/SAPAPO/RRP_SBC - Message Class for ATP Integration
The following messages are stored in message class /SAPAPO/RRP_SBC: Message Class for ATP Integration.
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/RRP_SBC in software component SCM-APO-PPS-SBC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ATP for Planned and Production Orders".
It is part of development package /SAPAPO/RRP_SBC in software component SCM-APO-PPS-SBC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ATP for Planned and Production Orders".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Logical System could not be determined |
001 | Pegid not found |
002 | Class not maintained in customizing.Dummy class is selected for processig |
003 | Plant and Material can't be blank |
004 | Processing Terminated |
005 | Deletion Failed for Order &1 Item &2 |
006 | Start of Availability Check |
007 | Pegid determined &1 for &2 &3 &4 combination |
008 | Pegid could not be determined |
009 | Class & is selected for Production Planning |
010 | Transaction GUID & |
011 | MRP Area &1 is selected |
012 | Taskhandler registered for TRGUID & |
013 | Planning Procedure &1, Product Heuritics &2 is selected |
014 | Planning starts with 'Production Directly' approach |
015 | Confirmation created for Order &1 Item &2 |
016 | Confirmation could not be created for Order &1 Item &2 |
017 | Start of availability check |
018 | End of availability check |
019 | Deletion started for Order &1 Item &2 |
020 | Deletion of access to the Posguid to be pegged |
021 | Deletion of the external quantity assignments for the Posguid |
022 | Deletion of the SBC quantity assignments for the Posguid |
023 | Deletion of the fix pegging allocations |
024 | Deletion of the required quantity assignments for Posguid |
025 | Deletion of the internal quantity assignments for the Posguid |
026 | Release Item |
027 | Deletion successful for Order &1 Item &2 |
028 | Cancel Failed |
029 | Start of deletion of existing buffered requirement for order &1 item &2 |
030 | End of deletion of existing buffered requirements for order &1 item &2 |
031 | Cancel Process starts for transaction GUID & |
032 | Cancel Process completed successfully for transaction GUID & |
033 | Class &1 is invalid for planning procedure &2 |
034 | Feature not supported |