic model selection in Customizing was not configured |
085 | "Initialize Base Values" in Customizing for forecasting not configured |
086 | Trip lengths/periods: &1/&2 no Cust. entry ("Initialize Base Values") |
087 | Start date set to factory calendar start: &1 |
088 | End date set to factory calendar end: &1 |
089 | Do not use forecast date (service profile) for active version |
090 | Forecast data cannot be used for active version |
091 | Error in function module /SAPAPO/PROGNOSE |
092 | Error Within Outlier Correction for Intermittent Forecast Model |
093 | Error when updating semantic &1 to database |
094 | Semantic &1 already exists on the database |
095 | The Sequence Specified Is Already Reserved |
096 | An Approval Factor Lower Limit > 1 Implies Exponential Growth |
097 | Semantics not contained in InfoProvider &1 |
098 | Coefficient is not a valid leading indicator |
099 | Fiscal year variant inconsistent with settings in fcst customizing |
100 | Error in forecast disaggregation |
101 | Error in forecast disaggregation service |
102 | Error when reading location products of package (worklist) |
103 | Error when reading the parameter list of package |
104 | Error when reading the bill of distribution (BOD) &1 |
105 | No valid bill of distribution (BOD) for product &1 |
106 | Error when reading forecast profile for product/location &1/&2 |
107 | Error when instancing data manager &1 |
108 | Forecast disaggregation service profile &1 does not exist |
109 | Error during determination of forecast horizon |
110 | Error when reading time series |
111 | Error when reading time series for product/location &1/&2 |
112 | Error when changing time series for product/location &1/&2 |
113 | Disaggregation executed |
114 | Disaggregation executed with errors |
115 | No key figure available for disaggregation in service profile &1 |
116 | Product/location &1/&2: Not relevant for planning |
117 | Virtual child location (product/location &1/&2) not planning relevant |
118 | No location product determined for disaggregation |
119 | Disaggregation was not successfully executed for any location product |
120 | No disaggregation due to forecast run for TPOP (Service profile) |
121 | No disaggregation for virtual child locations (service profile) |
122 | Error when calculating periods |
123 | Product/Location &1/&2: No Location Products for Disaggregation |
124 | Product/location &1/&2: No planning relevant child locations |
125 | Error when deleting values of time series for product/location &1/&2 |
126 | Error when setting tracking time stamp |
127 | No period table available |
128 | Loc. &1: Current Period Not Used (Min. Working Days = &2, Current = &3) |
129 | Product/Location/BOD &1/&2/&3: Start of Disaggregation |
130 | Do Not Consider Disaggregation Key Figure &1 Without LI (Srv Profile &2) |
131 | No forecast model has been assigned |
132 | Weighting factor is initial -> AMS forecast error becomes null |
133 | Key figure value too large (key figure &1, product/location &2/&3) |
134 | Key figure value too large (key figure &1, product/location &2/&3 VCL) |
135 | Planning profile has been updated to TPOP selection successfully |
136 | No change has been made to the planning profile |
145 | Planning profile &1 has been updated to TPOP selection successfully |
146 | No TPOP selection change has been made to the planning profile &1 |
147 | Error while reading planning profiles |
148 | Forecast run started for &1 Location Products |
149 | Forecast run was successful for &1 Location Products |
150 | Automatic model selection run started for &1 Location Products |
151 | Automatic model selection run completed for &1 Location Products |
152 | Trigg's tracking signal run started for &1 Location Products |
153 | Trigg's tracking signal run completed for &1 Location Products |
154 | Tripping run started for &1 Location Products |
155 | Tripping run completed for &1 Location Products |
156 | Std dev./MAD calculation started for &1 Location Products |
157 | Std dev./MAD calculation ended for &1 Location Products |
171 | Prod./Loc. &1/&2&3: &4 Factor value must lie between 0 and 1 |
172 | Prod./Loc. &1/&2&3: Invalid interval of &4 Factor for fine-tuning |
176 | Product/Location &1/&2&3: Coefficient Forecast Not Available |
177 | Product/Location &1/&2&3: Leading Indicator Forecast Not Available |
178 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Statistical test cannot be performed |
179 | Prod./Loc. &1/&2&3: No hist. fcst time series can be determined for &4 |
180 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Offset forecast in forecast profile is initial |
181 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Smoothing factor for tracking is initial |
182 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No main supplier available |
183 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Forecast prof. param. "Tracking Horizon" init. |
184 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No demand history available in tracking |
185 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Calculation of MAD not possible |
186 | Product/Location &1/&2&3: Calculation of std dev. not possible |
187 | Prod./loc. &1/&2&3: Hist. periods: Forecast profile > service profile |
188 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Forecast strategy for tripping unreliable |
189 | Prod./loc. &1/&2&3: No std dev. exists for demand/item in tripping |
