/SAPAPO/PFCS_MESS - Messages for Forecast

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/PFCS_MESS: Messages for Forecast.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/PFCS in software component SCM-APO-SPP-SFC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Forecasting".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Error log written (internal)
001Service profile &1 is not available
002Error during initialization in forecast service
003No time interval could be determined for period indicator &1
004No forecast profile key exists for product/location &1/&2
005Time series could not be determined
006"Width" parameter for fine-tuning is missing
007"Start value" parameter for fine-tuning is missing
008"Finish value" parameter for fine-tuning is missing
009Forecast profile data does not exist
010Product/loc. &2/&3&4: Smoothing factor alpha (previously &1) was changed
011Product/Loc. &2/&3&4: Smoothing factor beta (previously &1) was changed
012Product/Loc. &2/&3&4: Smoothing factor gamma (previously &1) was changed
013Forecast strategy &1 not intended for fine-tuning
014No previous forecasts available -> Tracking is not possible
015No product master data could be calculated for product ID &1
016No BOD hierarchy could be determined for product &1
017No location product master data could be determined for product &1
018No replenishment indicator could be determined for product &1
019The forecast date for the service profile could not be determined
020The start date for the service profile could not be determined
021The end date for the service profile could not be determined
022No forecast profile could be determined for product &1
023No tracking time series could be determined for product &1
024No historical time series could be determined for product &1
025No historical forecast time series could be determined for product &1
026The sum of the weighting factors for trip length &1 is not equal to 100
027Forecast run relevance (minimum number of days) not maintained
028Current period not used (min. work days = &1, current = &2)
029Scaling factor for month not maintained in Customizing
030Forecast service combination is not supported
031Period indicator &1 is not supported by forecast service
032Service combination for service profile &1 is not supported
033Service profile &1: No historical periods or forecast periods maintained
034Service profile &1: Time series ID not fully maintained
035Service profile &1: No period indicator maintained
036Product/location &1/&2&4: Inconsistent historical data in period &3
037Product/location &1/&2&3: Fcst periods fcst profile > service profile
038Product/location &1/&2&3: Start of forecast run
03912 periods are not maintained for profile &1
040The sum of the season coefficients for profile &1 is not equal to 12
041The selection type &1 is not supported by forecast type &2
042The current workdays for location &1 could not be determined
043No product location combination exists for tracking
044No product location combination for automatic model selection
045Product/location/BOD &1/&2&3&4: Start of automatic model selection run
046Product/location &1/&2&3: Start Trigg's tracking signal run
047Product/location &1/&2&3: Trigg's tracking signal run complete
048Product/location &1/&2&3: Start of tripping run
049Product/location &1/&2&3: Tripping run complete
050Product/location &1/&2&3: Start std dev./MAD calc.
051Product/location &1/&2&3: End of std dev./MAD calculation
052Product/location &1/&2&3: No disaggregated forecast exists
053Incorrect use of periodicity in forecast area
054Scaling factor for weeks not maintained in Customizing
055Scaling factor for booking periods not maintained in Customizing
056Forecast for "dynamic moving average" model is zero
057Product/location &1/&2&3: Insufficient history available for model DDF
058Product/location &1/&2&3: Current order item forecast is zero
059Product/location &1/&2&3: Product is classified as 'new'
060Product/location &1/&2&3: Type of restricted forecast change is 'I'
061Product/location &1/&2&3: Historical demand in DDF model is increasing
062Product/location &1/&2&3: V-shaped stocking development for DDF model
063Product/location &1/&2&3: Current upward trend of DDF model
064Tirgger for forecast recalculation in the past not set
065Product/location &1/&2&3: start date forecast recalculation not set
066No product location combination for rough-tuning
067No product location combination for tripping
068No product location combination for forecast run
069Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3&4: Start std dev./MAD calculation
070Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3&4: End std dev./MAD calculation
071Product/location &1/&2&3: Parameter for std dev./MAD calc. is initial
072Product/location &1/&2&3: No outlier correction possible
073Product/location &1/&2&3: Incomplete data for dependent parameter
074Product/location &1/&2&3: No standard deviation in past exists
