/SAPAPO/PUIA_MESS - Message Class for Package /SAPAPO/PUIA_MESS
The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/PUIA_MESS: Message Class for Package /SAPAPO/PUIA_MESS.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/PUIA_COMMON in software component SCM-APO-SPP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "General Objects".
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/PUIA_COMMON in software component SCM-APO-SPP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "General Objects".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | No entry found |
002 | Location &1 does not exist in BOD |
003 | No BOD found |
004 | Location &1 does not exist |
005 | There are more than &1 entry options |
006 | An exception has occurred |
007 | An exception has occurred: &1&2&3&4 |
008 | Product &1 does not exist |
009 | System error: Entry &1 not found in table &2 (class &3) |
010 | System error: Entry not found in table &1 (class &2) |
011 | &1&2&3&4 |
012 | Select one line only |
013 | Forecast could not be saved |
014 | Error when reading forecast data |
015 | Error when reading initial forecast data |
016 | An error occurred during the forecast run |
017 | Next save or reset modified data |
018 | Product group &1 has already been assigned |
019 | Error when reading forecast profile data |
020 | Error when reading change locks |
021 | Error during initialization of Planning Service Manager |
022 | Forecast profile could not be saved |
023 | Forecast profile saved |
024 | System error: Data element &1 does not exist |
025 | No data changed |
026 | Forecast profile could not be locked |
027 | Error in Planning Service Manager |
028 | Forecast run is only possible in the change mode |
029 | Data saved |
030 | Order document number &1 is locked. Display only |
031 | Error when reading planning relevance indicator |
032 | Ind. VCL is not consistent for product &1 and location &2 after date &3 |
033 | Location &1 is not valid for product &2 within time period &3 &4 |
034 | No appropriate BOD for product &1 within time period &2 &3 |
035 | Version &1 does not exist |
036 | Enter order number |
037 | Order number &1 already exists |
038 | First select one or more rows |
039 | Error when reading the unit of measure &1 |
040 | Parameter TPOP only possible with location product |
041 | Parameter for virtual child location only possible with location product |
042 | Parameter for TPOP and virtual child location not possible in combination |
043 | Time zone &1 is invalid |
044 | Time stamp &1 is invalid |
045 | No alerts generated |
046 | Location is not a virtual child location (VCL) |
047 | Sales order &1, item &2, for loss reason &3 can only be displayed |
048 | Detailed smoothing parameter setting is only possible in change mode |
049 | Loss reason &1 does not exist, select a valid loss reason |
050 | Maintain start date of fixed demand |
051 | Maintain end date of fixed demand |
052 | Invalid selection |
053 | This document cannot be deleted |
054 | Delivery schedule with the same &1 already exists |
055 | System error: Phase-in profile type &1 does not exist |
056 | First select a row |
057 | Version must be specified |
058 | Product group value &1 does not exist |
059 | Means of transport &1 does not exist |
060 | Delivery status &1 does not exist |
061 | Key fields not specified consistentyl (see long text) |
062 | Standard times could not be saved |
063 | &1 has not been assigned a valid user role |
064 | Function is only possible for planning-relevant location products |
065 | Maintain location in selection |
066 | Enter a quantity to be distributed that is greater than zero |
067 | Enter one ship-from location |
068 | Selection not feasible with product and partner-dependent parameters |
069 | Selection not feasible with location and partner-dependent parameters |
070 | Ship-from location &1 does not exist |
071 | No product exists for partner product selection parameter |
072 | No location exists for customer location selection parameter |
073 | No customer location could be determined |
074 | No product could be determined |
075 | No ship-from location could be determined |
076 | No allowed planner for user could be determined |
077 | No valid assignment to ship-from location &1 |
078 | Location ' &1 ' has no virtual child location |
079 | No location exists for partner ship-from location selection parameter |
080 | Forecast data was saved |
