/SAPAPO/PMDS_RECLASS - Reclass Automatic BOD change

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/PMDS_RECLASS: Reclass Automatic BOD change.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/PMDS in software component SCM-APO-SPP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Master Data Services".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Automatic BoD change (ABC)
001Automatic BOD Change service started
002No current, valid BOD found for product &1
003Error when reading product master data for product &1
004No rules for planning version &1 found
005BOD &1 for product &2 could not be read
006BOD change &1 to &2 for product &3 FAILED
007Error when determining model for version &1
008Error when initializing forecast DAOs
009Error when reading forecast for product &1
010BOD of product &1 was changed. Old BOD: &2. New BOD: &3
011Error when assigning BOD &1 for product &2. Check the assignment
012Check product &1
013Rule &1 (BOD &2 after BOD &3) applies for product &4
014Error when initializing service
015APO model could not be specified for version &1
016Error when reading service Customizing
017Customizing error: No BRF+ Function is defined.
018Rule &1 for product &2 could not be interpreted
019Product &1 is excluded from automatic BOD change
020Customizing error: Free attributer missing for auto. BoD change key fig.
021Rule (BOD &1 -> BOD &2) for procuct &3 is being checked
022Rule (BOD &1 -> BOD &2) does not apply for product &3
023Maximum number of usage per PSM-job exceeded for rule &1 to &2
024Simulation ran on BOD of product &1. Old BOD: &2. New BOD: &3
025Simulation ran on location &1. New Replindi: &2
026Simulation ran on location &1 not in BOD. New Replindi: &2
027BOD &1 for product &2 not changed. No valid rule exists.
028Simulation mode enabled.
029Replenishment indicator changed on location &1. New Replindi: &2
030Check the context name in the selected BRF+ function. &1 doesn't exist.
031Product &1 is already assigned to the BOD &2.
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