075Product/location &1/&2&3: Forecast/std dev. of last period taken
076Prod./loc. &1/&2&3: Number of periods for single exp. smoothing missing
077Prod./loc. &1/&2&3: Number of periods for Brown's exp. smoothing missing
078Product/location &1/&2&3: Max. time window in MA model is initial
079Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimal forecast strategy cannot be determined
080Forecast periodicity for application ID & not maintained
081Business variant & does not exist
082Business variant & not supported
083Error when calculating number range interval
084Automatic model selection in Customizing was not configured
085"Initialize Base Values" in Customizing for forecasting not configured
086Trip lengths/periods: &1/&2 no Cust. entry ("Initialize Base Values")
087Start date set to factory calendar start: &1
088End date set to factory calendar end: &1
089Do not use forecast date (service profile) for active version
090Forecast data cannot be used for active version
091Error in function module /SAPAPO/PROGNOSE
092Error Within Outlier Correction for Intermittent Forecast Model
093Error when updating semantic &1 to database
094Semantic &1 already exists on the database
095The Sequence Specified Is Already Reserved
096An Approval Factor Lower Limit > 1 Implies Exponential Growth
097Semantics not contained in InfoProvider &1
098Coefficient is not a valid leading indicator
099Fiscal year variant inconsistent with settings in fcst customizing
100Error in forecast disaggregation
101Error in forecast disaggregation service
102Error when reading location products of package (worklist)
103Error when reading the parameter list of package
104Error when reading the bill of distribution (BOD) &1
105No valid bill of distribution (BOD) for product &1
106Error when reading forecast profile for product/location &1/&2
107Error when instancing data manager &1
108Forecast disaggregation service profile &1 does not exist
109Error during determination of forecast horizon
110Error when reading time series
111Error when reading time series for product/location &1/&2
112Error when changing time series for product/location &1/&2
113Disaggregation executed
114Disaggregation executed with errors
115No key figure available for disaggregation in service profile &1
116Product/location &1/&2: Not relevant for planning
117Virtual child location (product/location &1/&2) not planning relevant
118No location product determined for disaggregation
119Disaggregation was not successfully executed for any location product
120No disaggregation due to forecast run for TPOP (Service profile)
121No disaggregation for virtual child locations (service profile)
122Error when calculating periods
123Product/Location &1/&2: No Location Products for Disaggregation
124Product/location &1/&2: No planning relevant child locations
125Error when deleting values of time series for product/location &1/&2
126Error when setting tracking time stamp
127No period table available
128Loc. &1: Current Period Not Used (Min. Working Days = &2, Current = &3)
129Product/Location/BOD &1/&2/&3: Start of Disaggregation
130Do Not Consider Disaggregation Key Figure &1 Without LI (Srv Profile &2)
131No forecast model has been assigned
132Weighting factor is initial -> AMS forecast error becomes null
133Key figure value too large (key figure &1, product/location &2/&3)
134Key figure value too large (key figure &1, product/location &2/&3 VCL)
135Planning profile has been updated to TPOP selection successfully
136No change has been made to the planning profile
145Planning profile &1 has been updated to TPOP selection successfully
146No TPOP selection change has been made to the planning profile &1
147Error while reading planning profiles
148Forecast run started for &1 Location Products
149Forecast run was successful for &1 Location Products
150Automatic model selection run started for &1 Location Products
151Automatic model selection run completed for &1 Location Products
152Trigg's tracking signal run started for &1 Location Products
153Trigg's tracking signal run completed for &1 Location Products
154Tripping run started for &1 Location Products
155Tripping run completed for &1 Location Products
156Std dev./MAD calculation started for &1 Location Products
157Std dev./MAD calculation ended for &1 Location Products
171Prod./Loc. &1/&2&3: &4 Factor value must lie between 0 and 1
172Prod./Loc. &1/&2&3: Invalid interval of &4 Factor for fine-tuning
176Product/Location &1/&2&3: Coefficient Forecast Not Available
177Product/Location &1/&2&3: Leading Indicator Forecast Not Available
178Product/location &1/&2&3: Statistical test cannot be performed
179Prod./Loc. &1/&2&3: No hist. fcst time series can be determined for &4
180Product/location &1/&2&3: Offset forecast in forecast profile is initial
181Product/location &1/&2&3: Smoothing factor for tracking is initial
182Product/location &1/&2&3: No main supplier available
183Product/location &1/&2&3: Forecast prof. param. "Tracking Horizon" init.