081 | No feasible planner could be determined for location product &1 &2 |
082 | No feasible planner could be determined for ship-from location &1 |
083 | Value &1 is not permitted for field &2 |
084 | &1 &2 saved successfully |
085 | Disaggreation exectuted |
086 | No data loaded yet |
087 | Error when saving |
088 | Incorrect selection |
089 | Restrict your selection |
090 | Incorrect discrepancy entries |
091 | Error occurred reading data |
092 | Error when updating the modifiable fields |
093 | Error during determination of InfoProvider |
094 | Error during determination of info object for &1 |
095 | Error during determination of the F4 help for characteristics semantic &1 |
096 | Error occurred reading data |
097 | Error occurred reading data |
098 | Error during determination of the scaling factor |
099 | Invalid data status |
100 | Invalid data status |
101 | The specified value &1 is invalid |
102 | No data found for selection |
103 | An error occurred when reading data |
104 | No rows selected |
105 | No changeable key figures selected |
106 | Specified value &1 has too many decimal places |
107 | Maintain product in selection |
108 | Error when reading location properties |
109 | Error during release |
110 | Adjusted and adjusted scaling demand cannot be changed simultaneously |
111 | Error when generating initial periods |
112 | No business partner exists for ship-from location |
113 | &1 is not an entry location. Entry location &2 selected |
114 | No location maintained in selection. Entry location &1 selected |
115 | Forecast approval executed |
116 | No time series data exists for selection |
117 | No valid assignment to product &1 |
118 | The value &1 specified for characteristic '&2' is invalid |
119 | Changes rejected |
120 | Error during determination of number of decimal places |
121 | User &1 is not assigned to planner of location product &2 &3 |
122 | Enter product or location |
123 | Enter parameter product or phase-in group |
124 | Workaround 20.07.2004: Please restart transaction |
125 | Select Document |
126 | The process was executed without errors |
127 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
128 | Enter an entry location |
129 | Enter a product |
130 | Select one row to process schedule lines/notes |
131 | No alerts exist |
132 | User &1 is not assigned to location product &2 &3 |
133 | No hits for selection |
134 | No ship-from location assigned to business partner &1 |
135 | Data is being saved |
136 | Date &1 &2 is in the past |
137 | Priority value must be greater than zero |
138 | Maintain deployment date |
139 | Enter delivery date or shipping date |
140 | There are no changes |
141 | Enter purchase order quantity |
142 | Fixed demand end date &1 is before the fixed demand start date &2 |
143 | Fixed demand end time &1 is before the fixed demand start time &2 |
144 | Deployment type date &1 comes before the fixed demand start date &2 |
145 | Deployment type time &1 comes before the fixed demand start time &2 |
146 | Deployment type date &1 comes after the fixed demand end date &2 |
147 | Deployment type time &1 comes after the fixed demand end time &2 |
148 | Maintain the deployment type date |
149 | The quantity must be greater than zero |
150 | No valid ship-from location could be determined |
151 | No location products found matching selection |
152 | Push deployment is not possible from a virtual child location |
153 | Type of restricted forecast change must be specified |
154 | Start date for restricted forecast change must be specified |
155 | End date for restricted forecast change must be specified |
156 | Maintain a reason for the fixed demand |
157 | Reason code &1 is invalid |
158 | Switch to change mode (pushbutton "Change") |
159 | Only one order can be processed at a time |
160 | Select only one VLCO |
161 | The selected VLCO has no net demand |
162 | Product &1 does not exist. Enter a valid product |
163 | Enter a location |
164 | Location &1 does not exist. Enter a valid location |
165 | Start date > end date for limited forecast change |
166 | Start date for limited forecast change not entered |
167 | End date for limited forecast change not entered |
168 | SPP cockpit can only be displayed for internal planners |
169 | Selections with partner-dependent parameters need a ship-from location |
170 | No allowed location products were found |
171 | Selected product not allowed for partner |
172 | Selected location not allowed for partner |