190 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No std dev. exists for demand in tripping |
191 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No forecast for demand/item exists in tripping |
192 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No forecast for item exists in tripping |
193 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No forecast for demand exists in tripping |
194 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No history for demand/item exists in tripping |
195 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No history for item exists in tripping |
196 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No history for demand exists in tripping |
197 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Inconsistent time series for tripping |
198 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Number of periods for forecast model is too big |
199 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No forecast error time series to be determined |
200 | Product/location &1/&2&3: History for forecast run not sufficient |
201 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No season indices maintained for fcst profile |
202 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No forecast profile exists |
203 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No tracking time series to determine |
204 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No historical time series to determine |
205 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No hist. forecast time series to determine |
206 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No replenishment indicator to determine |
207 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No location product master to determine |
208 | Product/Location &1/&2&4: Manual Approval Must Be Executed |
209 | Prod./Loc. &1/&2&3: Missing Start Value of &4 Factor for fine-tuning |
210 | Prod./Loc. &1/&2&3: Missing End Value of &4 Factor for fine-tuning |
211 | Prod./Loc. &1/&2&3: Define Increment of &4 Factor for fine-tuning |
212 | Product/location &2/&3 forecast strategy &1: rough-tuning not possible |
213 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No smoothing factor set for forecast profile |
214 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Forecast strategy not valid |
215 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Forecast run successful |
216 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Forecast run for TPOP successful |
217 | Product/location &1/&2&4: Tripping for demand occurs on &3 |
218 | Product/location &1/&2&4: Tripping for item occurs on &3 |
219 | Product/location &1/&2&4: Tripping for demand/item occurs on &3 |
220 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Tripping run already occurred for this period |
221 | Product/location &1/&2: Forecast strategy changed from &3 to &4 |
222 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Window size (moving average) changed |
223 | Product/loc. &1/&2&3: Initialization period (intermittent model) changed |
224 | Product/Location &1/&2&4: Forecast Approval Executed |
225 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No time series to be determined |
226 | Product/location &1/&2&3: No supplier can be determined for TPOP |
227 | Product/location &1/&2&3 No forecast exists |
228 | Product/location &1/&2&3 intermittent model: Not enough zero periods |
229 | Product/Location &1/&2&3 intermittent model: Not enough periods (>23) |
230 | Product/location &1/&2&4: Declining growth rate is &3 |
231 | Product/location &1/&2&4: Production start date &3 -> history shortened |
232 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Automatic model selection run completed |
233 | Product/location &1/&2&4: &3 was successful |
234 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization started for FOES |
235 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization ended for FOES |
236 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization started for SOES |
237 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization ended for SOES |
238 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization started for moving average |
239 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization ended for moving average |
240 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization started for linear regression |
241 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization ended for linear regression |
242 | Product/loc. &1/&2&3: Optimization started for intermittent fcst model |
243 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization ended for intermittent fcst model |
244 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization started for DDF model |
245 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization ended for DDF model |
246 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Initialization period reduced |
247 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Seasonal trend model with FPG cannot be used |
248 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Parameter for std dev./MAD calc. is initial |
249 | Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3&4: Not relevant for planning |
250 | Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3: Smoothing factor alpha changed after &4 |
251 | Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3: Smoothing factor beta changed after &4 |