184Product/location &1/&2&3: No demand history available in tracking
185Product/location &1/&2&3: Calculation of MAD not possible
186Product/Location &1/&2&3: Calculation of std dev. not possible
187Prod./loc. &1/&2&3: Hist. periods: Forecast profile > service profile
188Product/location &1/&2&3: Forecast strategy for tripping unreliable
189Prod./loc. &1/&2&3: No std dev. exists for demand/item in tripping
190Product/location &1/&2&3: No std dev. exists for demand in tripping
191Product/location &1/&2&3: No forecast for demand/item exists in tripping
192Product/location &1/&2&3: No forecast for item exists in tripping
193Product/location &1/&2&3: No forecast for demand exists in tripping
194Product/location &1/&2&3: No history for demand/item exists in tripping
195Product/location &1/&2&3: No history for item exists in tripping
196Product/location &1/&2&3: No history for demand exists in tripping
197Product/location &1/&2&3: Inconsistent time series for tripping
198Product/location &1/&2&3: Number of periods for forecast model is too big
199Product/location &1/&2&3: No forecast error time series to be determined
200Product/location &1/&2&3: History for forecast run not sufficient
201Product/location &1/&2&3: No season indices maintained for fcst profile
202Product/location &1/&2&3: No forecast profile exists
203Product/location &1/&2&3: No tracking time series to determine
204Product/location &1/&2&3: No historical time series to determine
205Product/location &1/&2&3: No hist. forecast time series to determine
206Product/location &1/&2&3: No replenishment indicator to determine
207Product/location &1/&2&3: No location product master to determine
208Product/Location &1/&2&4: Manual Approval Must Be Executed
209Prod./Loc. &1/&2&3: Missing Start Value of &4 Factor for fine-tuning
210Prod./Loc. &1/&2&3: Missing End Value of &4 Factor for fine-tuning
211Prod./Loc. &1/&2&3: Define Increment of &4 Factor for fine-tuning
212Product/location &2/&3 forecast strategy &1: rough-tuning not possible
213Product/location &1/&2&3: No smoothing factor set for forecast profile
214Product/location &1/&2&3: Forecast strategy not valid
215Product/location &1/&2&3: Forecast run successful
216Product/location &1/&2&3: Forecast run for TPOP successful
217Product/location &1/&2&4: Tripping for demand occurs on &3
218Product/location &1/&2&4: Tripping for item occurs on &3
219Product/location &1/&2&4: Tripping for demand/item occurs on &3
220Product/location &1/&2&3: Tripping run already occurred for this period
221Product/location &1/&2: Forecast strategy changed from &3 to &4
222Product/location &1/&2&3: Window size (moving average) changed
223Product/loc. &1/&2&3: Initialization period (intermittent model) changed
224Product/Location &1/&2&4: Forecast Approval Executed
225Product/location &1/&2&3: No time series to be determined
226Product/location &1/&2&3: No supplier can be determined for TPOP
227Product/location &1/&2&3 No forecast exists
228Product/location &1/&2&3 intermittent model: Not enough zero periods
229Product/Location &1/&2&3 intermittent model: Not enough periods (>23)
230Product/location &1/&2&4: Declining growth rate is &3
231Product/location &1/&2&4: Production start date &3 -> history shortened
232Product/location &1/&2&3: Automatic model selection run completed
233Product/location &1/&2&4: &3 was successful
234Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization started for FOES
235Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization ended for FOES
236Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization started for SOES
237Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization ended for SOES
238Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization started for moving average
239Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization ended for moving average
240Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization started for linear regression
241Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization ended for linear regression
242Product/loc. &1/&2&3: Optimization started for intermittent fcst model
243Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization ended for intermittent fcst model
244Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization started for DDF model
245Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization ended for DDF model
246Product/location &1/&2&3: Initialization period reduced
247Product/location &1/&2&3: Seasonal trend model with FPG cannot be used
248Product/location &1/&2&3: Parameter for std dev./MAD calc. is initial
249Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3&4: Not relevant for planning
250Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3: Smoothing factor alpha changed after &4
251Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3: Smoothing factor beta changed after &4
252Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3: Fenster size changed after &4
253Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3: Initialization periods changed after &4
254Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3&4: Automatic model selection completed
255Product/Location &1/&2&4: No Disaggregated Forecast Exists
256Product/Location &1/&2&4: No Statistical Forecast Available
257Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3&4: Forecast run successful
258Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3&4: Start of forecast run
259Error in forecasting service
260Product/location &1/&2&3: History in weeks cannot be determined
261Prod./Loc./BOD &1/&2/&3&4: Historical Time Series Cannot Be Determined
262Product/Location &1/&2: Not Enough History for Seasonal Test
263Product/Location &1/&2: Not Enough History for Trend Test
264Product/Location &1/&2: Not Enough History for Sporadic Test
265Product/loc. &1/&2/&3: BAdI for customer-defined fcst model not active
266Product/loc. &1/&2/&3: Optimization customer-defined fcst started
267Product/loc. &1/&2/&3: Optimization customer-defined forecast ended
268Product/Location &1/&2&3: No Ex-Post Forecast for Error Calculation
269Product/Location &1/&2&3: No Error Calculation Possible
270Product/Location &1/&2&3: Invalid Forecast Error Combination
271Product/location &1/&2&3: no profile assigned to AMS
272Product/location &1/&2&3: no checking sequence for profile &4
273Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization started for Season Trend Model
274Product/location &1/&2&3: Optimization ended for Season Trend Model
275Product/location/BOD &1/&2/&3: Smoothing factor gamma changed after &4
276Prod./Loc. &1/&2&3 Interm.Mod.: One period of last 3 months must be zero
277Product/location &1/&2: Forecast strategy remains &3
278Product/location &1/&2&3: Alpha Factor value is too high
279Prod./loc. &1/&2&3 intermittent model: zero-demand periods > init. per.
280Product/location &1/&2&3: Beta Factor value is too high
281Product/Location &1/&2: Seasonal Test cannot be performed
282Product/Location &1/&2: Trend Test cannot be performed
283Product/Location &1/&2: Sporadic Test cannot be performed
284Product/Location &1/&2: Dynamic moving avarage Test cannot be performed
285Product/location &1/&2&3: Gamma Factor value is too high
286Product/location &1/&2&3: Offset exceeds the forecast periods
300Error in forecast profile copy service
301Service profile &1 of forecast profile copy service does not exist
302Copying of forecast profiles from version &1 to version &2
303Copying of forecast profile for version &1
304Copying of forecast profiles for products
305Copying of forecast profiles for locations
306Copying of Forecast Profiles for Location Products (incl. VCL and TPOP)
307Error when copying forecast profile for version &1
308Error when copying forecast profiles for products
309Error when copying forecast profiles for locations
310Error when copying forecast profiles for location products
311Error in forecast profile deletion service
312Delete forecast profiles of version &1
313Error when deleting forecast profiles of version &1
314Forecast profiles of active version cannot be deleted
315Enter a Location (VCL, TPOP, and Semantics only for Location Product)
316Enter a Product (VCL, TPOP and Semantics only for Location Product)
317Choose either VCL or TPOP
318No Forecast Profile Parameters Exists in Copy Profile &1
319Copy Profile & for Forecast Profile Copy Servie not available
320Source Version Cannot Be Combined with Key Fig. of Forecast Profile Copy
321"Overwrite Forecast Profile" Can Only Be Used in Version Copy
322Source Forecast Profile Location &1
323Source Forecast Profile Product &1
324Source Forecast Profile Location Product (Loc./Prod.) &1/&2
325Source Forecast Profile Location Product VCL (Loc./Prod.) &1/&2
326Source Forecast Profile Location Product TPOP (Loc./Prod.) &1/&2
327Source Forecast Profile Semantics &1
328Source Forecast Profile: Semantics Can Only Be Used for Location Products
329Source Forecast Profile: VCL/TPOP Can Only Be Used for Location Products
330No Target Forecast Profile Defined
331Loc. Prod. of Source Forecast Profile: VCL and TPOP Cannot Be Combined
332Source/Target Forecast Profile TPOP Cannot Be Combined with Semantics
333Forecast Profile Copy in Version &1
334Source Forecast Profile Version &1
335No Copy of Source Forecast Profile Product/Location Product by Location
336No Copy of Source Forecast Profile Location/Location Product by Products
337Use the Version Copy for Copying Between Versions
338Fields In Area Version Copy and Forecasat Profile Copy Defined
339Enter Location and Product (VCL, TPOP and Semantics Only for Loc. Prod.)