173 | Choose a schedule line quantity greater than the goods issue quantity |
174 | Quantity can be reduced by max. the open quantity (min. quantity =&1) |
175 | Location was possibly consolidated during background process |
176 | Error when saving &1 |
177 | Enter a partner product |
178 | Error Locking/Unlocking |
179 | Temporary EOQ/SFT results successfully released |
180 | Schedule line &1 cannot be deleted (inbound deliveries/goods receipt) |
181 | &1 orders not saved (please complete orders) |
182 | Enter an operator |
183 | Enter a value for the operator |
184 | Start date is after end date |
185 | Enter an purchase order quantity in schedule line &1 |
186 | Fixed demands with reason code &1 cannot be changed |
187 | Dependent key figures for key figure view &1 transferred into layout |
188 | Key figure layout for key figure view &1 automatically created |
189 | Enter sequence number |
190 | Approval status of document does not allow manual changes |
191 | Incorrect use of periodicity in forecast area |
192 | User &1 is already assigned to a standard view |
193 | Sequence number is not clear |
194 | Use of periodicity has errors |
195 | No details available for key figure &1 |
196 | Select a key figure/period combination for details |
197 | TPOP for product/location &1/&2 not possible |
198 | Location &1 is not an entry location |
199 | Enter a product or an APN or an APN Type |
200 | Enter a partner product or an APN |
201 | No product found for alternative product number |
202 | No product selected because APN was assigned to multiple products |
203 | Standard view for user &1 must be maintained |
204 | Key figure view &1 does not exist |
205 | No standard view for user &1 maintained |
206 | No key figure view found |
207 | Number of decimal places must be maintained |
208 | No details for initial values |
209 | Selection interval not allowed for &1 |
210 | Enter parameter product or phase-out group |
211 | Enter parameter product |
212 | Enter parameter location |
213 | No valid BOD available |
214 | BOD &1 does not exist |
215 | Error when determining planning relevance |
216 | Location product (&1, &2) is not planning-relevant |
217 | Error when deleting location products |
218 | Semantic &1 contains values for invalid periods |
219 | Error message from BAdI /SAPAPO/SPPFCST_KF is incomplete |
220 | Fixed demand or fixed receipt is already deleted |
221 | Error when saving ( &1 ) |
222 | Only use APO SA items (no OLTP scheduling agreements: &1) |
223 | Only use scheduling agreements and contracts as source of supply |
224 | Planners of user are not responsible for location products |
225 | No orders exist for the selection criteria |
226 | No orders exist for location product &1, &2 |
227 | User &1 is not assigned to planner of location product &2 &3 |
228 | Error in F4 help |
229 | Maintain sales order number in selection |
230 | Enter item number for reference document &1 |
231 | Means of transport not determined (docu. does not have source of supply) |
232 | Delivery date &1 is in the past (schedule line &2) |
233 | Scheduling for schedule line &1 automatically executed |
234 | Shipping date &1 is in the past (schedule line &2) |
235 | Check procurement duration of schedule line &1 (rescheduling if nec.) |
236 | Order is subject to management approval |
237 | Check approval status (no management approval rule violated) |
238 | Inventory planning parameters could not be saved |
239 | Inventory planning parameters were not changed |
240 | Inventory planning parameters were saved |
241 | Transportation lane is not valid on availability/outbound delivery date |
242 | Inventory planning was saved |
243 | Inventory planning could not be saved |
244 | Shipping date of SL &1 adjusted (according to suppl. shipping calendar) |
245 | Functionality not possible for application &1 |
246 | User &1 is not assigned to a partner |
247 | Enter either a partner outbound delivery date or outbound delivery loc. |
248 | Trigger for recalculation of forecast in the past set |
249 | There is already a location product in the change mode |
250 | Entry location &1 does not exist |
251 | Supplier &1 does not exist |
252 | '*' is not a valid entry |
253 | No inbound deliveries found for selection |
254 | Value &1 for &2 is invalid |
255 | &1 &2 deleted successfully |
256 | Details do not exist |
257 | Select a cell first |
258 | Deployment date/time was adjusted |
259 | No change history for selected fixed demand/receipt |
260 | Details do not exist |
