/SAPAPO/PHAS - Phase-In and Phase-Out Planning in Service Parts Planning
The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/PHAS: Phase-In and Phase-Out Planning in Service Parts Planning.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/PHAS in software component SCM-APO-SPP-SFC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Phase-In and Phase-Out Forecast for Service Parts Planning".
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/PHAS in software component SCM-APO-SPP-SFC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Phase-In and Phase-Out Forecast for Service Parts Planning".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Enter the location |
002 | Location & does not exist |
003 | Phase-in group & does not exist |
004 | Phase-in profiles of phase-in group & were deleted |
005 | No profile generated for phase-in group &1: No. products &2 too small |
006 | Phase-in group &1 standard profile was created with &2 products |
007 | Phase-in group &1 low profile was created with &2 products |
008 | Phase-in group &1 high profile was created with &2 products |
009 | Phase-in group &1 medium profile was created with &2 products |
010 | Product & has no phase-in group |
011 | No phase-in forecast for product &1 with group &2: No profile |
012 | No phase-in forecast for product &1 with group &2: Multiple profiles |
013 | No phase-in forecast for product &: No production start date |
014 | No phase-in forecast for product &1 with group &2: No group |
015 | Phase-out group & does not exist |
016 | Phase-out profiles of phase-out group & were deleted |
017 | Phase-in group &1 does not exist for product &2 |
018 | Phase-out group &1 does not exist for product &2 |
019 | Product & has no production start date |
020 | Location &1 product &2 has no production end date |
021 | Phase-out profile of phase-out group & was generated |
022 | Phase-out profile does not exist for group &1 location &2 product &3 |
023 | No phase-out forecast for product &1 with group &2: No group |
024 | No phase-out forecast location &1 product &2: No historical data |
025 | Phase-out forecast was executed for group &1 location &2 product &3 |
026 | Phase-in forecast was executed for product &1 with group &2 |
027 | No phase-in profile exists for phase-in group & |
028 | No phase-in forecast exists for product &1 |
029 | Phase-in forecast for product &1 was executed with group &2 |
030 | Phase-in forecast for product & was saved |
031 | No phase-in forecast for product &1: No forecast profile |
032 | No phase-out profile exists for phase-out group & |
033 | Product & has no phase-out group |
034 | The "new product" indicator is not set for product & |
035 | Phase-out forecast for product & was saved |
036 | Error when reading historical data for products with TSID & |
037 | Phase-in/out service profile &1 does not exist |
038 | An exception occurred in the phase-in forecast |
039 | Error in the Planning Service Manager: No DAO object for TSID & |
040 | Error when reading forecast data for products with TSID & |
041 | Product & is excluded from phase-in profile: Successor product |
042 | Product & is excluded from phase-in profil: No history |
043 | Product &1 is excluded from phase-in: Number of histories &2 |
044 | Product & is excluded from phase-out profile: Interchangeability |
045 | Product & is excluded from phase-out profile: Promotion |
046 | No phase-in forecast for product &: No BOD |
047 | Forecast profile does not exist for product & |
048 | No global distribution factor exists for location & |
049 | No phase-in forecast for product &: No location distribution |
050 | Location does not exist in the BOD of product & |
051 | Error when saving forecast data with TSID & |
052 | Error when saving forecast profile in phase-in/out forecast |
053 | Future production end date location &1 product &2: No phase-out |
054 | Error when saving in the Planning Service Manager (PSM) |
055 | No phase-in forecast for location &1, product &2: No forecast profile |
056 | Phase-in forecast executed for location &1, product &2 |
057 | Error when setting alerts in phase-in forecast |
058 | BAPI promotion &1 was created by &4 for location &2, product &3 |
059 | Maximum number of historical periods is smaller than profile length |
060 | Location &1 product &2 has no forecast profile |
061 | Location &1 product &2 has no phase-out group |
062 | Phase-out group &1 for location &2 product &3 does not exist |
063 | No sub-profile for group & year &: No. of location products is too small |
064 | No phase-out profile generated for phase-out group & |
065 | Phase-out group &1 is assigned to location &2 and product &3 |
066 | Phase-out profile of phase-out group &1 is displayed |
067 | Error when deleting data with TSID &1 |
068 | Error when setting trigger for location &1 product &2 |
069 | Location &1 product &2 is excluded: Too little history |
070 | Phase-out profile was not generated |
071 | Production start date &1 of product &2 is outside of the periods |
072 | Error when deleting trigger for product & |
073 | Production Start Date is inconsistent for location &1, product &2 |
074 | Product & with 0 history is considered for phase-in profil. |
075 | No forecast data found for phase-out group &1 in year &2 |
076 | Product &1 used in standard profile (tot. dem. &2) |
077 | Product &1 used in low-demand profile (tot. dem. &2) |
078 | Product &1 used in medium-demand profile (tot. dem. &2) |
079 | Product &1 used in high-demand profile (tot. dem. &2) |
080 | Forecast orders were created for location &1, product &2 |