340Source Forecast Profile: Leading Indicator Semantics &1 Not Defined
341Target Forecast Profile: Locations
342Target Forecast Profile: Products
343Target Forecast Profile: Location Products (&1) / VCL (&2) / TPOP (&3)
344Copy Profile &1
345Forecast profile parameter &1 does not exist
346Forecast profile parameter &1 cannot be copied
347Error reading forecast profile parameters
348Enter a semantic that is assigned to a leading indicator group
349Location product &1 &2 : offset parameter changed to &3
350Location product &1 &2 (VCL): offset parameter changed to &3
351Location product &1 &2 (VCL): offset parameter field is locked
352Location product &1 &2: offset parameter field is locked
353Forecast profile parameter &1 converted to &2
360Product/location &1/&2: Plan relevant, forecast profile not deleted
361Product/location &1/&2: Forecast profile deleted
400Internal error (notify system administrator or SAP)
401Change of period indicator is not allowed
402Warning! Change of period indicator leads to inconsistencies
403Business year variant must be specified
404For fiscal year variant, the period key figure must be the posting period
500General data (ID &1/&2) of service profile (&3/&4) differ
501Fcst run for TPOP cannot be combined with selection (only VCL) (ID &1)
502No type of forecast run in service profile (ID for general data &1)
503No type of selection in service profile (ID for general data &1)
504No trigger exists for the recalculation of forecast in the past
505Error while reading the forecast profile
506Product/location &1/&2: No start date for recalculation of forecast
507Product/location &1/&2/VCL: No start date for recalculation of forecast
508Product/location &1/&2/TPOP: No start date for recalculation of forecast
509Recalculation of forecast in the past executed
510Recalculation of forecast in the past executed with errors
511Error when reading the bill of distribution (BOD) for product &1
512Start date for recalculation of forecast in the past: &1
513Service profile 'recalculation of forecast in the past' &1 does not exist
514Error in service 'recalculation of forecast in the past'
515Error when reading forecast service profiles (service profile &1)
516Error when instantiating forecast service &1
517Error when deleting historical forecasts
518Error when reading time series metadata (time series &1)
519Error when changing time series
520Do Not Use a Start Date in Service Profile &1 (General Date &2)
521Internal Error: End Date / Time Stamp Is Before Start Date / Time Stamp
522No Recalculation of Leading-Indicator-Based Forecast (Service Profile &1)
523General data (ID &1) for service profile &2 does not exist
524Forecast service profile: General data (ID &1) does not exist
525No entry exists in the semantic table
526Inconsistent 'Trigger Group' and 'Read Triggers First' indicators
540Create trigger for recalculation of forecast in past
541Trigger &1 for location &2, product &3 in version &4 created
550Recalculation of forecast in past in single step started
551Product/location &1/&2&3: Recalculation of forecast in past started
552Forecast date &1: Forecast recalculation started
553Forecast date &1: Historical time series data is not available
554Forecast date &1: Forecast recalculation completed
555Forecast date &1: Standard deviation/MAD calculated
556Product/Location/BOD &1/&2/&3: Disaggregation started
557Forecast date &1: Disaggregation completed
558Forecast date &1: Standard deviation of disag. fcst. calculated
559Product/location &1/&2&3: Final forecast in past created
560Forecast date &1: Not enough historical values exist for initialization
561Forecast date &1: Forecast data does not exist
562Forecast date &1: Saving forecast data is not possible
563Forecast data in past saved to database
600Product &1: Start preparation service for leading-indicator-based fcst
601Product &1: End preparation service for leading-indicator-based forecast
602Product/Key Figure Group &1/&2: No Semantics Available
603Type of forecast run (TPOP) is not allowed for service profile &1
604Type of Selection for Service Profile &1 Must Be the "Overall BOD"
605Product/Location &1/&2&3: LI Key Figure in Forecast Profile Is Initial
606Type of Forecast Run (TPOP) Is Not Possible for LI-Based Forecast
607No historical data available for this selection in the data source
608Product &1: Leading indicator must be consistent for BOD
609The leading indicator &1 is not part of the time series data management
610Error in ATP check for product &1
611No stockholding location could be determined
612Product/location &1/&2 is not contained in the current BOD
613No internal location to determine for external location &1
614Replacement Type &1 is not allowed
700liveCache orders detected &1
701liveCache order number &1
702Start test: Delete liveCache orders
703End test: Delete liveCache orders
704Start: Delete liveCache orders
705End: Delete liveCache orders
706Deletion of liveCache orders successful
707Maximum Deviation Calculated Incorrectly
708Final Forecast Calculated Incorrectly
800Maximum Deviation Calculated Incorrectly
801Final Forecast Calculated Incorrectly
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