261 | Final demand not consistent with final item |
262 | No authorization for changes to location product &1 &2 (planner &3) |
263 | BOD &1 not in valid time period |
264 | System error: &1 |
265 | Negative value &1 in period &2 is not allowed |
266 | Sales order for note is already deleted/archived |
267 | Change mode is already active |
268 | Error when checking the change authorization |
269 | Specify a version first |
270 | Attribute of x-axis is not maintained |
271 | Attribute of y-axis is not maintained |
272 | Forecast was performed |
273 | Automatic model selection was performed |
274 | Fine tuning was performed |
275 | Trigger for data realignment of demand history was not set |
276 | Planners of user are not responsible for location products |
277 | Inactive fixed demand/receipt cannot be changed |
278 | It is not possible to save due to errors during simulation |
279 | Key figure view ID must be maintained |
280 | No fixed demands or fixed receipts found for selection |
281 | Entries without stockholding locations cannot be changed |
282 | Order status was reset to 'released or frozen' |
283 | Promotion indicator cannot be set for all chosen rows |
284 | Start Date &1 Is in the Past (Document &2) |
285 | Enter a Product Group Type |
286 | Enter a Product Group |
287 | Enter a Product or Product Group and Product Group Type |
288 | Enter a Copy Profile |
289 | Forecast Profile Parameter Has Been Copied |
290 | Coefficient is not a valid leading indicator |
291 | LI and LI group applied to all locations below the entry location |
292 | Calculation of daily consumption: no scaling factor found |
293 | Availability date &1 is in the past (document &2) |
294 | Inheritance of fcst prof. data to fcst prof. of loc.prod. started |
295 | Inheritance of fcst prof. data to fcst prof. of loc.prod. ended |
296 | Selection restricted to &1 hits |
297 | Entries already exist in the database |
298 | No changes allowed for non-OEM location &1 |
299 | Orders for product &1, location &2 can only be approved by dealer |
300 | Invalid planner |
301 | Quantity change for STO in line &1 is not allowed. |
302 | Selection restricted to &1 products |
303 | No time series data available for chart display |
304 | Life cycle demand cannot be deleted |
305 | Selection variant &1 has been successfully created |
306 | Selection variant &1 has been successfully modified |
307 | Selection variant &1 has been successfully deleted |
308 | Selection variant &1 could not be created |
309 | Selection variant &1 could not be modified |
310 | Selection variant &1 could not be deleted |
311 | Enter APN with APN Type |
312 | Select only one row |
313 | User is not assigned to the entered planner |
314 | Save was not processed because there were no changes. |
315 | Enter also a product or the default version (000) |
316 | Missing authorization for application (user &1) |
317 | Internal technical problem. The Critical Sales Orders could not be read. |
318 | Maintain key figure in selection |
319 | No product found for alternative product number type |
320 | No ship-to location could be determined |
321 | Date &1 time &2 (&3) is in the past |
322 | Enter a product or an order number |
323 | Inheritance of forecast profile data started for prod. forecast profile |
324 | Inheritance of forecast profile data ended for prod. forecast profile |
325 | BOD &1 for product &2 is inconsistent |
326 | Alternative product number (APN) type &1 does not exist |
327 | Enter either a planning version and product or a planner |
328 | Selection not feasible with parameters date and day range |
329 | No change in Availability Date for new Shipping Date &1 |
330 | Order number &1 has been deleted and cannot be changed. |
331 | DRP has marked order &1 for deletion. Order can not be changed. |
332 | Order &1 has no valid source of supply or transportation lane |
333 | Forecast profile currently being updated by user &1. Try again later. |
334 | Update to Forecast Profile inheritance data has started. |
335 | Priority value must be less than 256 |
336 | Can not create confirmation. The selected item is not planning relevant. |
337 | Updated data available. Execute selection query for data refresh. |
338 | No current demand history is found for adjusted demand entries in loc. &1 |
339 | Neg. Demand Quantity is invalid. Order &1 Item &2 Sched.Line &3 not saved |
340 | Demand Category &1 is invalid. Order &2 Item &3 Sched.Line &4 not saved |