252 | Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3: Fenster size changed after &4 |
253 | Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3: Initialization periods changed after &4 |
254 | Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3&4: Automatic model selection completed |
255 | Product/Location &1/&2&4: No Disaggregated Forecast Exists |
256 | Product/Location &1/&2&4: No Statistical Forecast Available |
257 | Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3&4: Forecast run successful |
258 | Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3&4: Start of forecast run |
259 | Error in forecasting service |
260 | Product/location &1/&2&3: History in weeks cannot be determined |
261 | Prod./Loc./BOD &1/&2/&3&4: Historical Time Series Cannot Be Determined |
262 | Product/Location &1/&2: Not Enough History for Seasonal Test |
263 | Product/Location &1/&2: Not Enough History for Trend Test |
264 | Product/Location &1/&2: Not Enough History for Sporadic Test |
265 | Product/loc. &1/&2/&3: BAdI for customer-defined fcst model not active |
266 | Product/loc. &1/&2/&3: Optimization customer-defined fcst started |
267 | Product/loc. &1/&2/&3: Optimization customer-defined forecast ended |
268 | Product/Location &1/&2&3: No Ex-Post Forecast for Error Calculation |
269 | Product/Location &1/&2&3: No Error Calculation Possible |
270 | Product/Location &1/&2&3: Invalid Forecast Error Combination |
271 | Product/location &1/&2&3: no profile assigned to AMS |
272 | Product/location &1/&2&3: no checking sequence for profile &4 |
273 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization started for Season Trend Model |
274 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization ended for Season Trend Model |
275 | Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3: Smoothing factor gamma changed after &4 |
276 | Prod./Loc. &1/&2&3 Interm.Mod.: One period of last 3 months must be zero |
277 | Product/location &1/&2: Forecast strategy remains &3 |
278 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Alpha Factor value is too high |
279 | Prod./loc. &1/&2&3 intermittent model: zero-demand periods > init. per. |
280 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Beta Factor value is too high |
281 | Product/Location &1/&2: Seasonal Test cannot be performed |
282 | Product/Location &1/&2: Trend Test cannot be performed |
283 | Product/Location &1/&2: Sporadic Test cannot be performed |
284 | Product/Location &1/&2: Dynamic moving avarage Test cannot be performed |
285 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Gamma Factor value is too high |
286 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Offset exceeds the forecast periods |
300 | Error in forecast profile copy service |
301 | Service profile &1 of forecast profile copy service does not exist |
302 | Copying of forecast profiles from version &1 to version &2 |
303 | Copying of forecast profile for version &1 |
304 | Copying of forecast profiles for products |
305 | Copying of forecast profiles for locations |
306 | Copying of Forecast Profiles for Location Products (incl. VCL and TPOP) |
307 | Error when copying forecast profile for version &1 |
308 | Error when copying forecast profiles for products |
309 | Error when copying forecast profiles for locations |
310 | Error when copying forecast profiles for location products |
311 | Error in forecast profile deletion service |
312 | Delete forecast profiles of version &1 |
313 | Error when deleting forecast profiles of version &1 |
314 | Forecast profiles of active version cannot be deleted |
315 | Enter a Location (VCL, TPOP, and Semantics only for Location Product) |
316 | Enter a Product (VCL, TPOP and Semantics only for Location Product) |
317 | Choose either VCL or TPOP |
318 | No Forecast Profile Parameters Exists in Copy Profile &1 |
319 | Copy Profile & for Forecast Profile Copy Servie not available |
320 | Source Version Cannot Be Combined with Key Fig. of Forecast Profile Copy |
321 | "Overwrite Forecast Profile" Can Only Be Used in Version Copy |
322 | Source Forecast Profile Location &1 |
323 | Source Forecast Profile Product &1 |
324 | Source Forecast Profile Location Product (Loc./Prod.) &1/&2 |
325 | Source Forecast Profile Location Product VCL (Loc./Prod.) &1/&2 |
326 | Source Forecast Profile Location Product TPOP (Loc./Prod.) &1/&2 |
327 | Source Forecast Profile Semantics &1 |
328 | Source Forecast Profile: Semantics Can Only Be Used for Location Products |
329 | Source Forecast Profile: VCL/TPOP Can Only Be Used for Location Products |
330 | No Target Forecast Profile Defined |
331 | Loc. Prod. of Source Forecast Profile: VCL and TPOP Cannot Be Combined |
332 | Source/Target Forecast Profile TPOP Cannot Be Combined with Semantics |
333 | Forecast Profile Copy in Version &1 |
334 | Source Forecast Profile Version &1 |
335 | No Copy of Source Forecast Profile Product/Location Product by Location |
336 | No Copy of Source Forecast Profile Location/Location Product by Products |
337 | Use the Version Copy for Copying Between Versions |
338 | Fields In Area Version Copy and Forecasat Profile Copy Defined |
339 | Enter Location and Product (VCL, TPOP and Semantics Only for Loc. Prod.) |
340 | Source Forecast Profile: Leading Indicator Semantics &1 Not Defined |
341 | Target Forecast Profile: Locations |
342 | Target Forecast Profile: Products |
