/SAPAPO/RRP_SBC - Message Class for ATP Integration

The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/RRP_SBC: Message Class for ATP Integration.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/RRP_SBC in software component SCM-APO-PPS-SBC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ATP for Planned and Production Orders".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Logical System could not be determined
001Pegid not found
002Class not maintained in customizing.Dummy class is selected for processig
003Plant and Material can't be blank
004Processing Terminated
005Deletion Failed for Order &1 Item &2
006Start of Availability Check
007Pegid determined &1 for &2 &3 &4 combination
008Pegid could not be determined
009Class & is selected for Production Planning
010Transaction GUID &
011MRP Area &1 is selected
012Taskhandler registered for TRGUID &
013Planning Procedure &1, Product Heuritics &2 is selected
014Planning starts with 'Production Directly' approach
015Confirmation created for Order &1 Item &2
016Confirmation could not be created for Order &1 Item &2
017Start of availability check
018End of availability check
019Deletion started for Order &1 Item &2
020Deletion of access to the Posguid to be pegged
021Deletion of the external quantity assignments for the Posguid
022Deletion of the SBC quantity assignments for the Posguid
023Deletion of the fix pegging allocations
024Deletion of the required quantity assignments for Posguid
025Deletion of the internal quantity assignments for the Posguid
026Release Item
027Deletion successful for Order &1 Item &2
028Cancel Failed
029Start of deletion of existing buffered requirement for order &1 item &2
030End of deletion of existing buffered requirements for order &1 item &2
031Cancel Process starts for transaction GUID &
032Cancel Process completed successfully for transaction GUID &
033Class &1 is invalid for planning procedure &2
034Feature not supported
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