343 | Target Forecast Profile: Location Products (&1) / VCL (&2) / TPOP (&3) |
344 | Copy Profile &1 |
345 | Forecast profile parameter &1 does not exist |
346 | Forecast profile parameter &1 cannot be copied |
347 | Error reading forecast profile parameters |
348 | Enter a semantic that is assigned to a leading indicator group |
349 | Location product &1 &2 : offset parameter changed to &3 |
350 | Location product &1 &2 (VCL): offset parameter changed to &3 |
351 | Location product &1 &2 (VCL): offset parameter field is locked |
352 | Location product &1 &2: offset parameter field is locked |
353 | Forecast profile parameter &1 converted to &2 |
360 | Product/location &1/&2: Plan relevant, forecast profile not deleted |
361 | Product/location &1/&2: Forecast profile deleted |
400 | Internal error (notify system administrator or SAP) |
401 | Change of period indicator is not allowed |
402 | Warning! Change of period indicator leads to inconsistencies |
403 | Business year variant must be specified |
404 | For fiscal year variant, the period key figure must be the posting period |
500 | General data (ID &1/&2) of service profile (&3/&4) differ |
501 | Fcst run for TPOP cannot be combined with selection (only VCL) (ID &1) |
502 | No type of forecast run in service profile (ID for general data &1) |
503 | No type of selection in service profile (ID for general data &1) |
504 | No trigger exists for the recalculation of forecast in the past |
505 | Error while reading the forecast profile |
506 | Product/location &1/&2: No start date for recalculation of forecast |
507 | Product/location &1/&2/VCL: No start date for recalculation of forecast |
508 | Product/location &1/&2/TPOP: No start date for recalculation of forecast |
509 | Recalculation of forecast in the past executed |
510 | Recalculation of forecast in the past executed with errors |
511 | Error when reading the bill of distribution (BOD) for product &1 |
512 | Start date for recalculation of forecast in the past: &1 |
513 | Service profile 'recalculation of forecast in the past' &1 does not exist |
514 | Error in service 'recalculation of forecast in the past' |
515 | Error when reading forecast service profiles (service profile &1) |
516 | Error when instantiating forecast service &1 |
517 | Error when deleting historical forecasts |
518 | Error when reading time series metadata (time series &1) |
519 | Error when changing time series |
520 | Do Not Use a Start Date in Service Profile &1 (General Date &2) |
521 | Internal Error: End Date / Time Stamp Is Before Start Date / Time Stamp |
522 | No Recalculation of Leading-Indicator-Based Forecast (Service Profile &1) |
523 | General data (ID &1) for service profile &2 does not exist |
524 | Forecast service profile: General data (ID &1) does not exist |
525 | No entry exists in the semantic table |
526 | Inconsistent 'Trigger Group' and 'Read Triggers First' indicators |
540 | Create trigger for recalculation of forecast in past |
541 | Trigger &1 for location &2, product &3 in version &4 created |
550 | Recalculation of forecast in past in single step started |
551 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Recalculation of forecast in past started |
552 | Forecast date &1: Forecast recalculation started |
553 | Forecast date &1: Historical time series data is not available |
554 | Forecast date &1: Forecast recalculation completed |
555 | Forecast date &1: Standard deviation/MAD calculated |
556 | Product/Location/BOD &1/&2/&3: Disaggregation started |
557 | Forecast date &1: Disaggregation completed |
558 | Forecast date &1: Standard deviation of disag. fcst. calculated |
559 | Product/location &1/&2&3: Final forecast in past created |
560 | Forecast date &1: Not enough historical values exist for initialization |
561 | Forecast date &1: Forecast data does not exist |
562 | Forecast date &1: Saving forecast data is not possible |
563 | Forecast data in past saved to database |
600 | Product &1: Start preparation service for leading-indicator-based fcst |
601 | Product &1: End preparation service for leading-indicator-based forecast |
602 | Product/Key Figure Group &1/&2: No Semantics Available |
603 | Type of forecast run (TPOP) is not allowed for service profile &1 |
604 | Type of Selection for Service Profile &1 Must Be the "Overall BOD" |
605 | Product/Location &1/&2&3: LI Key Figure in Forecast Profile Is Initial |
606 | Type of Forecast Run (TPOP) Is Not Possible for LI-Based Forecast |
607 | No historical data available for this selection in the data source |
608 | Product &1: Leading indicator must be consistent for BOD |
609 | The leading indicator &1 is not part of the time series data management |
610 | Error in ATP check for product &1 |
611 | No stockholding location could be determined |
612 | Product/location &1/&2 is not contained in the current BOD |
613 | No internal location to determine for external location &1 |
614 | Replacement Type &1 is not allowed |
700 | liveCache orders detected &1 |
701 | liveCache order number &1 |
702 | Start test: Delete liveCache orders |
703 | End test: Delete liveCache orders |
704 | Start: Delete liveCache orders |
705 | End: Delete liveCache orders |
706 | Deletion of liveCache orders successful |
707 | Maximum Deviation Calculated Incorrectly |
708 | Final Forecast Calculated Incorrectly |
800 | Maximum Deviation Calculated Incorrectly |
801 | Final Forecast Calculated Incorrectly |